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Beat the Clock

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-22 09:07:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Beat the Clock: 5 Time-Saving Tips
There’s no time like the present. But what if time is the one thing that you never have enough of? No matter what your excuses are, here’s the plain truth: You are allotted 60 minutes for every hour, and there are always 24 hours in a day. So if you’re having time management problems you’re the only one that’s to blame, and the only one who can fix it. Read on to find out how you can stop wasting time with our 5 time-saving tips. Plus: Take our quiz to test your sleep IQ…

Is your day filled with useless, time-sucking habits? If so, you’re a chronic time-waster. You’re probably also overwhelmed, stressed out and at your rope’s end. Time is precious. The more you have of it, the more you can get done, and the better you’ll feel.

But how can you squeeze an extra hour out of day that is full to bursting? You simply need to become more efficient and streamline the little things you do. Learning how to cut corners on the clock will save you not only time, it’ll also save your sanity. When should you start? Right now!

“You may delay, but time will not.” Benjamin Franklin
Beat the Clock Tip #1 ? Realize That You DO Have Time
The most important thing you have to wrap your mind around is that you DO have enough time. You may just have a bad habit of misusing it. Here are some common things you probably do that waste time:
•        Sleep in on the weekends.
•        Watch TV or surf the web out of boredom.
•        E-mail or instant message personal conversations while at work.
You may be thinking that some of these are necessary evils. But when you’re stretched for time, watching reruns of The Love Boat can’t be justified. Turn off the TV, shut down the computer or video game, and let the realization that you’re gaining many valuable minutes wash over you.

Taking away all of these time-wasters could literally save you hours upon hours. Make a list of other time-wasters that you’re guilty of, and then post this list where you can see it, as a daily reminder of what not to do.
Beat the Clock Tip #2 ? Identify Interruptions
No matter how hard you try to weed out time-wasters from your day, it’s inevitable that someone else will come along and do the time-wasting for you. A simple phone call can break up your concentration and get you off track, which could have serious time repercussions later on.

For an entire week, keep a notebook handy so you can write down every time you’re interrupted. Maybe you can point the finger at that one coworker who always wants to chat it up when you’re up to your ears in a new project. Use this list to figure out how to get rid of unnecessary daily disruptions, like unplugging the phone when you’re busy and telling Chatty Cathy to buzz off.

Beat the Clock Tip #3 ? Keep a Planner
A busy life needs an organized blueprint. And there’s no better way to save time than to let the folks at your local office supplies store create the outline for you. Don’t waste time creating calendars ? buy a day planner! These handy little books are inexpensive and come already organized, which can save you bundles of time and mental energy. Don’t store appointments and TO Do lists in your mind. Write it down, get it out of your head, and you’ll know when, where, what, and why you need to be doing something.
Beat the Clock Tip #4 ? Do it BEFORE it’s Due
You do NOT have time to put important tasks on the back burner. Waiting until the last minute to accomplish something is never good. Why? Procrastinators are on an emotional roller coaster of time management. They put off doing a task because it gives them free time right now. Unfortunately, delaying tasks only creates more problems down the line.

You can easily double the amount of time you spend on a task if you keep pushing it back. So don’t follow the rule of “better late than never.” You may get something done at the last minute and feel relieved, but chances are it won’t reflect your best work.

Tackle projects as soon as they come your way and you’ll end up with more hours in your day, guaranteed.

"He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future." George Orwell
Beat the Clock Tip #5 ? You Snooze, You Lose
Getting off to a late start is the worst thing you can do to a brand new day. And if you’re in the habit of hitting the snooze button repeatedly, you’re wasting a lot of time. If you’re hitting snooze because you’re exhausted in the morning, get to bed earlier. If you’re snoozing due to habit and the fact that your alarm is within arm’s reach, move it across the room.

If you continually wake up grumpy because the incessant buzzing or beeping gives you a headache every morning, get a new alarm! Try the iHome and set your iPod to a good morning song, like Destiny Child’s “Happy Face.” Or if you’re not into the Apple trend, at least spring for an alarm that can wake you up with soothing nature sounds.

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