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The best cities in the world for culture and the arts

 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-26 10:46:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
                A city’s customs, repertoire of arts, architectural and social achievements, and distinct flavors are, collectively, what we come to know and to cherish when we celebrate its culture.
Be it a city of ancient ruins dating back to humankind’s first permanent civilizations, or striking modern constructions that surge toward the sky like glass-and-steel beams of light, these are the cities Travel + Leisure readers flock to when they seek an injection of arts and culture.
Take Il Duomo in Florence, for example. This staggering cathedral, with its first stones dating back to 1296, could very well be considered the city’s trademark.: the single structure that stands as a summation of Florence’s religious and artistic Renaissance. Without it, would the city still linger in travelers’ minds with the same unrelenting grasp?
And what of our No. 1 city for culture and the arts this year? Even the faintest whisper about the City of Light conjures immutable images of Monet’s gardens, the Mona Lisa’s unnerving half-smile, the palace of Versailles’ glittering hall of mirrors.
We seek culture everywhere we travel: it is the unmistakable character or quality of a city that reminds us at every turn that we are somewhere unforgettable and unique.
Paris, France
Score: 97.668
“Cultural overload!” Exclaimed one T+L reader when describing the City of Light. Strolling through Paris’ charmingarronidssements will lead you past a staggering number of museums, landmarks, and shops that alone could qualify as cultural sights. Begin with the Musée du Louvre’s most famous residents, the Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo, and catch the glittering glass pyramid in the museum’s plaza at sunset, if you can. You’ll want to see the Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame, and the Champs-Elysées. Scale the Eiffel Tower in the morning for sweeping city vistas, and dine in its glow at night. Of course, much of Parisian culture is rooted in the city’s chic, designer boutiques (head to the Rue Charlot and Rue Vieille du Temple for the latest in haute couture. Sample flaky croissants and light-as-air macarons from any of the countless patisseries, or sip a bottle ofBordeaux while picnicking along the Left Bank of the River Seine.
Florence, Italy
Score: 96.870
Thanks to Michelangelo, Botticelli, and da Vinci—just three of the artists represented in city’s collection of one million plus Renaissance works—Florence has remained a necessary stop for travelers on an arts and culture pilgrimage. This Italian city rises from the Tuscan countryside like Il Duomo, the iconic basilica with its revolutionary, herringbone-brick dome, rises from the distinctly Florentine skyline, and is known for its dizzying maze of narrow lanes lined with trattorias and cafes. Alternate dishes of smoked mozzarella, fennel-flavored salami, and chitarrine ai tre ragu (pasta with a trio of sauces) with visits to the Mercato di Sant’Ambrogio, the Medici family’s Vasari Corridor, and an open-air performance at Operandi Firenze in the summertime. Don’t leave before getting a view of the sun sparkling off the city’s prominent red roof tiles from San Niccolò tower, which reopened in 2011 after a 40-year-long, $400,000 restoration. Below you, you can imagine all of the familiar landmarks in their original glory.
Kyoto, Japan
Score: 96.829
“Kyoto…should be at the top of anyone's list that treasures history and tradition, culture and art, ponds and gardens. [It] has something for everyone.” said one T+L reader. Centuries-old Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines are scattered throughout the city, and there is a noticeable absence of flashing ads and tall buildings. Kyoto has evolved with caution, preserving its heritage with reverence. Highlights on a self-guided cultural tour include Kinkaku-ji, the gold-leaf plated Zen temple, the Fushimi-Inari-taisha shrine, with its vermillion torii gates perforating the mountainside, and the five-acre gardens at Okochi-Sanso. Don’t leave without spending at least one night at a traditional ryokan inn, like the Hoshinoya Kyoto (fashioned with rice-paper screens and intricate woodwork), slurping down a bowl of homemade soba or udon noodles, or passing a peaceful afternoon in the Sagano Bamboo Garden.
Rome, Italy
Score: 96.71
Could there be anything more eternal than the city of Rome, which has captured the imaginations of historians, artists, and casual travelers for nearly 2,000 years? There’s the centuries-old Colosseum, the Trevi Fountain endowed with wish-granting powers, the immaculately-restored Palazzo delle Esposizioni with its 100,000-square-foot gallery space, and the still-free Roman Forum. “Because I went, not merely as a traveler, but as a pilgrim [of the arts] my experience improved tenfold,” said one T+L enthusiast. “To be so [encircled by] relics and religious history was definitely a spiritual high point in my life.” Another timeless facet of the Roman itinerary? Gelato. This creamy treat gets a sophisticated upgrade at Carapina, where gelatio Simone Bonini serves flavors made with almost-black chocolate and 36-month aged Parmesan.
