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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-17 17:14:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Costumed characters were doing more than amusing visitors as they roamed around the National Trademark Expo - they were educating them.
"Trademarks extend not only to a picture or a logo but we have some characters trademarks," noted USPTO Commissioner Deborah Cohn. "So children actually see a lot of trademarks and have a lot to do with trademarks. We want people of all ages to know that it is very important to buy legitimate products rather than counterfeit products."
美国专利商标局局长黛博拉·科恩提到:“商标不仅包括某种图片或者标志,还包括一些人物商标。 因此,实际上儿童们往往会对商标更加感兴趣。 我们想让不同年龄段的人们都知道:购买合法产品,拒绝仿冒品,是非常重要的。”
Cohn adds that trademarks can take many other forms, as well, including colors, smells and sounds. That surprises many Expo visitors.
科恩说,商标还可以由其它许多形式来体现,包括颜色,气味和声音。 这一说法令很多在场的游客感到惊讶。
"[Take for example] the lion's roar at the beginning of the MGM films. That is registered as a trademark. So maybe you could use a lion's roar for something completely different, but not for the films," Cohn added.
科恩说:“举个例子,在美国米高梅公司制作的影片开头经常出现的狮子咆哮声, 就被注册成为了商标。 因此,你可以把狮子的咆哮声用到其他的完全不同的事物上,但是不能用来指代电影公司。”
Trademark violations can hurt a business' reputation, and its bottom line. Last year, U.S. officials seized almost $200 million worth of counterfeit products, which looked like the real thing.
商标侵权会伤害到一个企业的声誉和底线。 去年,美国官员缴获了价值2亿美元左右的假冒伪劣产品,它们看起来很像正品。
Consumers can be hurt, too. C. T. Toner is with GED Testing Service, which develops an exam for earning a U.S. high school equivalency diploma. It has more than 3000 testing sites worldwide.
这些假冒品也会伤害到消费者的权益。 C. T. Toner从事普通教育发展测试服务,通过了这个测试的人就能获得美国高中同等学历的文凭。 该机构在全球拥有三千多个测试网点。
"We want everyone here in the expo to know that there are a lot of fraudulent programs online who use the GED name," said Toner. "So we don't want people to be taken advantage of, go online pay $300 for a test, get a diploma and realize that it was actually not a GED test that can be used for job or for a college entrance."
Toner说:“我们想让参加此次博览会的所有人都知道,现在在网上有很多欺骗性的网页也打着‘GED’的旗号。 因此我们不希望大家被利用,比如说,在网上花了三百美元去参加测试,最后发现得到的文凭并不是真的GED所颁发的,而且不能用来作为找工作或者上大学的凭证。”
Entertainer Chubby Checker, who popularized the dance, the twist, in the 1960s, introduced a new trademarked candy bar he is selling for charity.
"[It is called] Chubby's Checkerbar, [It's in] a few places, but not big yet. But we think over the next couple of years this bar will be all over the world," said Checker.
却克说:“这个糖果棒叫做‘恰比的却克棒’,它在少数地区有售,范围还不是很大。 但是我们考虑要在接下来的两年里把它推广到全世界。”
For business owners, like Checker, who plan on expanding to global markets, the Expo offered seminars about protecting their brand.
"If infringing goods were being manufactured in China, just by example, and they are being sent from China, they are being sent into the United States. You do not have any rights in China at this time, what is your remedy?" asked Susan Anthoy of the USPTO.
美国专利商标局的Susan Anthoy问到:“举个例子,如果侵权商品在中国制造,然后从中国被运到美国, 但是你在中国没有任何权利,你会采取什么样的补救办法?”
Deborah Cohn says trademark protection extends only to national borders.
"So if you register your mark in the United States, then your rights extend in the United States. You would register it in each country that you want protection in," explained Cohn.
科恩解释说:“因此,如果你在美国注册了这个商标,那么商标保护的权利就只是在美国国内有效。 但是,你可以在你希望受到商标保护的每个国家都注册商标。”
That is what David Holmes has learned today. The musician sells his CDs and performs live.
大卫·赫尔姆斯现在对此应该很了解了, 因为这位音乐家在世界各地销售他的唱片,以及参加现场表演。
"When you are using the Internet, that is basically international and as a musician you probably would want your music to go internationally. I know I do," said Holmes.
赫尔姆斯说:“因特网是个国际性的网络,作为一位音乐家你肯定希望你的音乐能够走向国际。 至少我是这样想的。”
Holms adds that he is now thinking of ways to protect his name as a trademark in the global marketplace.

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