Accountant in Business

Learn what to expect on your ACCA journey! Just start with Accountant in Business (F1). I will support you on that path. Let us work together! YES,WE CAN!


Accountant in Business课程简介:前往报名学习

Accountant in Business课程简介:

Learn what to expect on your ACCA journey! Just start with Accountant in Business (F1). I will support you on that path. Let us work together! YES,WE CAN!


Accountant in Business课程目录:

Ch1 Business Organizations and Their Stakeholders

--1.1 Organization

--1.2 Stakeholders

--Ch 1 Practice

Ch 2 The business environment

--2.1 Introduction of environment

--2.2 PEST analysis

--Ch2 Practice

Ch3 The macro-economic environment

--3.1 Some key terms

--3.2 Macroeconomics policy

--Ch3 Practice

Ch4 Micro-economic factors

--4.1 Introduction of microenvironment

--4.2 Market equilibrium

--4.3 Government intervention

--Ch4 Practice

Ch5 Business organization, structure and strategy

--5.1 The informal organization

--5.2 Organizational structure

--5.3 Levels of strategy in the organization

--5.4 Centralization and decentralization

--Ch5 Practice

Ch6 Organizational culture and committees

--6.1 Organizational departments and functions

--6.2 Culture

--6.3 Committees

--Ch6 Practice

Ch7 CG and SR

--7.1 CG

--7.2 Corporate social responsibility

--Ch 7 Practice

Ch9 Control, security and audit

--9.1. Internal control

--9.2. Audit

--9.3 Security

--Ch 9 Practice

Ch10 Identifying and preventing fraud

--10.1 Fraud

--10.2 Systems for detecting and preventing fraud

--Ch10 Practice

Ch11 Leading and managing people

--11.1 The purpose and process of management

--11.2 Writers on management

--11.3 Management and supervision

--11.4 What is leadership?

--Ch11 Practice

Ch13 Diversity and equal opportunities

--13.1 Discrimination at work

--13.2 Equal opportunities

--13.3 Practical implications

--13.4 Diversity

--Ch13 Practice

Ch14 Individual, groups and teams


--14.2 Groups

--14.3 Teams

--Ch14 Practice

Ch15 Motivating individuals and groups

--15.1 Motivation

--15.2 Key theoretical approaches

--15.3 Choosing suitable rewards and incentives

--15.4 Using pay as a motivator

--Ch15 Practice

Ch18 Personal effectiveness and communication

--18.1 Personal development plans

--18.2 Time management

--18.3 Role of information technology

--18.4 Coaching, mentoring and counselling

--18.5 Communication in the workplace

--18.6 Formal communication processes

--18.7 Informal communication channels

--18.8 Barriers to communication

--18.9 Communication methods

--Ch18 Practice

Accountant in Business授课教师:


管理学博士,西安交通大学管理学院副教授,硕士生导师。香港科技大学、英国诺丁汉伦特大学以及美国新泽西州立大学访问学者。 热爱教育事业,2007年获得西安交通大学双语授课竞赛二等奖;2014年、2017年、2018年以及2019年多次获得西安交通大学学生评教优秀教师;2019年获西安交通大学第五届教学卓越奖。积极参加特色专业和MOOC课程建设,2009年获得国家级教学成果奖一等奖。主讲课程《Accountant in Business,F1》在中国大学慕课和学堂在线同时上线,该课程在2020年在国际在线平台上线。 主持各级课题25项,其中主持国家自然科学基金1项,教育部人文社科基金2项,陕西省社会科学基金3项,陕西省软科学2项。以第1作者或通讯作者发表期刊论文50余篇,其中5篇被SSCI收录,4篇发表在国家自然基金委管理科学部认定的权威期刊。2015年获陕西省第十二次哲学社会科学优秀成果论文类一等奖。2007年获“李秀恒管理基金发展基金”二等奖,2014年获“齐鲁思源奖励基金”二等奖,2019年获“汪应洛管理教育基金”二等奖。出版专著一本。 指导博士生一名,指导包括学术型、会计专硕、MBA在内的各类硕士生百余名。2019年获得西安交通大学优秀硕士学位论文指导教师。

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