Chinese Ceramics

Blue-and-white porcelain showing composure and elegance, jade-like Jun porcelain and White porcelain being exquisite and gleaming, glaze colors in abundance and delicacy, each piece represents a unique beauty, which seems like an attractive woman whispering an ancient myth. Now, we’ll tell the legends of china,“Chinese Ceramics”,are you ready?


Chinese Ceramics课程简介:前往报名学习

Chinese Ceramics课程简介:

Blue-and-white porcelain showing composure and elegance, jade-like Jun porcelain and White porcelain being exquisite and gleaming, glaze colors in abundance and delicacy, each piece represents a unique beauty, which seems like an attractive woman whispering an ancient myth. Now, we’ll tell the legends of china,“Chinese Ceramics”,are you ready?


Chinese Ceramics课程目录:

Unit 1 Introduction to Chinese Ceramics

--1.1 Introduction

--1.2 Ceramics in Neolithic, East Han and Wei-Jin Dynasties

--1.3 Sui and Tang dynasties and Song Dynasty ceramics

--1.4 Ming and Qing Dynasties

--Unit 1 test

--Discussion questions

Unit 2 Cultural Connotations Carried by Chinese Ceramics

--2.1 The Unique Chinese Ceramic Culture

--2.2 The Historical Development of Chinese Ceramic Making

--2.3 Chinese Ceramic Shape Art

--2.4 Chinese Ceramic Painting Art

--2.5 Chinese Ceramic Folk Stories

--Unit 2 test

--Discussion questions

Unit 3 Inheritance and Innovation of Ceramic Culture

--3.1 CeramicCulture and the Zodiac

--3.2 The heritage of traditional ceramic culture

--3.3 The development and innovation of ceramic art

--Unit 3 test

--Discussion questions

Unit 4 The Primitive Types of Ceramics

--4.1 Gorgeous Colored Pottery

--4.2 The Method of Making Colored Pottery

--4.3 Primitive Colored Pottery Ⅰ

--4.3 Primitive Colored Pottery Ⅱ

--4.3 Primitive Colored Pottery Ⅲ

--4.4 Black Earthenware

--4.5 White Pottery and Primitive Porcelain

--Unit 4 test

--Discussion questions

Unit 5 The Terracotta Warriors and Clay Sculptures of the Qin and Han

--5.1 Terracotta Warriors in Qin Dynasty

--5.2 Potteries in Han Dynasty

--Unit 5 test

--Discussion questions

Unit 6 Millennia Celadon Porcelain

--6.1 Dragon kiln and Celadon

--6.2 Yue Kiln and Wuzhou kiln

--6.3 Deqing Kiln and Ou kiln

--6.4 Longquan Wares

--6.5 Yaozhou Wares

--Unit 6 test

--Discussion questions

Unit 7 The Tri-Color Glazed Porcelain

--7.1 Tang Tri-Colored Pottery

--7.1Tang Tri-Colored Pottery

--Discussion questions

--Unit 7 test

Unit 8 The Age of Porcelain and Five Great Kilns

--8.1 The flourishing age of the Song Dynasty

--8.2 The flourishing age of the Song Dynasty

--8.3 Ding Wares

--8.4 Ru Wares

--8.5 Guan Wares

--8.6 Ge Wares

--8.7 Jun Wares

--Discussion questions

--Unit 8 test

Unit 9 Blue and White Wares (Qinghua Ci)

