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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-17 17:16:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Everything is set for a broadcast to the world. It goes out in English(sound), Chinese(sound) and Russian(sound). This is the Christian radio station KNLS(sound).
广播是全世界交流的工具。 广播可以在世界各地传播,比如英语的,汉语的和俄语的(分别配以音效)。 你现在听到的配音是来自基督教的广播电台KNLS。
With the rise of the Internet, some news broadcasters, including the Voice of America, are moving away from shortwave radio.
But there are religious broadcasters in America that still believe in the medium.
Charles Caudil, president of World Christian Broadcasting, which runs KNLS, says,"Our view is that there is a great future for shortwave". He says its long-range signal is ideal for reaching rural areas in the developing world.
世界基督教广播公司主席Charles Caudil成立了KNLS广播电台。他说:“我们认为短波的未来发展潜力非常大”。 他指出,短波有助于发展中国家用来给农村地区提供远程信号。
"Very few people there have the Internet available to them, or satellites. But they do have shortwave receivers. There are about three billion shortwave receivers in the world," he said.
他说:“在这些地区,很少人可以用到因特网或者卫星信号。 但是他们有短波接收器。 全世界范围内目前有大约三十亿个短波接收器。”
World Christian Broadcasting was founded three decades ago by former Army Lieutenant Maurice Hall. He helped to set up a shortwave facility for President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Yalta summit with Churchill and Stalin.
三十年前,前陆军上尉Maurice Hall建立了世界基督教广播公司。 他为总统弗兰克林·d·罗斯福与丘吉尔和斯大林的雅尔塔峰会建立了一套短波设施。
It is now one of the biggest Christian shortwave broadcasters in America. From its studio outside Nashville, Tennessee, it mixes cultural programming with the Christian gospel.
现在,它是美国最大的基督教短波广播公司之一。 该电台的节目从能够演播室传送到田纳西州的纳什维尔,而且它将文化节目与基督教的福音融合在一起。
And it seems to work. Fan mail arrives, and Bibles are sent to those who want them.
这似乎挺管用。 听众们纷纷来信,而广播公司就把《圣经》作为礼物赠送给那些虔诚的来信者们。
The outlet is building a relay station in Madagascar, which will open a door the Muslim world.
Egyptian-born Tony Tadros of the new Arabic service and his colleagues at World Christian Broadcasting say they respect Islam. But they argue that Arabs are now ready to embrace religious tolerance.
在埃及出生的Tony Tadros在世界基督教广播公司负责新的阿拉伯语服务,他和他的同事们都信奉伊斯兰教。 但是他们都认为,阿拉伯人现在已经能够在宗教方面采取宽容的态度了。
"Most people in the Middle East, they have misconceptions about Christianity," Tadros said. "They think that the Bible is corrupt and they have a lot of misconceptions that they just got through the years."
Tadros说:“中东的大多数人对基督教教义误会很深。 他们认为圣经是使人堕落的,而且多年以来他们这个误会一直没有被解开。”。
Convincing them otherwise might not be easy. Many Muslim countries ban Christian proselytizing. And some converts have been arrested or faced death threats.
在这方面要劝说他们消除误解可能很难。 很多穆斯林国家禁止基督教教徒劝说别人改变宗教信仰。 一些改信基督教的人会被逮捕,甚至面临死亡的威胁。
Abdullah Antepli, the Muslim chaplain at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, says authorities in those countries consider those leaving the faith a threat to Islam.
来自北卡罗来纳州杜克大学的穆斯林牧师Abdullah Antepli说,那些穆斯林国家的当局者认为改变宗教信仰将会对伊斯兰教构成威胁。
"Not only a threat but an attack, also a violation, as they understand [it]," he said.
This American imam condemns that view. He says it does not live up to Islam's own ideals.
美国的伊玛目(伊斯兰阿訇)谴责了这一观点。 他认为,事情不会按照伊斯兰教自己的想法发展。
Spreading the faith is both a Christian and Islamic tenet. And these days, technology makes that possible on many platforms - television, the Internet and even mobile phones.
传播信仰是基督教和伊斯兰教都具有的宗旨。 如今,科学技术的发展使得我们拥有更多的平台来传播信仰,比如电视,因特网,甚至是手机。
But World Christian Broadcasting still has faith in shortwave radio.

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