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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-17 17:14:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Once upon a time, the oceans of our planet were beautifully clean. Not any more. Captain Charles Moore calls this 'the age of plastic.
很久以前,我们地球上的海洋都是既漂亮又洁净的。 而现在,它们已经面目全非了。 查尔斯·摩尔船长把这个现象称为“塑料时代”。
"Between 250 and 300 million tons of plastic are produced every year," said Capt. Moore. "To get that into terms you can understand, every two years we make enough plastic to be the equivalent of the weight of the 7 billion people on earth."
摩尔船长说:“每年全世界生产出的塑料制品约有两亿五千万至三亿吨。 为了让你们更形象地理解这个数据,举个例子,每两年地球上制造出的塑料品重量相当于七十亿个人的体重总和。”
In his new book, Plastic Ocean, Moore says less than five percent of all plastic is recycled and nearly three percent of world production is dumped into the ocean. That debris kills millions of sea creatures every year.
摩尔在《塑料海洋》这本新书中写到,所有的塑料制品中只有不到百分之五被回收利用了, 而有将近百分之三的塑料制品都被倒入大海。 这些塑料残骸每年都会导致数百万的海洋生物死亡。
"We know over 100,000 albatross chicks are dying every year with their stomachs full of plastic; we have evidence that about 100,000 marine mammals die every year being tangled in plastic," he said.
他说:“我们了解到,每年都有超过十万只信天翁因为它们摄入太多塑料食物而死亡。 我们有证据显示,每年大约有十万只海洋哺乳动物被缠结在塑料制品里直到死亡。”
Moore has spent his life on the ocean, and witnessed its transformation. In his book he tells about his 1997 voyage, discovering tons of plastic, floating in an endless spiral. In what is now known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, plastic outweighs plankton, by a factor of six to one.
摩尔一直生活在海洋上,所以他亲眼见证了这些年来海洋的变化。 在他的书中他讲到,1997年那一次出航,他发现了大量的塑料制品漂浮在无尽的海面上。 就在现在被人们称为“大太平洋垃圾带”的海域内,他发现塑料制品比浮游生物还多,比例约为六比一。
Moore created the Algalita Marine Research Foundation, and began to collect samples from the world's oceans. He says plastic waste flows into oceans from rivers, beaches... and ships.
摩尔成立了Algalita海洋研究基金会,而且开始在世界各大海洋搜集塑料垃圾的样品。 他说,这些塑料垃圾的来源是河流、沙滩、船只等。
"Not only all the navies of the world but all the merchant vessels of the world, until the 1980s were routinely dumping all their garbage at sea," said Moore.
Moore says today ships of all flags and functions continue to ignore international agreements, dumping their trash into the ocean - synthetic chemicals, pesticides, nuclear waste, nerve and mustard agents.
摩尔指出,现在仍然有很多各个国家、各种性质的船舰无视国际条约,把他们的垃圾倒入海洋, 包括人造的化学品、杀虫剂、核废料、 叶脉和芥菜。
He says he is upset by the destruction of his own habitat.
"Whether I am surfing, whether I am sailing, whether I am swimming, I am touching, seeing, running into persistent waste that will be there longer than any of our children, any of our grand children. It will be there for centuries, it doesn't go away, we are adding to it," said Capt. Moore.
摩尔船长说:“无论我在冲浪的时候,航海的时候,游泳的时候,我都会碰到或看到那些将会长久存在、影响我们子孙后代的塑料垃圾。 这些垃圾即便好几个世纪也不会消失,而且我们还在不断地壮大它们的队伍。”
The pollution expert carries with him a bag of sand, collected from a beach in Hawaii. He had it analyzed. It is more than 90 percent plastic.
一位环境污染专家从夏威夷海滩上带回了一袋沙子。 他对这袋沙进行了分析。 结果发现,其中含有百分之九十的塑料制品。
Captain Moore has worked with environmental filmmaker Bill Macdonald to document the plastic takeover of the oceans. Macdonald provided most of the video in this story, including this octopus living in a plastic shower head.
摩尔船长与爱好环保的导演Bill Macdonald合作,记录了塑料制品对海洋的侵蚀。 本期节目中展示的大多数视频都是由Macdonald提供的,例如一只章鱼被卡在塑料淋浴头里面的这段录像。
"There is not a lot of beauty in a river full of trash, I see herons that are frightened by Styrofoam floating around them," said Macdonald. "I see sea gulls trying to eat rubber gloves and all sorts of animals foraging around in what used to be natural debris is now contaminated with synthetics."
Macdonald说:“一条满是垃圾的河流毫无美丽可言,我看到了被泡沫塑料包围的苍鹭那惊慌的神情, 我看到了海鸥在啄食塑料手套,看到了各种各样的动物在那些被人工合成品污染了的自然残骸周围觅食。”
And so the campaign continues. In Plastic Ocean, Captain Charles Moore calls plastic pollution more damaging than climate change, and issues a call to protect the oceans - where life began - for future generations.
因此我们不得不继续为之奋战。 在《塑料海洋》这本书中,查尔斯·摩尔船长把塑料污染称作是比环境变化更加可怕的一种污染。 他还呼吁大家为了我们的子孙后代,一起努力来保护我们的生命之源—海洋。

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