商务英语翻译(Business English Translation & Interpretation)



商务英语翻译(Business English Translation & Interpretation)课程简介:前往报名学习

商务英语翻译(Business English Translation & Interpretation)课程简介:



商务英语翻译(Business English Translation & Interpretation)课程目录:

Lecture 1: General Introduction of Business English Translation and Interpretation

--1. General introduction of Business English Translation & Interpretation

--2. From Business English to Business English Translation and Interpretation

--3. Skills for Business English translators and interpreters

--4. Lectures of this course

Lecture 2: Business English Contract Translation

--1. What is a Business Contract

--2. Professional terms in Business English Contracts

--3. What is Letter of Credit

--4. Translation characteristics of Business English Contracts

Lecture 3: Business Letters Translation

--1. What is a business letter

--2. Business letters format for envelope and content

--3. Lexical features of business letters

--4. Syntactic features of business letters

--5. Textual features of business letters

Lecture 4: The Introduction of Interpretation

--1. What is interpretation

--2. Interpretation types and interpreters' skills

--3. Interpretation theories

--4. From interpretation to business interpretation

Lecture 5: Interpreting Skills

--1. What is interpreting process

--2. An interpreter's decoding and encoding process

--3. What is memory

--4. How to reinforce our memory

--5. Digit number interpreting

Lecture 6: Business Socializing and Interpreting

--1. What is business socializing

--2. What are the guidelines for business socializing

--3. Commonly-used greetings and interpreting in business socializing

--4. Initial meeting

--5. Farewell

--6. Welcome speech interpreting (from English to Chinese)

--7. Interpreting of Premier Li Keqiang's speech in Boao Forum for Asia (from Chinese to English)

Lecture 7: Business Telephoning and Interpreting

--1. The importance of business telephoning

--2. The difference between private telephoning and business telephoning

--3. The introduction of companies and characters

--4. The first contact telephoning and interpreting

--5. The unexpected call

--6. Handling information

--7. Closing a call

Lecture 8: Business Presentation and Interpreting

--1. Business Presentation

--2. Business Presentation Interpreting

Lecture 9: Business Negotiation and Interpreting

--1. Business Negotiation

--2. Business Negotiation Interpreting

Lecture 10: Culture and Business Translation and Interpretation

--1. Culture and trade mark translation

--2. Business translation in accordance with different systems between East and West

--3. Business interpretation in table manners and in sending gifts

--4. Business interpretation in negotiations

Course Test

商务英语翻译(Business English Translation & Interpretation)授课教师:


西北工业大学外国语学院副教授,主要研究方向:特殊用途英语的翻译研究。自2002年任教以来,多年从事研究生及本科生的英语教学工作,曾五次获得西北工业大学优秀教学成果奖,并获得最满意教师和“三育人”优秀教师的光荣称号,两次获得陕西省研究生优秀教学成果奖,发表专著«商务英语笔译与口译»,发表CSSCI论文六篇,其中一篇论文获得陕西省研究生外语教学研究学术研讨会优秀论文一等奖,主持科研项目十项。多次赴境外参加国际学术会议,2010-2012年赴美做访问学者,2019年再次赴美做短期培训。 在任教以前,她曾经有八年的时间从事国际商务和商务英语翻译的工作,积累了丰富的实际工作经验。任教以来,她在特殊用途英语的翻译研究领域中不断探索发现,致力于将自己的实际工作经验应用于商务英语翻译的教学工作中来,将理论与实际相结合,将课堂与实践相结合,将翻译与情境相结合,大胆创设真实商务情境,为学习者搭建了一个学校与社会互通交流的平台,深受学生的欢迎。

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