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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-17 17:13:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The Global Partnership for Education has launched a three-year effort to put 25 million children in the classroom for the first time and train 600 thousand teachers. It calls education one of the most important investments a country can make in its people and its future.
全球合作教育已经开始了为期三年的教育计划:他们将25,000,000孩子送进了课堂,同时培养出300,000名教师。 该机构将教育看做国家对百姓还有未来最重要的投资。
The partnership recently awarded nearly 170 million dollars in education grants to seven developing countries. It was the first round of grants since the organization changed its name a few months ago from the Fast Track Initiative. Fast Track was founded in 2002.
合伙企业最近拨出170,000,000美元用于资助发展中国家的教育。 该机构之前叫做快车道行动计划,几个月前才改名。 这是改名之后的第一次拨款。该机构成立于2002年。
Charles Tapp is the global partnership's senior replenishment advisor. "It was clear to us that there had been a lot of evolution of the old Fast Track Initiative, which was essentially something of a donors' club, I think. And what was clear from our perspective that we were not just a funding entity. This was indeed a partnership."
查尔斯.塔普说是全球合作企业的资深补给顾问。 “我认为,和之前相比,现在机构已经有了明显的提高,真正的变成了捐款俱乐部。 并且,我们认为我们不仅仅是一个慈善企业。 也是合作伙伴。”
That partnership includes nearly 50 developing countries, as well as donors, civil society groups, teacher organizations, the private sector, international development banks and U.N. agencies.
全球合作伙伴包括近50个发展中国家, 以及捐款人,社会团体,教师组织,私人企业,国际发展银行以及联合国机构。
"It really was time to project the concept of the depth and the power of this quite extraordinary partnership, which is now developed to forward the cause of education in the poorest countries of the world," said Tapp.
“现在已经是时间定义这个概念的意义,以及这个特殊合伙人的势力。 现在他们正在世界上最贫穷的国家促进教育的发展。”塔普说道。
The latest grants were awarded to Afghanistan, Ivory Coast, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Moldova, Mongolia and Timor Leste.
The grant to Afghanistan is worth more than $55 .5 million..
"(The) Afghanistan government has made a very strong commitment of allocating as much of its own resources as it can for education. Historically, Afghanistan has had some very, very well educated people. (They) tend to come from sort of the urban centers, but obviously given the recent troubles and problems in Afghanistan over the last 20 years or so the quality of education has plummeted," he said.
“阿富汗政府坚定的承诺会尽可能的运用它的资源支持教育事业。 历史上,阿富汗还是有一些很有学问的人。 他们大都来自城市,但是由于近20年的阿富汗战乱,教育质量直线下降。”他说道。
Ivory Coast received a 41 million dollar grant to help in its recovery from recent political violence. The fighting left many dead and hundreds of thousands displaced.
象牙海岸获得了41,000,000美元的资助帮助他从最近的政治动乱中恢复。 这场战乱导致很多人死亡,以及成千上万的人无家可归。
Tapp said, "One of the key areas that we're actually providing support for under this program is actually looking to build and also repair classrooms, provision of textbooks. And another thing that we're looking at has been working with the government to try and get school feeding programs in place. You get a number of areas of Cote d'Ivoire with very, very poor nutritional standards."
塔普说道,“实际上,我们的这个项目主要希望提供的是教室的修建和修复以及教科书。 另一件就是和政府合作保障学校食物供给。 科特迪瓦的很多地方食物营养标准都相当的低。”
More poor countries are now seeking help from the partnership.
"Unfortunately," he said, "given the current global financial climate and the fact that there are still 67 million kids out of school around the world demand for our financing seems to be increasing rather than decreasing."
With many donor countries are cutting back on spending, Tapp said the Global Partnership for Education must prove education is a good investment.
"Essentially I think the fundamental thing that is important to do is actually to be able to show people who are providing financing that their funds are achieving success. And it's very clear that in the global partnership partner countries that you're seeing more kids getting to school for longer and for a better education. So, primary school, completion rates are going up," he said.
“我认为,最重要的事情就是告诉提供支助的人他们的支助获得了成功。 很明显,在合作国家你将看到更多的孩子接受更长时间更好的教育。 因此,小学毕业率正在提高,”他说。
Tapp also said as education improves so does the health of a country.
The Global Partnership for Education plans two rounds of grants in 2012. The first is scheduled for May or June and the next in November.
全球教育合作计划在2012年开展两轮拨款。 第一轮计划在五月,第二轮在十一月。
At the recent high-level conference on aid effectiveness in Busan, South Korea, the country's prime minister said one of the most important factors in his country's success is better education.
最近,在韩国釜山召开的关于高效率援助的高级会议上, 国家总理说韩国成功的最重要的因素就是良好的教育。

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