--9.1 Reasons for the maturity of Qinghua porcelain in Yuan Dynasty

--9.2 The Invention of Blue-and-white Porcelain in the Tang Dynasty

--9.3 Fine China Ware became the Symbol of ChinaⅠ

--9.3 Fine China Ware became the Symbol of ChinaⅡ

--9.3 Fine China Ware became the Symbol of ChinaⅢ

--9.4 The charm of QinghuaⅠ

--9.4 The charm of QinghuaⅡ

--9.4 The charm of QinghuaⅢ

--Discussion questions

--Unit 9 test

Unit 10 Wucai Porcelain

--10.1 Da Ming Wucai

--10.2 Wooden engravings influence on Wucai porcelain

--10.3 Kangxi Wucai

--10.4 Liling Under-glaze multicolored porcelainⅠ

--10.4 Liling Under-glaze multicolored porcelainⅡ

--Discussion questions

--Unit 10 test

Unit 11 Fencai Porcelain

--11.1 The advent of Fencai

--11.2 Fencai Porcelain in the Yong zheng period

--11.3 Fencai Porcelain in the Qianlong Period

--Discussion questions

--Unit 11 test

Unit 12 Export Ware of the Ming and Qing Dynastie

--12.1 The export of Chinese porcelain in tang, Song and Yuan Dynasties

--12.2 Export of Chinese porcelain in the Ming DynastyⅠ

--12.2 Export of Chinese porcelain in the Ming DynastyⅡ

--12.3 Export of Chinese porcelain in the Qing Dynasty

--12.4 The impact of Chinese porcelain exports on the world

--Discussion questions

--Unit 12 test

Unit 13 Zisha---the Taste of tea

--13.1 Zisha-pottery

--13.2 The Zisha Teapot

--13.3 The Zisha tea set in the Ming Dynasty

--Discussion questions

--Unit 13 Test

Unit 14 Contemporary Chinese Ceramics

--14.1 Development of Contemporary Chinese ceramic art

--14.2 The internationalization trend of Chinese modern ceramics

--14.3 A new style of contemporary ceramic art Ⅰ

--14.3 A new style of contemporary ceramic art Ⅱ

--14.4 The Trade of the Artisans Ⅰ

--14.4 The Trade of the Artisans Ⅱ

--Unit 14 Test

--Discussion questions

Unit 15 Colorful Cloisonné

--15.1 Unique Cloisonné technique

--15.2 The Craftsmanship and Development of Cloisonné

--15.3 The Problems Facing the Inheritance of Cloisonné

--15.4 The inheritance and development of Cloisonné

--Unit 15 Test

--Discussion questions

Unit 16 Chinese ancient ceramics

--16.1 Appreciation of Chinese ceramics

--16.2 Explore the origins of ancient ceramics Ⅰ

--16.2 Explore the origins of ancient ceramics Ⅱ

Chinese Ceramics授课教师:


邱璟,南昌大学艺术与设计学院教授、硕导,高级工艺美术师,江西省委宣传部思想文化创意专家。主持多门精品在线开放课程,其中《中国民间艺术的奇妙之旅》、《时尚·魅力——大学生魅商修炼手册》在中宣部学习强国平台、中国大学MOOC、智慧树、超星尔雅等多个平台上线运行,《民间美术》为南昌大学“课程思政”示范课程,多部书画类作品被中国现代文学馆永久收藏。主持省级以上教学与科研课题多项,在 CSSCI 等核心以上学术期刊发表学术论文二十余篇,编写、出版多部学术专著、艺术设计类专业教材和国家职业技能鉴定考试复习指导丛书。主要研究领域为视觉传达设计和服装设计。




聂菁,南昌大学基础医学院讲师,硕士。讲授《人体解剖学》、《系统解剖学》、《断层解剖学》等课程。江西省省级精品在线开放课程《断层解剖学》课程负责人。先后在《International Immunopharmacology》、《神经解剖学杂志》、《中国临床解剖学杂志》、《解剖学杂志》等各类期刊发表学术、教学论文十余篇。主持江西省教育厅科研基金课、卫生厅青年基金项目各一项。主持南昌大学校级教改项目两项。参与多项国家自然基金项目、省级自然基金项目和省级教改项目。主要研究方向:人体解剖学教学、神经解剖学研究。






曲敏,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,南昌大学设计学硕士点负责人,荷兰代尔夫特理工大学、清华大学访问学者,江西省高新技术企业认定评审专家。Journal of Smart Product and Service Design副主编、Computers in Industry、International Journal of Production Research审稿人、中国工业设计协会会员、江西省工业设计协会理事、江西省工业设计学会理事。主持省级以上教学、研究课题四项;以第一作者身份发表高水平论文6篇,其中SCI收录4篇、EI收录2篇。设计作品荣获国家及省级奖励十余项。主要研究方向为工业设计、服务设计等。

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