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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-17 17:15:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Shane Dwight is one of Nashville's most talked about guitar players. He's certainly one of its busiest. After relocating to "Music City" in 2008, he signed with a major label, performed hundreds of shows, and recorded three solo albums, including his most recent release, A Thousand White Lies.
肖恩.德怀特是纳什维尔最有名的吉他手。 身为大忙人的他 在2008年搬到“音乐城市”后与一家主要唱片公司签约, 演出了近百场并发行了三张个人专辑, 当中包括他最近主推的这张名为《1000个善意的谎言》的专辑。
While Shane's move to Nashville opened new doors, it took a toll on his personal life. The breakup of his marriage is reflected in original songs like "True Love's Gone," "Broken" and "Love's Last Letter." But, there are plenty of upbeat tunes as well, supported by guest vocalists Bekka Bramlett and The McCrary Sisters.
当肖恩搬到纳什维尔开启了一扇新的音乐之门时,他的私人生活也受到影响。 自己的婚姻破裂反映在原创歌曲《真正的爱情已经离去》,《破裂》与《爱的最后一封信》。 但是很多嘉宾,比如Bekka Bramlett和The McCrary Sisters也奉献了很多乐观的曲调。
Like Shane, Boy Wells blends a variety of styles on his debut album Blue Skies Calling, from Southern rock and blues to country, jazz and bluegrass.
像肖恩一样, Boy Wells在其首张专辑《蓝天的召唤》中融入了多种风格, 其中有南方的摇滚和乡村的蓝调,爵士和蓝草。
Boy Wells is a veteran of the Washington, D.C. blues-rock scene. His close friend and mentor was the late guitar virtuoso Danny Gatton, who generously taught him some tricks of the trade. Wells sang and played guitar in various blues and country-rock bands, including an Allman Brothers tribute group, before settling down near Austin, Texas in 2006.
Boy Wells是华盛顿特区蓝调摇滚乐的老牌音乐劲旅。 他的挚友兼后期顾问是吉他演奏家丹尼·加顿,他慷慨地教给了他这一行业的窍门。 而Boy Wells融入各种蓝调和乡村摇滚于演唱和吉他中, 包括在2006年靠近德克萨斯州奥斯汀市定居下来的奥尔曼兄弟乐队。
Another veteran garnering rave reviews is singer and guitarist James Armstrong. Living Blues magazine described him as being a "well-balanced combination of fire, technical proficiency and taste." James embarked on his first cross country tour while in his teens, and later played alongside such blues greats as Albert Collins and Big Joe Turner. He released his debut album in 1995, Sleeping With A Stranger.
另一个好评如潮的是歌手兼吉他手詹姆斯·阿姆斯特朗。 鲜活蓝调杂志称他为“火热,技术一流与品味高雅的完美组合”。 詹姆斯在十几岁时开始乡村旅游,随后在青少年时期开始跟随阿尔伯特·柯林斯和大乔.特纳这样的人物演出。 他的首张专辑在1995年问世,名为《与一个陌生人共眠》。
James returned to the studio for the first time in more than a decade to record Blues At The Border, featuring "Somebody Got To Pay."
詹姆斯十年以来重返录音棚录制《在边境的布鲁斯》, 其首推单曲为《会有人来偿还的》。

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