New York City, New York
Score: 96.307
Many would agree with the observation that “New York has more culture per square mile than any other city in the US.” The customs and cuisines of many countries worldwide have been preserved in this gridded metropolis, which is perhaps best known for its daring architecture and theatrical arts. The Empire State building and the Statue of Liberty may be symbolic of New York City, but even its newest additions play an important role in expressing the history of this place. Take your time exploring the One World Trade Center, lingering first at the 9/11 memorial before ascending to the three-story observatory occupying the 100, 101, and 102 floors for staggering views of New York, New Jersey: even the slight curve of the horizon when the light is just right. Later, take a stroll along the High Line (now home to pop-up art exhibitions and food vendors) before taking in a show on Broadway.
London, England
Score: 95.175
You will never be at a loss for things to do in England’s capital city, which is truly international and cosmopolitan as much as it is quintessentially British and old school. Yes, there’s Buckingham Palace, tours of the Tower of London led by Yeomen warriors, and Westminster Abbey (go for free during an Evensong service and skip the queue). And in the summertime, there are open-air Shakespearean productions at the Globe Theater, just a quick walk across the ultra-modern Millennium Bridge (or the ultra-old London Bridge) and beside Borough Market. But London has its lesser-known diversions that are just as worth the time and effort to see. Experience the rich global diversity of London in the Brick Lane neighborhood, where you can feast on the best Indian cuisine outside of India, or at the British Library, which houses original Beatles lyrics scrawled on used napkins, the Magna Carta, and Handel’s original messiah.
St. Petersburg, Russia
Score: 94.323
Russia’s second-largest city has emerged spectacularly from its shadowy Soviet past. Palaces and cathedrals are pulled straight from Candyland, with their colorful mint-green facades, golden spires, and the richly-mosaiced exteriors. The distinctly Moscovian Church of the Resurrection, the Winter Palace (which houses the Hermitage Museum) and the Cathedrals of Saints Peter and Paul are can’t-miss sights in St. Petersburg. Arrive in the summer for comfortably warm afternoons climbing the colonnade at St. Isaac’s Cathedral for panoramic views of the city, as well as picnics in the Alexandrvovsky Garden and hunting for the dozens of statues spread throughout. Art and politics in Russia are not mutually exclusive, and this can still be witnessed today at the new 2,000-seat Marinsky II theater.
Washington, D.C.
Score: 94.232
One of the most beautiful cities in the U.S. Everyone must visit here at least once. The museums, monuments, and history of our country make it more than worth a trip. You can’t miss D.C.’s heavy hitters: the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Whole days could be passed at the Smithsonian’s 17 museums (the Downtown National Air and Space Museum, home to the 1903 Wright Flyer, is on par with its annex at Dulles International Airport—the final resting place of NASA’s workhorse, the Discovery space shuttle). In the spring, Washington, D.C. hosts its own lovely cherry blossom festival. D.C.’s burgeoning cultural center is inarguably Dupont Circle, where visitors can peruse fashionable boutiques, record stores, galleries, and dine on some of the most innovative restaurants in the country.
Venice, Italy
Score: 94.011
Let yourself get lost in this labyrinth city of canals and crooked stone plazas. When you’ve had your fill of Venetian architecture (a fascinating amalgamation of Italian, Byzantine, and Ottoman-styles) duck into one of the city’s premier art museums, Ca ‘Pesaro or Galleria dell’ Accademia di Venezia. Work up an appetite wandering the network of pedestrian alleys and romantic bridges and order a bowl of pappardelle with fritto misto at Da Fiore, a necessary reservation for foodies from around the world. Yet Venice has been quietly contemporizing in both art as well as cuisine. Admire colorful Venetian glassworks at the new Fondazione Giorgio Cini, or enjoy an evening at the cinema Teatrino Grassi, restored by Pritzker Prize-winner Tadao Ando. Pick up a box of vanilla pastry cream tortellis with maraschino filling from Ristorante Quadri for the walk home.
