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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-17 17:19:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Large crowds of protestors in Tahrir Square in Cairo are demanding the nation's military rulers step down.
成群的抗议者聚 集在首都开罗的塔里尔广场要求埃及当局的军事统治者们下台。
And the violence that has accompanied the protests worries U.S. officials.
伴随着抗议活动发生的暴力 流 血事件令美国官员甚为担忧。
White House spokesman Jay Carney said, "The United States continues to believe that the tragic events, that these tragic events, rather, should not stand in the way of elections and a continued transition to democracy."
白宫发言人杰·卡尼说:“美国仍然坚信, 那些悲惨的暴力事件不应该阻碍选举新政府和推进民主过渡。”
Egypt is the anchor of American foreign policy in the Middle East and its strategic importance is huge, says University of Maryland professor Shibley Telhami. "Egypt is the most populous and influential Arab state. What happens there will be consequential for other American interests, including in the Gulf, how the Gulf States will behave or how they will interpret it. So for all these reasons there is much at stake for the U.S," he said.
美国马里兰大学教授希伯利·特雷米表示,埃及是美国在中东执行外交政策的门户,因此其战略重要性无疑是非常巨大的。 埃及是人口最稠密,而且最具影响力的阿拉伯国家。 在埃及发生的事情或多或少都会影响到美国的利益,当然也包括海湾地区国家。 海湾国家采取何种行为,以及对他们的行为作何解释, 这种种因素对美国来说都是至关重要的。
Telhami says the continuing clashes between demonstrators and security forces could impact public opinion in the U.S. "If the relationship is stressed and there is a real confrontation between the military and the public you are going to have a changed political environment here both in Congress and in our public opinion," he said.
特雷米还谈到示威者和保安部队之间持续不断的冲突可能会影响美国的公众舆论。 他说:“如果关系一直处于这种紧张状态,并且军队和公众成为真正的敌人,那么国会和公众舆论都将会处于一种新的政治氛围。”
President Barack Obama has urged Egypt's military council to end emergency rule and halt military trials of civilians.
奥巴马总统已经敦促埃及军事委员会解除禁戒, 并命令军队停止对平民的暴 行。
"The violence jeopardizes billions of dollars in U.S. aid to Egypt", says Steven Heydemann of the U.S. Institute of Peace. "We need to be reminding the Supreme Council constantly that they are in a transitional role, that they are in caretaker role and that they should do nothing that would jeopardize the consolidation of an inclusive, tolerant, democratic political system in Egypt," he said.
美国和平研究院的史蒂文·亨德曼说:“这些暴力流 血事件使得美国不得不花费数十亿美元来援助埃及。 我们需要不断提醒埃及的最高理事会,让他们清楚自己充当的只是过渡政府和代理管理员的角色, 所以他们不应该做出任何不当的事情来损害埃及统一、包容、容忍和民主的政治体制。”
But too much pressure on the military council could lead to unintended consequences and undermine Egypt's relations with Israel, says Tawfik Hamid, a senior fellow at the Potomac Institute. "Pressuring the military now too much can really, at the end, [result in that] they may face the Islamists controlling Egypt," he said.
波多马克学院高级研究员塔夫克·哈米德说道:“但是,给埃及军事委员会施加的太多压力可能会导致意想不到的后果,并波及到埃及与以色列的关系。 现在对军队施压过多,真的会最终导致埃及伊斯兰教控制的局面。”
The latest demonstrations are the largest to take place since protests forced former President Hosni Mubarak to resign earlier this year.

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