








--第一节 数学实验课程简介



第一章 MATLAB软件简介

--第一节 MATLAB的基本操作

--第二节 MATLAB的矩阵与数组

--第三节 MATLAB的数据可视化

--第四节 MATLAB的M文件

--第一章测试 MATLAB软件简介

--讨论题:第一章课后动手实验题 MATLAB软件简介

--第一章 MATLAB软件简介PPT课件

第二章 数据拟合

--第一节 数据拟合简介

--第二节 斐波那契数列(1)

--第三节 斐波那契数列(2)

--第四节 化学反应生成物浓度(1)

--第五节 化学反应生成物浓度(2)

--第二章测试 数据拟合

--讨论题:第二章课后动手实验题 数据拟合

--第二章 数据拟合PPT课件

第三章 微分方程

--第一节 微分方程的解析解和数值解

--第二节 单自由度阻尼系统的数学模型

--第三节 无外力下单自由度阻尼系统的解析解

--第四节 无外力下单自由度阻尼系统的数值解

--第五节 有持续外力下单自由度阻尼系统的数值解

--第三章测试 微分方程

--讨论题:第三章课后动手实验题 微分方程

--第三章 微分方程PPT课件

第四章 特征值与特征向量

--第一节 基本概念

--第二节 捕食者与被捕食者问题的演化过程

--第三节 斑点猫头鹰的生存问题的演化过程

--第四节 离散动态系统的几个基本事实

--第四章测试 特征值与特征向量

--讨论题:第四章课后动手实验题 特征值与特征向量

--第四章 特征值与特征向量PPT课件

第五章 分形实例

--第一节 函数迭代与分形

--第二节 Koch曲线

--第三节 Sierpinski地毯(一)

--第四节 Sierpinski地毯(二)

--第五节 分形树木

--第六节 分形几何体的维数

--第五章测试 分形实例

--第五章 分形实例PPT课件

第六章 矩阵的运算

--第一节 投入产出分析

--第二节 投入产出分析模型的求解

--第三节 Hill密码的加密方法

--第四节 Hill密码的加密解密过程

--第五节 Hill密码的加密矩阵的设计

--第六章测试 矩阵的计算

--第六章 矩阵的运算PPT课件

第七章 古典概型

--第一节 基本概念和Matlab相关命令

--第二节 分赌注问题

--第三节 赌徒破产问题

--第四节 掷硬币掷骰子和摸球问题

--第五节 高尔顿钉板

--第六节 中心极限定理

--第七章测试 古典概型

--讨论题:第七章课后动手实验题 古典概型

--第七章 古典概型




Liu Xiaolan, Ph.D., associate professor, master supervisor. Mainly engaged in machine learning and optimization algorithm research. The course focuses on calculus, mathematics experiment, operation research, information theory and coding technology. She has published more than 20 scientific research papers in Information Sciences, IEEE transaction on image processing, Siam Journal on scientific computing and other important journals, and published the textbook typical cases of mathematical experiments in Higher Education Press. In the past five years, she has presided over many projects of NSFC and provincial and ministerial level. She has won the first prize of excellent teaching and the second prize of excellent instructor of students' scientific and technological innovation in South China University of technology.





邓雪 -教授-华南理工大学-数学学院

Deng Xue, Ph.D., Professor, Master’s supervisor. Research field is portfolio and risk analysis. As the first author, she has published more than 40 scientific research and teaching papers in the top journals of SCI, such as “Information Sciences”, “Applied Soft Computing” and “Computers & Industrial Engineering”. In the past five years, she has presided over more than 10 projects, including the Humanities and Social Sciences Youth Fund of the Ministry of Education, the Natural Science Fund of Guangdong Province, and the Soft Science of Guangdong Province. She has won "one hundred most influential and outstanding domestic academic papers in 2016 and 2013" (the first author, with 3020 citations); twice "Nanguang Award" for teaching excellence of South China University of Technology, "special award for teaching achievements", twice "undergraduate excellent teaching demonstration course"; and "excellent instructor Award" of Guangdong financial modeling competition.


Gao Wenhua, Ph.D., associate professor, master supervisor. The main courses of graduate students are stochastic optimal control, mathematical modeling and mathematical experiments. She has won the third prize of the second Excellent University Alliance young teachers' teaching innovation competition, the first prize of undergraduate teaching excellence of South China University of technology and the excellent teaching and research paper award. Presided over many projects such as the teaching, research and teaching reform project of Guangdong Provincial Department of education, the basic scientific research business expenses of Central Universities and the school level teaching, research and teaching reform, and participated in many projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation. She participated in the preparation of higher mathematics teaching guidance book published by higher education press and published more than 20 papers.

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