Introduction of New Structural Regional Economics

The Introduction of New Structural Regional Economics is a course jointly presented by the School of Economics and Management of Nanchang University and the Institute of New Structural Economics at Peking University. Focusing on rich regional practical cases in China, the course will lead you to analyze the Chinese theories, absorb the Chinese wisdom and study the Chinese experience of regional economic development and governance from a brand new perspective of New Structural Regional Economics.


Introduction of New Structural Regional Economics课程简介:前往报名学习

Introduction of New Structural Regional Economics课程简介:

The Introduction of New Structural Regional Economics is a course jointly presented by the School of Economics and Management of Nanchang University and the Institute of New Structural Economics at Peking University. Focusing on rich regional practical cases in China, the course will lead you to analyze the Chinese theories, absorb the Chinese wisdom and study the Chinese experience of regional economic development and governance from a brand new perspective of New Structural Regional Economics.


Introduction of New Structural Regional Economics课程目录:

0.Course Introduction

1.An Overview of China's Economic Development: The Origin of NSRE

--1.1 A Mysterious Line: Hu Line

--1.1.1 China's Physical Geography

--1.1.2 Hu Line

--1.1.3 Economic catch-up of the central and western China

--1.2 Common Prosperity: China's gradual regional development

--1.2.1 Overview of China’s economy

--1.2.2 Coastal special economic zones in China

--1.2.3 Western Development strategy in China

--1.2.4 Northeast China Revitalization Plan

--1.2.5 Rise of Central China Plan

--1.3 Metropolitan Area: Key to Coordinated Regional Development of China

--1.3.1 Coordinated regional development and main functional area

--1.3.2 China’s urban agglomeration pattern and the economic effect

2. Classical Theories of Regional Development

--2.1 Agricultural location theory

--2.2 Growth Pole Theory

--2.3 The Stages of Economic Growth

--2.4 Pole & Axis System Theory

--2.5 Center-periphery theory

3. New Structural Economics and Its Policy Application

--3.1 Why New Structural Economics

--3.2 The Theoretical Foundation of New Structural Economics

--3.3 Does New Structural Economics Offer Explanations?

--3.4 Application for Industrial Policy

--3.5 Does the idea of New Structural Economics work?

4. Principals of New Structural Regional Economics

--4.1 Regional Externality

--4.2 Endowment Structure Transformation

--4.3 Role Boundary of Facilitating Government

--4.4 Spatial Optimal Equilibrium

--4.5 Evolution of Dynamic Spiral

5. The Practice of New Structural Regional Economics in Developing Economies

--5.1 China's Development Experience and OFDI

--5.2 Commonness and New Trends of Developing Countries

--5.3 Industrialization of Developing Countries with Special Economic Zones

--5.4 Growth Identification and Facilitation Framework (GIFF)

--5.5 GIFF in Practice and Case Studies (Nigeria, Benin and Uzbekistan)

6. The Practice of New Structural Regional Economics in China

--6.1 The Theory of County Economic Competitiveness

-- 6.1.1 The global competitiveness model and its theoretical basis

-- 6.1.2 The Brief introduction of the Theory of County Economic Competitiveness

--6.2 Strategic Framework of New Structural County Development

-- 6.2.1 Situation of the Chinese Counties: Development Stage、Location Characteristics and Natural Res

-- 6.2.2 The other Situation of the Chinese Counties and The Case of Qinyuan Pencil

-- 6.2.3 The County's Development Strategy (comparative advantage) Analysis

--6.2.4 The Other County's Development Strategy (comparative advantage) Analysis and Conclusion

--6.3 China’s County Development Strategy

--6.3.1 The Case of Jinjiang and Guanling

-- 6.3.2 The Case of Qianyang and Changzhi

-- 6.3.3 The Case of Hotan

7. A Demonstration of China's Development Achievements

--7.1.1 Targeted Poverty Alleviation Strategy

--7.1.2 Cases of the Old Revolutionary Base Areas

--7.2 Growth Identification and Industrial Policy: Jilin Revitalization

--7.3 Facilitating Government and Efficient Market: Development of Yangtze River Economic Belt

-- 7.3.1 The Carrying Capacity of Yangtze River Economic Belt

-- 7.3.2 The Development of Yangtze River Economic Belt

--7.4 Growth Identification and Facilitation: Integration of Yangtze River Delta and High-quality Deve

Final Examination

Introduction of New Structural Regional Economics授课教师:








博士,副教授,硕士生导师,南昌大学赣江青年学者。研究兴趣和方向为区域经济增长与可持续发展、区域创新网络与空间计量、宏观金融与银行效率评价。主持国家社科基金项目1项,省部级课题4项。在《International Review of Economics and Finance》、《数量经济技术经济研究》和《科学学研究》等SSCI/CSSCI发表学术论文多篇。担任SSCI期刊《Emerging Markets Finance and Trade》和《North American Journal of Economics and Finance》匿名审稿专家。


北京大学新结构经济学研究院国际发展合作部主任、资深实务专家,法国国家科学院国际发展研究中心(CERDI-CNRS)发展经济学博士,北京大学法国语言文学和经济学双学士。曾在埃森哲(Accenture)咨询公司和国家电力投资集团任职,直接负责海外投资、商务谈判、政府事务和公共关系。研究领域包括中国企业走出去实证研究、工业园区诊断以及制造业、能源和矿业的国际产能合作及全球影响等。主要负责新结构经济学在实践领域的落地和推广,负责新结构经济学研究院的国际合作和国际智库项目。于佳博士目前担任亚洲开发银行(ADB)顾问,是世界能源理事会(World Energy Council)未来能源领袖中国代表,任首届全球董事会成员,发展委员会委员(2015-2017)。


北京大学光华管理学院经济学博士,曾在《Sustainability》《the Annals of Regional Science》《China Economist》《金融研究》等国内外核心学术期刊发表论文20余篇,曾获全国经济学博士后学术论坛一等奖、谭崇台发展经济学奖学金、上海青年经济学者论坛二等奖等国内外30余奖项。近年来主持和参与了多项国家社科基金项目、博士后面上基金一等资助项目以及国家与地方政府的智库项目。研究领域主要包括要素收入分配和新结构经济学。

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