   这座迷宫般的城市有无数的运河和弯曲的石头广场,令人不由自主地迷失其中。欣赏完颇具威尼斯特色,同时融合意大利、拜占庭和土耳其风格的建筑之后,别忘了去参观Ca ‘Pesaro or Galleria dell’ Accademia di Venezia,它是威尼斯是最著名的艺术博物馆之一。在步行小巷上漫步,走过浪漫的桥梁,肯定会勾起你的食欲,在Da Fiore餐厅点一碗配油煎杂拌的宽面条。这家餐厅是全世界美食家们来到威尼斯的首选。威尼斯的艺术与美食一直在悄悄地发生着变化。在新乔治悉尼基金会欣赏色彩斑斓的威尼斯玻璃制品,或者在Teatrino Grassi电影院度过一个晚上(该电影院的修复者是普利兹克奖获得者安藤忠雄)。在步行回家的途中,不要忘了从Ristorante Quadri餐厅买一盒添加黑樱桃酒的香草甜点奶油霜。
Jerusalem, Israel
Score: 94.000
Heritage is hotly debated in this controversial Middle Eastern city, though it is perhaps one of the only places in the world where churches stand peacefully next to mosques and synagogues. Everything here seems covered with 4,000-year-old Judean dust, yet it a surprisingly modern and youthful city. At night, the bars surrounding Zion Square come to life, while hand-fried falafel and slabs of pistachio-crusted halva can be found in force at Mahane Yeuhda market. There is perhaps no better way to unravel Jerusalem’s complicated religious and cultural history than by visiting Yad Vashem (the Holocaust History Museum) the warped triangular prism that bursts from the western slope of Mount Herzl. Like Florence, Jerusalem has its own landmark, the Dome of the Rock, with gold cupola lit like a metallic flame In the desert sun.
   在这座争议不断的中东城市,历史遗迹一直是争论的焦点,不过这里或许是世界上唯一一个基督教堂与清真寺和犹太教堂和平并存的地方。这里的一切似乎都覆盖着犹太人近4000年的历史积淀,但令人意外的是,这是一座现代化的年轻城市。在晚上,锡安广场周围的酒吧变得热闹起来,在Mahane Yeuhda市场可以找到大量的油炸鹰嘴豆饼和切成厚片的芝麻蜜饼,上面撒有哈瓦尔甜开心果。要想了解耶路撒冷复杂的宗教和文化历史,最好的途径便是参观犹太人大屠杀纪念馆,纪念馆是一个扭曲的三角形设计,从赫茨尔山的西面山坡一直延伸到山顶。与佛罗伦萨一样,耶路撒冷也有自己的地标——圆顶清真寺,在沙漠的阳光照耀下,清真寺圆形的屋顶如同金属火焰一般。
Vienna, Austria
Score: 93.973
For some T+L readers, “Vienna is like a [gem] in Austria's jewelry box.” It’s the perfect place to develop an appreciation for classical music and Austrian pastries, like apple strudel at Café Weimar. Hapsburg-dynasty architecture evokes Vienna’s imperial past, especially in masterworks such as the exquisite baroque Austrian National Library, a royal library until 1920 still guarded by the Goddess of Wisdom and home to the Globe Museum, with terrestrial and celestial globes all crafted before the end of the 19th century. But you cannot experience Vienna without seeing Mozart (or at least his costumed doppelgangers). At Wiener Staatsoper, you can view 19th-century frescoes as well as world-class opera performances. For something a bit more contemporary, listen to a performance by the Vienna Boys’ Choir in the modern music house, Muth.
   《漫旅》的读者们如此评价维也纳:“维也纳就像是奥地利珠宝盒中的一颗宝石。”这里是欣赏古典音乐和享用奥地利甜点的最佳选择,比如在Café Weimar餐厅品尝苹果卷。哈布斯堡王朝的建筑展现了维也纳在帝国时期的辉煌,尤其是一些宏伟的作品,如巴洛克风格的奥地利国家图书馆。这家皇家图书馆自1920年以来一直由智慧女神守护,里面包括地球仪博物馆,所有地球仪和星象仪均在19世纪末之前制作而成。但如果没有看过莫扎特(或至少是穿着戏服的莫扎特模仿者们),便不算来到过维也纳。在维也纳国家歌剧院,你可以欣赏19世纪的壁画,以及世界级的戏剧表演。如果你想要更现代的体验,可以到现代化的音乐大厅穆斯欣赏维也纳童声合唱团的表演。
Barcelona, Spain
Score: 93.428
Barcelona is not unlike Madrid’s cool, youthful, bohemian cousin. It is an energetic mosaic of sunlight, tapas, surreal Gaudí architecture (including the sandcastle-style Sagrada Familia temple, Casa Batlló and Park Güell) and verdant parks. History is richest in the Catalonian capital’s El Born neighborhood, where narrow streets maintain no-car policies and vestiges of the 1714 remain in sites such as El Fossar de les Moreres memorial square and El Museu del Born. Meanwhile, modern art thrives in the gleaming zinc-and-glass Les Glòries, the Fundació Joan Miró, for the eponymous artist’s six decades of surrealism, and MACBA, where collected 20th-century and contemporary works by Clemente, Fontana, Matta-Clark, and Tàpies are on view. Mediterranean and Moorish cuisine is delivered in the form of inventive tapas at restaurants and bars across the city. Try sheep-milk curd and rosemary honey chicharrones at Sagàs Pagesos, and Bar Celta Pulpería’s marinated octopus a la gallega.
