This is AI

不论你是否欢迎——人工智能已经来了!你真的知道什么是人工智能吗?你准备好了与人工智能共同发展了吗?人工智能真的会在未来威胁人类吗?探索频道(Discovery Channel)携手人工智能行业的领导者,百年科技巨头——IBM,给出了答案,推出纪录片《这就是人工智能》。


This is AI课程简介:前往报名学习

This is AI课程简介:

不论你是否欢迎——人工智能已经来了!你真的知道什么是人工智能吗?你准备好了与人工智能共同发展了吗?人工智能真的会在未来威胁人类吗?探索频道(Discovery Channel)携手人工智能行业的领导者,百年科技巨头——IBM,给出了答案,推出纪录片《这就是人工智能》。


This is AI课程目录:

This is AI

--This is AI

This is AI授课教师:

IBM Research-Research-IBM-

IBM Research – China is a passionate community of scientists working daily to develop core AI capabilities, industry solutions and other advanced technologies such as cloud, Internet-of-Things (IoT) and blockchain. We aim to achieve scientific eminence through exploratory research while advancing IBM's existing offerings and engaging in cross-industry partnerships that help organizations differentiate themselves through innovation.

© 柠檬大学 2020