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石油专业课 (41 人)

中国石油专业是石油、石化高层次人才培养的重要基地,被誉为石油科技人才的摇篮.石油专业课程教研室 ...

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预览 中国应为人民币找到新的平衡 仙仙 2015-8-26 03843 仙仙 2015-8-26 10:47
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预览 The best cities in the world for culture and the arts 仙仙 2015-8-26 03696 仙仙 2015-8-26 10:46
预览 Why rebellious kids make more money later in life 仙仙 2015-8-25 03665 仙仙 2015-8-25 09:05
预览 11 tips for effective workplace housekeeping 仙仙 2015-8-25 03173 仙仙 2015-8-25 09:05
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预览 10 email etiquette rules every professional should know 仙仙 2015-8-25 03183 仙仙 2015-8-25 09:04
预览 World's longest nonstop flight announced 仙仙 2015-8-25 03117 仙仙 2015-8-25 09:04
预览 Unusual jobs CEOs had before they became successful 仙仙 2015-8-25 04333 仙仙 2015-8-25 09:03
预览 Great leaders aren't born. But they're not made, either. 仙仙 2015-8-25 03761 仙仙 2015-8-25 09:03
预览 Tokyo 'should regain trust' by following path set by Germany 仙仙 2015-8-25 03199 仙仙 2015-8-25 09:03
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预览 The one big problem with Netflix's unlimited maternity policy 仙仙 2015-8-25 03054 仙仙 2015-8-25 09:02
预览 Queen advertises for £21K assistant to reply to her 60,000 letters a year 仙仙 2015-8-25 02956 仙仙 2015-8-25 09:02
预览 Omate's pricey ring vibrates just for your beloved 仙仙 2015-8-25 02852 仙仙 2015-8-25 09:02
预览 Star Wars amusement parks to be launched by Disney 仙仙 2015-8-25 03219 仙仙 2015-8-25 09:01
预览 Acting out your life 仙仙 2015-8-25 03020 仙仙 2015-8-25 09:01
预览 Chinese yuan devaluation will really, really hurt luxury brands 仙仙 2015-8-25 03111 仙仙 2015-8-25 09:01
预览 Can 3D films make you SMARTER? 仙仙 2015-8-25 03130 仙仙 2015-8-25 09:01
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