Supporting Health and Risk Governance in Communities

Community-based action are key in local safety and development. In this course, students would be able to acquire on-the-ground skills as well as to understand risk on community level by learning guiding principles and tools for Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) in terms of health and broader risk governance.


Supporting Health and Risk Governance in Communities课程简介:前往报名学习

Supporting Health and Risk Governance in Communities课程简介:

Community-based action are key in local safety and development. In this course, students would be able to acquire on-the-ground skills as well as to understand risk on community level by learning guiding principles and tools for Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) in terms of health and broader risk governance.


Supporting Health and Risk Governance in Communities课程目录:

Unit 1 WHO: Risk Communication Essentials

--A. Emergency Risk Communication: Course Introduction

--B. Risk Communication 101

--C. Risk Communication Capacities

--D. Tools

--E. Exercises

Unit 2 IFRC: Community-Based Health and First Aid

--Topic 1: Basic Introduction to eCBHFA

--Topic 2: Working with Communities and eCBHFA Tools

--Topic 3: Social Behaviour Change Communication

--Topic 4: CBHFA and COVID-19

--Final Assessment

--Interactive Session

Unit 3 UNDP and ICRG BNU: Community-Based Risk Governance

Unit 4 Thematic Webinar: Prepare the Refugee Communities

Supporting Health and Risk Governance in Communities授课教师:


世界卫生组织(英文名称:World Health Organization,缩写WHO,中文简称世卫组织)是联合国下属的一个专门机构,总部设置在瑞士日内瓦,只有主权国家才能参加,是国际上最大的政府间卫生组织。



联合国开发计划署(The United Nations Development Programme 简称 UNDP)是世界上最大的负责进行技术援助的多边机构。它是联合国的一个下属机构,总部位于纽约。 联合国开发计划署的工作是为发展中国家提供技术上的建议、培训人才并提供设备,特别是为最不发达国家进行帮助。致力于推动人类的可持续发展,协助各国提高适应能力,帮助人们创造更美好的生活。


风险治理创新研究中心为北京师范大学校级学术机构, 拥有灾害、社会发展和应急管理等学科国内外领先的专家团队,旨在建设政产学研社用、国内外等紧密结合的新型智库,重点面向风险治理的优先领域,推动韧性社会建设,并有效引进国际先进理念和技术,促进中国灾害风险治理的优化并携手相关政府部门、企业、社会组织走出去推进“一带一路”国家的灾害风险治理能力建设。在多年的国内外重大灾害的参与应对中,中心研究团队既强调对全球灾害的及时应对(建立应急预案和专业多元融合的响应团队),也兼顾可持续发展的长期数据及研发功能(大数据和评估框架与工具)。

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