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 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-26 16:50:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
作者: 爱尔兰UCD 赖小琪
今天看到弟弟的QQ签名为 “生死只是一瞬间”时, 我感到有一种不安, 我很怕我的家里出了什么事情. 后来问了他以后, 他告诉我村里一个比我大一岁的青年去世了. 我听了整个人都呆了, 感到有点不可思议, 同时也感到一阵悲伤. 细问之下, 弟弟告诉我, 说他前天晚上喝醉酒后开摩托车载着另一个同村的青年, 由于开得太快, 而且神志不清, 他们从车上摔了下来, 他不幸就这样走了, 而另一个青年则幸运地躲过一劫, 只是受伤住院了.
挂了电话, 我整个人呆呆地望着电脑, 半晌没有回过神来. 他可以说是和我从小玩到大的朋友, 虽然后来我去读高中而他却打工了, 大家这些年来见面也不多, 可是毕竟也是同一个村子的, 而且偶尔也会聊一下QQ, 所以听到他去世的消息, 我真的感到一阵深沉的悲痛. 想起去年8月末我临出国时, 家里为我举办了留学酒, 请了全村的人来参加. 当时他也来了, 我还看到他脸色红润, 笑容满面. 后来在QQ上, 他还叫我回国以后要去找他聚聚, 毕竟大家真的好久没有聊过了. 然而我做梦也没有想到, 那次居然是我见他的最后一面. 而他那天的笑容, 在我的脑海里定格成了永恒.
我不敢想像他的父母在看到他的遗体时哭得呼天抢地的情形, 因为一想到这些, 我就会忍不住想落泪. 是啊, 养育了二十几年的亲生骨肉, 在眨眼间成了一具冰冷的尸体, 火化以后就再也无法见到了, 这种打击试问谁可以受得了呢? 我听说本来他的家人还准备为他物色对象张罗亲事的, 如今却成了白头人送黑头人. 一想到这些, 我都感到相当心酸, 更不要说他的父母了. 这段时间, 我想他的家人肯定无法入睡, 必定天天以泪洗脸. 新年刚过, 厄运就降临到这个家庭, 想来也让人唏嘘不已.
然而如果这个世界上真的有鬼魂, 如果他此刻站在我面前, 我会毫不犹豫地给他狠狠一个耳光! 我会斯歇底里地冲他怒喊: “为什么你要喝得烂醉以后开摩托车? 为什么还要开得像飞一样那么快? 你以为你走了就很可怜吗?你以为你走了就一了百了吗?现在最可怜的人是活着的人,是你的父母亲人!你以为你还小吗?你已经是二十四岁的大人了!为什么你做事仍然像小孩子一样不长性啊?"
常言道:养儿一百岁,长忧九十九.一个人只有真正为人父母了,才会真正体会到父母对自己的苦心.我没有孩子,但是我却经常可以体会到父母对我的关心.我知道一旦我出了什么事情,比如说病了,我的家人都会忧心如焚,直到我病好为止.以前我从家回到深圳大学时, 母亲一定要听到我平安到达学校的电话,她才会安心.她有一个习惯,就是晚上吃饭前一定要到神龛的菩萨面前烧香祈祷,第一句话肯定是说保佑我和弟弟在外面一切平安,顺顺利利.每当我离家前,她总要把我拉到观音面前,烧好了香给我,让我一边参拜,一边听她念着那些吉祥的话.刚开始时觉得有点烦,然而渐渐地,听着听着她念的话,我却很想落泪.我当时心想:"亲爱的母亲啊,你可不可以不要这么在乎我?可不可以少关心我一点?万一哪一天我真有什么事了你该怎么办?我最不想看到的就是你和父母还有年迈的爷爷受到任何伤害啊!"
(1)The Introduction of Lenovo  
The Lenovo Group was established in 1984 by Chinese Academy of Science with 200, 000 Chinese dollars (about 30,000 US dollars). After establishment, the company began utilizing its capital to study and develop its computers and promote its brand. Its business mainly involved four aspects: producing and distributing computers of Lenovo brand, distributing computers of foreign brands, providing systems integration services and producing computer motherboards.
On February14th, 1994, Lenovo’s HK subsidiary went public in HK stock market. In 1996, Lenovo had developed to the greatest computer company in China. Its products passed the IS09001 Certification.
In 1997, due to the stagnant business in HK, the Lenovo Group decided to re-integrate China Mainland’s business and HK’s business into five core businesses: End products, infrastructure products, component-level products, IT services and information services. In 1998, Lenovo gained 27% of Chinese market share and maintained No.1 among all the computer firms. It also ranked No.1 with 8.5% of market share in Asia-Pacific Region.
In 2000, Lenovo conducted large-scale corporate restructuring, shift its original division-focused system to subsidiary-focused system. It was divided into two large subsidiaries: one was called Lenovo Computer Corporation that provided customers with comprehensive internet-access end products and information services; the other one was called Lenovo Digital Corporation that provided customers with core e-commerce infrastructure products and comprehensive system integration solutions.
After the division, Lenovo achieved rapid development. On December 8th, 2004, Lenovo Group claimed to acquire IBM’s PC Division that would make it become the third largest PC supplier in the world following Dell and Hewlett-Packard. It also established a global partnership with International Olympics Committee, which had tremendously promoted its brand awareness among costumers across the world.
In the past decade, Lenovo has insisted on the notion of “serving the users better” and dedicated itself to provide the latest and best-quality products for customers, pushing Chinese information industry to a better development.
After acquisition of IBM’s PC Division, it has established branches and subsidiaries in 66 countries and conducted business with more than 160 countries. It has more than 25,000 employees and has become one of the global leaders in the PC market.
(2). The Introduction of IBM
IBM( International Business Machines Corporation), was founded in America in 1911. It is the largest information technology and business solution providing company. It has more than 310,000 employees worldwide so far and its business has extended to more than 160 countries and regions.
In the past nine decades, with the global economy and technology changing constantly, IBM has kept pace with the global development by studying the latest technology, advance management skills and unique leadership style. It has almost met various needs of users in all industries worldwide. Since its entry into the computer sphere in 1950s, within less than ten years, IBM swept through the global computer market at a staggering speed. For many years, it has dominated the global computer market and leading the development of global information technology.
IBM has a long history with Chinese computer market. Early in 1934, IBM helped install the first commercial processor for a hospital in Beijing, Chinese capital city. After China’s reform and opening-up policy was implemented, IBM developed rapidly in China, setting up branches in many big cities. In 1992, IBM China Corporation was officially founded, marking the most essential step in investment in China. On top of this, IBM also established 8 joint ventures in China, responsible for production, software development, services and leasing, etc, respectively.
In 2005, IBM worked out the three strategies, namely: Maintaining high-speed growth, reinforcing high value-added services and utilizing its innovation to help Chinese companies improve their productivity and competitiveness. Now IBM is upholding the notion of “satisfying customers, maintaining creative and keeping sincerity” and going to a brighter future. As its computers are mostly colored blue, it is often called “Blue Giant”.

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