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motivating employees

 楼主| 发表于 2015-5-14 09:33:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Several Fortune China readers have recently asked the following question:
    “With a tough economy it is difficult to meet our employees’ expectation of salary increases. How can we motivate them in other ways to keep them from leaving the company?”
    This is an excellent question for leaders to consider. An even better question is “What really motivates people in an organization, besides money?”
    Good work deserves recognition when it comes time for salary reviews. And, there are times when, to keep the business afloat, leaders have to tighten their belts and find other ways to recognize strong performance. All of us like money, and, the truth is, few of us work for money alone. I once worked for 4 years in a job I loved, for relatively low pay, because it was so enjoyable. The nature of the work itself, the perks and the working environment made it worthwhile for me to stay in the job, and I was recognized as a top performer. In other words, the “Intrinsic” rewards and motivators were so high that I didn’t care too much about the “Extrinsic” motivators. Here is what these words mean, in case they are new to you:
    Intrinsic means “in the thing itself.” In other words, an intrinsic motivation comes from inside, not from outside. Examples could include values, rapport with boss and colleagues, working environment, we like the kind of work and it satisfies us in important ways. Salary is not really a factor in intrinsic motivation. We simply find the job and the working environment satisfying at a personal level.
    Extrinsic means “from outside.” Extrinsic motivations might include salary, bonuses, public recognition, job benefits, and other rewards that come from the organization.
    Retaining strong performers requires a good balance of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors. Here are five ways to pump up motivational factors that may help with retention during tough times. None are guaranteed, however, there is always “something greater than zero” that you can do to show your sincere appreciation of good work.
    1. Recognition.Recognizing a person’s strong contributions can take many forms. Examples include:
       1. 表扬。认可某个员工的突出贡献可以有很多办法。比如:
    • Taking someone to lunch and letting them know how much you value their performance and thanking them for their loyalty.
       • 请他们吃午饭,让他们知道你多么看重他们的表现,并衷心感谢他们的忠诚。
    • Publicly recognizing someone’s performance with details of what they did and expressing gratitude for a job well done.
       • 公开表彰某人的业绩,详细介绍他们的工作,对出色完成的工作表示感激。
    • Certificates of Recognition for ‘extraordinary contributions to the business and the organization.” These are best presented at annual events or company retreats where the recipient will feel pride in the presence of their peers.
       • 给那些“对企业和组织做出突出贡献”的人颁发“荣誉证书”。最好是在年会或户外拓展时颁发,这样获奖者会在同侪面前露脸。
    2. Spot Bonuses.If you can’t afford to give deserving people a raise, at least give them 20% of the amount they would have received annually if they had received a raise. Let them know, personally, that you wish it could be more, and that until business is better, this is the best you can do. Perhaps add a personal gift with their name on it as another token of your gratitude. Many people will appreciate the gesture of a spot bonus and it takes some of the sting out of their disappointment.
       2. 即时奖金。如果没法擢升理应升职的员工,至少应该按升职后年薪的20%给他们发奖金。让他们本人清楚,你是希望能发得更多的,这是在业务形势转好之前你最大的诚意了。也许还应该附送一个印有他们姓名的小礼物,体现你的感激之情。很多人都会对这类即时奖金表示感激。这样一来,他们也不至于过于失望。
    3. Motivational Climate.Take a look around at the work environment and do whatever you can to make it a more pleasant place. Redecoration, better work spaces and desks, a fully equipped pantry with free coffee and tea, longer breaks, pastries in the pantry in the morning, expanded employee lounges….there are many ways to upgrade a working environment that are not expensive and will be appreciated by those who spend 8-10 hours a day working there. If you aren’t sure what to do…ask your employees what they would like in terms of a better working climate, and, within your budget, do your best to accommodate their requests. Make it clear that you are doing this ‘in recognition of your strong contributions’ until the business improves.
