Introduction to Ci Poems in the Tang and Song Dynasty

Explore the origins, representatives, works and important genres of Ci Poetry in the Tang and Song Dynasty.


Introduction to Ci Poems in the Tang and Song Dynasty课程简介:前往报名学习

Introduction to Ci Poems in the Tang and Song Dynasty课程简介:

Explore the origins, representatives, works and important genres of Ci Poetry in the Tang and Song Dynasty.


Introduction to Ci Poems in the Tang and Song Dynasty课程目录:


--1.1 What is Ci

--1.2 The Origin of Ci

--1.3 The South China Feature of Ci on Literature

--1.4 Basis on the Poetical Meter of Ci

2.Ci Poetry of Tang Dynasty

--2.1 Tune of "Pú Sà Mán"(Buddhist Dancers,Dunhuang Melodic Ci)

--2.2 Tune of "Pú Sà Mán"(Buddhist Dancers) by Li Bai

--2.3 "Yì Qín É"(The Moon Over The Qin Bower) by Li Bai

--2.4 Tune of "Cháng Xiāng Sī"(Everlasting Longing) by Bai Juyi

3.Ci Poetry of Song Dynasty

--3.1 Overview I

--3.2 Overview II

--3.3 Reason for the Prosperity of Ci Poetry in Song Dynasty

--3.4 A Study on Ci Poetry of Song Dynasty

4.Ci Poetry Written by Su Shi I

--4.1 The Importance of Su Shi in the History of Ci Poetry

--4.2 Tune of "Qìn Yuán Chūn"(Spring in a Pleasure Garden) I

--4.3 Tune of "Qìn Yuán Chūn"(Spring in a Pleasure Garden) II

--4.4 Tune of "Jiāng Chéng Zǐ"(A Riverside Town) I

--4.5 Tune of "Jiāng Chéng Zǐ"(A Riverside Town) II

--4.6 Tune of "Shuǐ Diào Gē Tóu"(Prelude to Water Melody)

--4.7 Tune of "Dié Liàn Huā"(Butterflies in Love with Flowers)

5.Ci Poetry Written by Su Shi II

--5.1 Tune of "Dìng Fēng Bō"(Calming the Waves)

--5.2 Tune of "Niàn Nú Jiāo"(Charm of a Maiden Singer)

--5.3 Tune of "Lín Jiāng Xiān"(Riverside Daffodils)

--5.4 Tune of "Shuǐ Lóng Yín"(Water Dragon Chant)

6.Ci Poetry Written by Li Qingzhao I

--6.Ci Poetry Written by Li Qingzhao I

--6.2 Biography and Achievements II

--6.3 Tune of "Rú Mèng Lìng"(Like a Dream)

--6.4 Tune of "Fèng Huáng Tái Shàng Yì Chuī Xiāo"(Playing Flute on Phoenix Terrace)

7.Ci Poetry Written by Li Qingzhao II

--7.1 Tune of "Yǒng Yù Lè"(Joy of Eternal Union)

--7.2 Tune of "Wǔ Líng Chūn"(Spring in Peach-Blossom)

--7.3 Tune of "Shēng Shēng Màn"(Slow Slow Song) I

--7.4 Tune of "Shēng Shēng Màn"(Slow Slow Song) II

8.Ci Poetry Written by Lu You

--8.1 Overview

--8.2 Tune of "Bǔ Suàn Zǐ"(Song of Divination)

--8.3 Tune of "Chāi Tóu Fèng"(Phoenix Hairpin)

Introduction to Ci Poems in the Tang and Song Dynasty授课教师:


王步高,江苏扬中人。先后就读于南京大学(本科)、吉林大学(硕士)、南京师大(博士),曾师从唐圭璋教授。现为东南大学中文系二级教授,退休后从2009年起长期任教于清华大学。主攻诗学、词学、文艺美学,著有《梅溪词校注》《司空图评传》《唐诗三百首汇评》等四十多种,发表论文近百篇。对李白、李贺、李商隐、司空图、李清照、辛弃疾、史达祖及爱国诗词、田园诗词、隋代诗歌有研究。现任多个全国学会的荣誉会长、副会长、顾问、学术委员和理事,多个省级学会会长、副会长和顾问。其主编的《大学语文》系“十五”“十一五”“十二五”国家规划教材,获国家优秀教材二等奖,是“大学语文”、“唐宋诗词鉴赏”两门国家精品课程和国家资源共享课的主持人,获国家教学成果二等奖, 曾两为全校“最受学生欢迎的十佳教师”,享受国务院特殊津贴。其主讲的“唐诗鉴赏”、“诗词格律与写作”已入选国家精品视频公开课。他为江苏省教学名师,是《东南大学校歌歌词》和《清华大学百年赋》的作者。



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