Embedded Software Design

Embedded software design is a major course of computer, software engineering and other subjects. It is an important course with strong practicality and technicality. The main task of this course is to comprehensively introduce the thoughts and methods of GNU C programming language based on ARM/Embedded Linux operating system. Through the study of this course, students can master the basic process and method of embedded software design.


Embedded Software Design课程简介:前往报名学习

Embedded Software Design课程简介:

Embedded software design is a major course of computer, software engineering and other subjects. It is an important course with strong practicality and technicality. The main task of this course is to comprehensively introduce the thoughts and methods of GNU C programming language based on ARM/Embedded Linux operating system. Through the study of this course, students can master the basic process and method of embedded software design.


Embedded Software Design课程目录:

Chapter 1 Overview

--1.1 The Overview of Embedded System

--1.2 The Overview of Embedded Software Design

Chapter 2 Overview of Embedded C Programming

--2.1 Software Architecture

--2.2 The Object Orientation of C

--2.3 Chinese Character Processing

--2.4 Screen Operation

--2.5 Input Event

Chapter 3 ARM C Program Optimization

--3.1 The Thought of Code Optimization

--3.2 Data Type Selection for Variable

--3.3 Optimizing a Loop Executed in a Fixed Number of Times

--3.4 Optimizing a Loop Executed in an Unfixed Number of Times

--3.5 Loop Unrolling

--3.6 Pointer Aliasing

--3.7 Struct

Chapter 4 The Linux Operating System

--4.1 The Introduction to Linux

--4.2 The shell of Linux

--4.3 The Basic Operations of Linux

--4.4 The Network Commands of Linux

Chapter 5-1 Linux C Programming Toolchain

--5.1 The Overview of the Toolchain

--5.2 Editor vi

--5.3 The Overview of gcc

--5.4 The Usage of gcc

--5.5 The Introduction to gdb

Chapter 5-2 Makefile

--5.6 The Working Principle of Makefile

--5.7 Makefile Instance Analysis

--5.8 Makefile Design

--5.9 A Comprehensive Instance of Makefile

Chapter 6 Construction of Embedded Software Platform

--6.1 Linux-based Embedded Platform

--6.2 BootLoader

--6.3 Application Design Process

Chapter 7-1 File Director

--7.1 The Attributes of Files

--7.2 File Operation

--7.3 Examples of File Operation

--7.4 The Operations on Directories

--7.5 Obtaining a Directory List

Chapter 7-2 Memory

--7.6 Memory Mapping

--7.7 An Example of Memory Mapping

Chapter 8-1 Processes

--8.1 Process Creation

--8.2 The Way to Start a Program in a Process

--8.3 Waiting for a Process to End

Chapter 8-2 Threads

--8.4 The Introduction to Threads

--8.5 An Example of Multithreading Programming

--8.6 Thread Synchronization

--8.7 The Attribute of a Thread

Chapter 9 Signals

--9.1 The Introduction of Signals

--9.2 Sending and Capturing Signals

--9.3 A More Robust Signal Programming Interface

--9.4 Signal Set Processing

Chapter 10 Interprocess communication

--10.1 Unnamed Pipe

--10.2 Named Pipe

--10.3 Semaphore Introduction

--10.4 An Example of Semaphores

--10.5 The Introduction to Shared Memory

--10.6 An Example of Shared Memory

--10.7 The Introduction to Message Queues

--10.8 An Example of Message Queue

Chapter 11 Sockets

--11.1 Socket Introduction

--11.2 A Socket Programming Example

--11.3 The Interface Functions of Sockets

--11.4 Network Socket

--11.5 Access the System Service

--11.6 Multi-Client Programming

Chapter 12-1 Module and Driver

--12.1 The Introduction to Kernel Modules

--12.2 The Design of Kernel Modules

--12.3 The Introduction to Linux Device Drivers

--12.4 The Important Data Structures of Drivers

--12.5 An Instance of a Virtual Character Device Driver

Chapter 12-2 The Example of Driver

Final exam

Embedded Software Design授课教师:


大连理工大学软件学院副教授,博士,硕士生导师,“宝钢教育”优秀教师奖获得者,研究方向为嵌入式系统、聚类分析与缺失数据填补。 教学方面,从2014年开始慕课研究,在“中国大学MOOC”上线《计算机组织与结构》课程,选课情况良好;先后主持国家级教改与课程建设项目2项,省部级项目11项,校级项目10余项,承担教学经费累计100余万;发表教学论文30余篇,CSSCI收录1篇;出版教材7部,获评辽宁省“十二五”规划教材一部;主持辽宁省精品资源共享课1门,大连理工大学优秀课程1门;研发两套在线课程软件支撑工具入选“2017中国大学在线课程支撑工具发展报告”;在国内各级教学研讨会做慕课建设及在线工具设计特邀报告6次;获得各级教学奖励30余次 科研方面,先后参与863、973、国家自然科学基金、重大研发计划、横向课题多项,累计承担经费100余万;发表学术论文30余篇,SCI/EI收录20余篇;获授权国家发明专利7项、计算机软件著作权20余项;获辽宁省技术发明三等奖1次,大连市优秀学术论文二等奖1次。


大连理工大学开发区校区外语教育中心教师,主讲雅思国际测试、英文写作等多门课程,主要研究方向为交叉学科视角下的语言学与语言教学研究,参加多次教学比赛,先后获得“教学之星”大赛全国一等奖、辽宁省微课教学比赛一等奖、辽宁省教育教学信息化大赛一等奖、辽宁省英语微课比赛一等奖、大连理工大学教学质量优秀奖等。工作十多年来,始终坚持教学改革与创新,不断完善教学内容和教学方法,视课堂为舞台,与同学们共同走过一段人生历程。有任何问题,记得联系我哦:[email protected]


工学博士,控制科学与工程博士后,大连理工大学副教授,博士生导师。一直专注水电调度、清洁能源消纳、多能互补、电力市场等方面的研究与开发,主持国家自然科学基金(青年和面上)、中国博士后基金特别资助等课题10项、省部级和校级教改基金2项, 发表论文90余篇(1作和通讯60余篇),SCI 20余篇、EI 90篇,授权发明专利9项、软件著作权12项,入选辽宁省百千万人才工程、大连市青年科技之星、大连理工大学首批“星海学者”人才培养计划,是全国高等学校水利类优秀研究生学位论文指导教师,获省部级一等奖4项、二等奖2项。

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