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 楼主| 发表于 2015-5-25 16:50:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Most moms got flowers, chocolate, maybe breakfast in bed for Mother’s Day.
One Canadian woman got a baby. That she wasn’t expecting. While flying to Japan.
The woman, identified by Canadian media as Ada Guan, gave birth Sunday over the Pacific Ocean near the end of the 10-hour Air Canada flight from Calgary, Alberta, to Tokyo, according to Canada’s Global News.
   加拿大媒体称此女子名叫Ada Guan,据加拿大的《环球新闻报》周日消息,Guan从加拿大亚伯达省的卡尔加里飞往日本,当10小时的航班即将结束时在太平洋上空生下了孩子。
Video shot by Japan’s Fuji News Network and posted to YouTube shows Guan being taken from the plane in a wheelchair, followed by father Wesley Branch cradling the newborn and waving to reporters.
   由日本富士新闻网拍摄并上传到YouTube上的视频显示,Guan坐着轮椅被推下飞机,身后跟着新爸爸Wesley Branch,他抱着刚出生的孩子向记者们招手。
"I couldn’t imagine. This happened completely unexpectedly. It turned out to be a beautiful baby girl, " Global News quoted Branch as saying
   “我根本没有想到。这一切都太突然了。孩子是个漂亮的小女孩呢!” Branch对环球新闻说道。
Guan started having stomach pains about two hours into the flight, Branch’s mother, Sandra Branch, told Global News. "She didn’t know what was happening to her, " Sandra Branch told Global News.
   Branch的妈妈Sandra Branch在接受环球新闻采访时表示,Guan在飞机飞行2小时时开始觉得胃疼。“她不知道是怎么回事。”
She was moved into business class, and doctors who happened to be aboard the flight came to her aid. They hooked up an IV and gave her some Tylenol, Sandra Branch said. But it didn’t seem to help.
   然后她被转移到了商务舱,机上刚好有乘客是医生便过来帮助她。他们给她输了点滴,还给她吃了泰诺,Sandra Branch说道,但似乎都没有用。
Things only escalated from there, Wesley Branch told Global News.
   Wesley Branch对环球新闻说,事情就是从这时候起变得戏剧性了。
"She told me, ’Something fell out of me, ’ " Branch said. "I lifted up her pants, and I saw a head, and then I heard, ’Wah.’ "I thought, ’Oh, my God, I think we have a kid, ’ " he said.
The birth went so smoothly, many passengers didn’t know what was happening until the captain announced the addition to the passenger list over the intercom, the Calgary Herald newspaper quoted passenger You Eun Song as saying.
   生产过程非常顺利,很多乘客根本不知道发生了什么,直到机长用喇叭广播飞机上多了一名乘客时大家才反应过来,Calgary Herald报引用了乘客You Eun Song的说法。
"He said someone had just given birth to a baby. ... He was wishing the best for the new baby, " Song said. Passengers began to clap for the young family, according to Song. "We were pumped, " Song said.
   “机长说有人生下了孩子……他希望孩子平安无事,”Song说道。据Song回忆,乘客们都开始为这个年轻的家庭鼓掌。“我们都乐坏了” 他说。
Wesley Branch told Global News that his girlfriend had gained a bit of weight in recent months but had taken a pregnancy test that came back negative. A recent trip to the doctor also failed to uncover the pregnancy, he said. "Her belly wasn’t even big. She just thought she was gaining a little bit of a weight. She didn’t think anything out of it, " he said.
   Wesley Branch在接受环球新闻采访时表示,女友最近几个月胖了一些,但用验孕棒检测结果是阴性。他们还去看了医生,医生也没有检测出女友怀孕。“她的肚子并不大,她想着自己可能是长胖了,根本没想过是怀孕,”他说道。
The couple named the baby Chloe, according to media reports. Both mother and child are "safe and sound" in Tokyo, Air Canada tweeted.
It isn’t clear when the couple might return to Canada, but one thing is for sure, new grandfather David Branch told Global News. "They’re not going to tour like they originally planned; they’re not going to be seeing too much of anything there, " he said.
   刚当上爷爷的David Branch告诉环球新闻,目前还不知他们什么时候回加拿大,但至少能确定一件事,那就是“他们不能按计划旅行了;东京很多地方都看不到了。”

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