   巴塞罗那很酷,也很年轻,这点让它看上去简直就是波西米亚风格的马德里。巴塞罗那充满活力:阳光、餐前小点、超现实主义的高迪建筑(包括类似于沙堡的圣家族大教堂、巴特洛公寓和奎尔公园)和郁郁葱葱的公园。加泰罗尼亚首府巴塞罗那历史最悠久的当属波恩区,这里狭窄的街道仍禁止车辆通行,在许多地方仍可以看到1714年的痕迹,如El Fossar de les Moreres纪念广场和El Museu del Born博物馆。而要想寻找现代艺术,可以到用闪闪发光的锌片和玻璃装饰的Les Glòries广场,那里有Fundació Joan Miró现代艺术博物馆,里面珍藏着艺术家米罗六十年的超现实主义作品,或者到当代艺术博物馆,这里收藏有20世纪和当代艺术家的作品,如克莱芒特、丰塔纳、马塔-克拉克和塔皮埃斯等。在整个城市的餐厅和酒吧均以创新的餐前小点的形式,提供地中海风味和摩尔风味的美食。可以在Sagàs Pagesos餐厅品尝羊奶凝乳和迷迭香蜂蜜炸猪肉,或者在Celta Pulpería酒吧品尝腌八爪鱼。
Madrid, Spain
Score: 93.171
Go to Madrid to glut yourself on art and architecture, most notably the Iberian stone bust Dama de Elche at Museo Arqueológico Nacional and masterpieces by Titian and Hans de Beken at the 16th-century Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales, where nuns still roam the tranquil cloister barefoot. For a dose of modern Spain, don’t miss out on the nightlife: the dance clubs are legendary, especially the flamenco haunts. Grotto-like Candela runs into the early morning hours, while neuvo-style beats blast from Suristán. El Rastro flea market, particularly the collection of antiques in Galerías Piquer, is a necessary stop for any visitors craving a bit of Spanish-style shopping.
   前往马德里欣赏艺术与建筑,其中最著名的是西班牙国家考古博物馆收藏的伊比利亚石头半身像Dama de Elche,以及提香与汉斯·德贝肯于16世纪在皇家赤足女修道院创作的作品。在皇家赤足女修道院,修女们依旧赤脚在安静的修道院中行走。要想了解西班牙现代的一面,当然不能错过这里的夜生活:这里有传奇级的舞蹈俱乐部,尤其是弗拉明戈舞厅。类似于洞穴的Candela营业到清晨,Suristán则会不时传出诺维利古雷风格的音乐。如果你想购买西班牙特色的商品,埃尔拉斯特洛跳骚市场,尤其是出售古玩收藏的Galerías Piquer,绝对是值得驻足停留的地方。
San Francisco, California
Score: 92.513
Silicon Valley’s proverbial heart is more than just tech start-ups and the Golden Gate Bridge—though we recommend a ferry cruise across the bay for the best or an obligatory cable car tour for the best photo-ops of this must-see landmark. Other city highlights include Fisherman's wharf, the colorful “Painted Ladies,” or the historic Victorian homes found across the city. “This is an amazing, culturally alive [place] to live, work or play,” a T+L reader said when casting their vote in favor of San Francisco. “Must not forget Treasure Island, which was the site of the World's Fair in 1939.”
Istanbul, Turkey
Score: 92.454
Travel back in time in Istanbul, the only city to straddle two continents. The birthplace of the Byzantine church is celebrated for its well-preserved ancient relics, like the Hagia Sophia, Christian mosaics and frescoes, the Blue Mosque and the Topkapı Palace. Bustling markets are as rich with Turkish culture as the tireless nightclubs. If time allows, take a cruise down the Bosporus for an unparalleled view of Istanbul’s medieval ruins and sparkling palaces. Old Istanbul still resonates with the footsteps of marauding Crusaders. After touring the highlights, sybaritic restaurants and nightclubs rival London and New York’s mainstays.

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