       3. 动机氛围。审视一下公司的工作环境,尽量让它变得令人愉悦。各种装饰物,更好的工作空间和办公桌,装备齐全、免费提供咖啡和茶的茶水间,更长的工间休息,早晨茶水间的甜点,更大的员工休息区……有很多办法花钱不多,又能大大改善工作环境,还能让那些每天要在办公室呆上8-10小时的员工心怀感激。如果吃不准该怎么做,那就问问员工,要改善工作氛围,他们需要些什么,然后在预算内尽力满足他们的要求。让大家清楚,在生意变好之前,你这么做是为了‘认可大家的突出贡献’。
    4. Celebrations.If you can’t afford to give every deserving employee a raise, invite them to a party or a retreat to simply celebrate their good work. Take them off-site for a day or two of fun, do some team-building exercises that are fun and motivating, feed them well, publicly recognize people with sincere praise (and perhaps Certificates of Recognition) and tell them how much you appreciate their hard work and loyalty. Ask them to help you achieve your business goals so that next time you can reward them in more tangible ways. Conduct group brainstorms on ways to increase business results and put the ideas into motion, recognizing the team for their ideas. Have a photographer capture key moments and provide high quality prints to all participants, personally signed “with gratitude” by yourself and other senior leaders.
       4. 庆功会。如果没法让每个够格的员工都升职,那就请他们参加聚会或户外拓展,为他们的出色工作开个小小的庆功会。带大家离开公司,玩上一两天,做些有趣有益的团队建设练习,让大家吃好,当着大家的面真诚表彰他们(也许可以发个荣誉证书),告诉他们,大家这么辛勤工作又忠心耿耿,你是多么感激。请大家帮你达成业务目标,这样下一次就能更实实在在地犒劳大家了。搞一些集体头脑风暴,旨在提高业绩,把创意付诸实践,对提出创意的团队表示认可。请摄影师抓拍重大瞬间,为所有人提供高品质照片,在每张照片上都签上你和其他高管“深表感激”这类话。       
5. Trust and Rapport.More than 80% of those who quit their jobs, in good times and bad, say that the main reason they are leaving is that they “hate their boss!” We have written before in this blog about the importance of building trust in all your work relationships and there is not enough space here to repeat all our advice in this area. And, if you will really ask yourself “how can I be a better leader and demonstrate my involvement with people?” you will find the answers. Spend time with people. Keep your door open. Show you care about them.Take an interest in their families, their hobbies, their development. Help them grow. Show them the way. Talk less, listen more. Coach them. Be a partner instead of a “lord.” Treat people with courtesy and respect. And so on. Of course this is not an “instant fix”—-it takes time and effort to build rapport with people. And it is worth the investment: because when times are tough people are far more likely to stay on the job if they trust and respect their boss.
   5. 信任与默契。无论经济形势是好是坏,超过80%的离职者都称自己辞职的主要原因是“讨厌老板”!我们曾在这个博客中论述过,在你所有的工作关系中建立信任是何等重要,现在无论如何重复这一观点都不过分。如果你确实自问过“我怎么才能成为更好的管理者,并显示出我和大家打成一片呢?”,你就会找到答案。和员工多待些时间,办公室的门要常开,对大家表示关心。有兴趣了解他们的家庭、爱好和职业发展。帮他们成长,为他们指路。少说多听。培训大家。别当“主子”,要做伙伴。以礼相待,尊重他人。诸如此类。当然这些都不是“立竿见影的特效药”——和大家建立默契是要花时间,花精力的。不过这种投资很值:因为当经济形势不佳时,员工如果信任并尊重老板,他们就更有可能不离职。
    Some of these strategies of course require cash, they are not free. But if you are not going to give the annual “cost of living’ increase, you can at least allocate 25% of that amount and use the cash to demonstrate in concrete ways that the company appreciates its’ people. Do you agree? If you are honest you will agree that “something greater than zero” is possible to do within the budget.
    Final Words.In times of recession and economic downturn, it is only strong leadership that gives you a competitive advantage in retaining top talent. Yes, it is ‘the soft skills that cut diamonds’ that can save you. Sure, some people may leave for a few dollars more. But if they find that the new environment is harsh or toxic, the perceived value of a few extra dollars will soon fade. Human Beings need Acknowledgement, Certainty, Variety, Love, Growth, and Fun in order to thrive. What are you doing, as a leader, to ensure these human needs are being met? If you think that people work only for money, you should think again. Your role as a leader is to be someone worthy of employee’s trust and respect, showing tangibly that you care about them as people…not merely because they perform ‘tasks.’

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