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 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-4 13:41:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Remember Obie, the dachshund who used to weigh 77 pounds? Well, he's still going strong, having lost over 50 pounds. His journey is inspirational, not just for pet lovers, but for anyone who's ever had to struggle through tough times. In short, there's a lot we can learn from this little dog. Here are three more reasons why Obie should be your career spirit animal.
   还记得曾经体重达77磅的达克斯猎狗Obie吗? 他现在还是很壮, 但是却成功减掉了50多磅。他的经历不仅对宠物爱好者,而且对于任何曾遭受过艰难的人都是很鼓舞人心的。简而言之, 我们可以从这只小狗身上学到很多。下面是解释我们应当把Obie作为职业精神榜样的三个原因。
How often have you daydreamed about a different job or even a whole different career, only to shake yourself awake after a few minutes and think, "Well, I made a different choice"?
   你多久会幻想一次一份不同的工作甚至是一份完全不同的事业呢? 但是却常常是在几分钟的思考之后马上摇头使自己清醒,并对自己说“好了, 我还是做不同的选择吧”。
As the old saying goes, it's never too late to be what you might have been. Changing careers isn't easy. You might need to invest time and money, and you'll certainly have to do your research to determine the best path for you. But if you're willing to make both the big leap and the hundreds of tiny steps necessary to make a change, you can make it happen.
   名言有云“成为你想成为的人永远不迟”。换一份事业不是一件容易的事。或许你得投入时间和资金, 而且你还应当研究一下最适合自己的事业方向。 但是,如果你想获得重大突破, 并且愿意通过无数必要的微小努力来赢得改变, 那么你就一定会成功的。
Obie's original owners were elderly, and couldn't stand to "say 'no' to those big brown eyes." They clearly loved him, but they couldn't take care of him. Obie's new owner, Nora Vanatta, is a veterinary tech with the knowledge and ability to connect with other medical professionals that Obie needed to get healthy. In other words, she's a good fit for him.
   Obie曾经的主人年纪大了, 他们舍不得对Obie那双大大的棕色眼睛说“不”。 他们确实很喜欢Obie, 但是却不能照顾好Obie。Obie的新主人Nora Vanatta是一位兽医技师,她明白并且有能力联系其他的医学专家来帮助Obie恢复健康。 换言之,她是Obie的良好匹配对象。
Sometimes, it's not that your job is terrible, it's that it's a terrible job for you. Career counselors sometimes describe this lack of fit as trying to write with your left hand, when you're right-handed. If your career or company is a bad fit for your personality, you'll need to make a change in order to be happy.
   有时候, 并不是你的工作很糟糕,而是这份工作对你来说很糟糕。 职业咨询师, 有时候会这样描述匹配欠佳;就像是你习惯用右手写字,却想用左手写字。 如果你的职业或者公司并不符合你的个性, 那么你就需要通过改变来使自己开心了。
To get healthier or change your working life, you need to do a little bit every day. No one loses 50 pounds overnight; neither do they forge a new career path in a day, or a week, or a month.
   3. 每天所做的努力都很重要。
Persistence is the key, if you want to succeed like Obie.
   想要变健康或者改变自己的工作生活, 那么你就需要每天做一点点努力。没有人能在一夜之间瘦50磅, 也没有人能在一天、一周或者一个月之内铺好新的职业道路。

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