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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-17 17:18:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
At the U.N. climate change conference in Durban, South Africa, there's a call to view the issue as a moral imperative. The man who's called South Africa's green bishop says caring for the earth should take priority.
在南非德班举行的联合国气候会议上,有人呼吁将气候问题上升到道德层面。 一位被称为南非绿色主教的人士表示应该把关爱地球放在首要位置。
Retired Anglican Bishop Geoff Davies is coordinator of the Southern African Faith Communities Environment Institute. "Climate change is a moral issue and it must be met by the moral principles of justice, equity, compassion, love. And that we've got to really realize, that we've got to put the wellbeing of the planet and people before our financial considerations."
退役的圣公会大主教杰夫.戴维斯是南非信仰社区环境学院的协调员。 “气候变化是一个道德问题,必须满足公正,公平,同情及关爱的道德原则。 并且我们需要真正的认识到,在发展经济之前,必须把家园和居住在这颗行星上的人们充分考虑。”
The United Nations reports no other continent will be struck by climate change as severely as Africa. The global forecast calls for a two degree Celsius rise in temperatures in the coming years. But the U.N. says they could rise higher in Africa – possibly three degrees Celsius or more by 2050. Dryer subtropical regions could warm more than wetter areas.
据联合国报道,其他大陆不会像非洲那样受到严重的气候变化影响。 全球预报预测非洲在未来几年温度会上升2摄氏度。 但联合国表示温度还有可能会上升到更高,可能到2050年上升3摄氏度或更多。 更干燥的亚热带地区会比湿润地区热很多。
"We in Africa are particularly concerned because the scientists are now saying that African average temperatures will increase twice as much as the global average. Already our temperatures have gone up 0.8 and we know the huge disruption of climate change already," said Davies.
“非洲获得了特别的关注,那是因为科学家们表示非洲平均气温将上升到全球平均水平的2倍。 现在我们的温度已经上升到全球平均温度的0.8倍,而且气候变化已经带来巨大的破坏。”戴维斯说道。
He said if African temperatures do increase by twice the global average the effects will be "catastrophic." He called on the world's major polluters to take strong measures now to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
他表示如果非洲温度提高至全球平均气温的两倍,后果将是“灾难性的”。 他呼吁世界主要污染大国现在应马上采取有力措施,尽量减少温室气体的排放。
"For the United States to say, well, we'll start reducing emissions in a few years' time – that's millions of tons of carbon that will still be poured into the atmosphere for the next 100 years. We can't bring that carbon back here. But we equally challenge the new polluting countries – China, India, ourselves, South Africa," he said.
“美国方面表示,好吧,近几年内,他们将开始减少温室气体排放——而今后的100年内,几百万吨的碳仍会涌入到大气当中。 我们无法阻止碳排放。 但我们同样挑战着一些新兴的污染国家,包括中国,印度及我们南非自己。”他说道。
On Tuesday, the U.S. envoy to the climate talks, Todd Stern, said one of the big issues is China's position on a legally binding agreement. He said the United States would consider such an agreement if all major greenhouse gas-emitting countries are fairly subject to its conditions.
在星期二,美国气候会谈特使托德.斯特里表示,较大的问题是中国的立场处于法律约束的协议中。 他说,美国将考虑这样一个协议是否对所有主要国家的温室排放都公平适用。
Bishop Davies said developed nations can help Africa overcome its dependency on fossil fuels. "The developed world can assist the developing countries - and I speak particularly for Africa - can assist us with technical cooperation and financial support that is owed to Africa to enable us to leapfrog the dirty fossil fuel era into the new solar and renewable energy era," he said.
Bishop Davies说发达国家能够帮助非洲摆脱对矿物燃料的依赖。 “发达国家能帮助发展中国家,特别是非洲 ——它们可以在技术和财政上拉我们一把,使我们从肮脏的矿物燃料时代进入到新型太阳能和可再生能源的时代。”他语重心长的说道。
Bishop Davies spoke on behalf of the Climate Action Network International, which represents over 700 organizations in 95 countries. Its members are monitoring the proceedings at the climate change conference.
戴维斯主教代表着气候措施国际网络,这个组织涵盖了95个国家的700多个组织。 这个组织专门负责监测气候变化会议的进行。

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