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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-17 17:19:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The stage is set for an epic struggle when the power-mad King Hyperion sets out to release the Titans and topple the Olympians from their lofty perch.
While the future of humankind is at stake, the chief god, Zeus, has banned his fellow immortals from meddling in earthly affairs. But he does choose a champion: a young villager who possesses the qualities to become a hero.
当人类命运岌岌可危的时候,主神宙斯下令阻止神兵们干涉世俗纷争。 他挑选了一位具有英雄潜质的年轻村民来充当人类的救世主。
English actor Henry Cavill stars as that hero. Although this Theseus is only loosely based on the mythological founder of Athens, Cavill says the ancient legends and myths helped him find the character.
英国演员亨利·卡维尔在该片中饰演这位英雄人物。 虽然英雄特修斯的人物特征只有很少一部分与神话中雅典的创始人类似,但卡维尔表示,那些古老的神话传说很好地帮助他找到了人物的特点。
"I've always been a fan of reading the stories from mythology and history and anything like that. As a kid I enjoyed reading it all and growing up with it."
“我一直都热衷于阅读神话故事,历史故事,以及其他类似的东西。 小的时候,我特别爱看这些方面的书籍,那些故事伴随着我长大。”
Theseus is mighty and moral, but Cavill says it was important that he not appear to be perfect.
"To play a hero effectively I think you have to focus entirely on the flaws and doubts of the hero, because it's sort of become a little boring to be too good and too great at everything you do. So to focus on all of the things which make life and everything difficult for that individual, therefore, makes them more heroic when they overcome them."
“要演好一位英雄,你必须也要关注他的缺陷和疑惑。 因为,如果你把这位英雄诠释得太好太伟大的话,这部电影看起来就很乏味了。 因此,你需要展示这位英雄在生活中的方方面面,以及他所遇到的各种困难,然后通过演绎他战胜这些困难的过程来体现出他的英勇。”
Luke Evans, who costars as Zeus, jokes about strutting around the set in regal robes, but the Welsh-born actor says that had to be part of his character.
主神宙斯的扮演者卢克·埃文斯搞笑地穿着帝王的长袍在片场大摇大摆地走, 但是这位威尔士演员表示,这身帝王礼服对该人物的诠释很有帮助。
"I had to channel being a father, a king, authoritarian and somebody who was thousands of years old," Evans says. "You have to get yourself to that place. There is no point thinking 'Oh, I look a bit silly in this gold cape or crown of brass leaves on my head.' You've got to believe it."
埃文斯说:“在片中,我要扮演一个活了几千岁的神,他既是一位父亲,也是一个独裁主义的帝王。 我必须要在心里设想自己是一个这样的神, 而不能觉得自己‘身穿金色披肩,头戴皇冠铜叶’的造型看起来很傻。 我自己必须要融入到这个故事里面去。”
The international cast of "Immortals" also includes Mumbai native Freida Pinto of "Slumdog Millionaire" fame. She plays the oracle Phaedra. American screen veteran Mickey Rourke plays bloodthirsty King Hyperion.
“不休神兵”拥有国际级的演员阵容,其中包括曾主演了“平民窟的百万富翁”的印度演员芙蕾达·平托。 她在该片中扮演神使菲德拉。 美国荧幕老将米奇?洛克扮演嗜血的国王许珀里翁。
Director Tarsem Singh puts the action in a surreal landscape of massive sets augmented by digital technology. The Indian-born director admits that describing his imaginative visions to studio executives is difficult.
导演塔森·辛格采用了先进的数字技术制造了很多规模宏大的特效场景。 这位印度导演表示,对电影制作人来说,要把脑袋里的奇思异想变成生动的画面不是一件简单的事情。
"Talk really fast with an Indian accent. Then they kind of think 'He must know what's happening, because we don't understand,'" Singh says. "I'm very clear in what I want to say or what I want to do in my head and if you can get them to believe in the infectiousness of it, I don't think it can be cheated. They usually say 'Okay, you've done visual films before. Let him have it.'"
辛格说:“我说话语速很快,而且带着印度口音。 他们有时候会觉得根本听不懂我在说什么。 我很清楚自己想要表达的意思和想要做的事情。而且我认为,只要你能让他们相信电影的感染力,那么他们就会弄明白这个电影所要传达的意思。 他们通常会说:‘你之前做的电影视觉效果很不错, 这一部应该也没问题。’”
Singh was apparently on to something when he cast Cavill as his film's champion. The "Immortals" star is now playing the ultimate hero of modern mythology, "Superman," in the new film "Man of Steel" coming to theaters in 2013.
辛格让卡维尔担任该片的主演,显然是有原因的。 这位“不休神兵”中的主演正在现代神话电影“钢铁之躯”中饰演一位超人般的终极英雄,这部新片将于2013年上映。

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