English Grammar and Style

Learn key concepts and strategies in grammar and style to enhance your writing and confidently respond to the demand of high levels of literacy today.


English Grammar and Style课程简介:前往报名学习

English Grammar and Style课程简介:

Learn key concepts and strategies in grammar and style to enhance your writing and confidently respond to the demand of high levels of literacy today.


English Grammar and Style课程目录:

Introduction to Write101x

--Welcome to Write101x

--UQx Tutorial: Navigating through this course

--Course assessments in Write101x

--Introductory discussion

Auxiliary materials



--Course presenters

Week 1 - Principles and Words

--Diagnostic test

--Lecture 1.1: What is grammar and why does it matter?

--Lecture 1.2: Writing standard English

--Lecture 1.3: How words work

--Quiz - Words

--Writing assignment 1

--Week 1 discussion

--Course resources

Week 2 - Sentences

--Week 2 overview

--Lecture 2.1: Parts of speech and word classes

--Lecture 2.2: Structure of patterns, sentences, phrases, and clauses

--Lecture 2.3: Common sentence-level problems

--Quiz: Sentences

--Week 2 discussion

--Course resources

Week 3 - Verbs

--Week 3 overview

--Lecture 3.1: Finite and non-finite verbs

--Lecture 3.2: Verb tenses, verb moods, and voice of verbs

--Writing assignment 2

--Quiz: Verbs

--Week 3 discussion

--Course resources

Week 4 - Nouns and pronouns

--Week 4 overview

--Lecture 4.1: Form and function of nouns

--Lecture 4.2: Form and function of pronouns

--Lecture 4.3: Pronoun problems

--Quiz: Nouns and pronouns

--Week 4 discussion

--Course resources

Week 5 - Adjectives and determiners

--Week 5 overview

--Lecture 5.1: Adjectives: Function, use, and degrees of comparison

--Lecture 5.2: Adjectival sequencing, punctuation, and determiners

--Writing assignment 3

--Quiz: Adjectives

--Week 5 Discussion

--Course resources

Week 6 - Adverbs

--Week 6 overview

--Lecture 6.1: Adverbs

--Lecture 6.2: Conjunctions

--Week 6 discussion

--Quiz: Adverbs and conjunctions

--Course resources

Week 7 - Prepositions and paragraphs

--Week 7 overview

--Lecture 7.1: How prepositions function and problems with prepositions

--Lecture 7.2: Paragraphs

--Writing assignment 4

--Quiz: Prepositions and paragraphs

--Week 7 Discussion

--Course resources

Week 8 - Punctuation

--Week 8 overview

--Lecture 8.1: The main punctuation marks and problems

--Lecture 8.2: Other punctuation marks

--Quiz: Punctuation

--Week 8 Discussion

--Course resources

--End of course diagnostic test


--Farewell from Write101x

English Grammar and Style授课教师:

Roslyn Petelin-副教授-昆士兰大学-

Roslyn Petelin在昆士兰大学教授写作和编辑。2001年,她设计并组织了关于写作、编辑和出版的研究生项目。她也曾在昆士兰科技大学任教,而且她曾在康奈尔大学赢得过许多教学奖励,其中包括澳大利亚学术和教学委员会授予她的突出贡献奖。她在1988-2013年期间是澳大利亚通信学报的编辑,如今是澳大利亚和新西兰交流协会的上任会长和终身荣誉会员。

Michael Lefcourt-----昆士兰大学-

Michael Lefcourt是昆士兰大学关于写作、编辑和出版的研究生课程的助教,他本人也是这个课程的毕业生。他同时也教大学本科的课程——写作,包括语法、句法和写作风格。他曾经在澳大利亚的通信学报实习,作为一个学术和企业编辑自由撰稿,现在是昆士兰秘书协会的会议秘书。迈克尔在1989年获得了多伦多大学(加拿大)的理学硕士学位,并作为工业研究化学家工作了许多年。

Gabrielle O'Ryan----昆士兰大学-

Gabrielle O'Ryan是昆士兰大学高级语法和专业写作课程的老师,同时在澳大利亚的“平民大学”格里菲斯大学教授创意写作和专业写作课。她曾经在南十字星大学和昆士兰科技大学教文学理论、媒介分析和创意写作。她赢得了各种创意写作奖项,其中包括因推动文稿发展而获得的柯林斯伐楼拿奖,她还为《澳大利亚文化研究》杂志连续撰写文章。不仅如此,她还与他人共同主持一个每周电台节目——电影俱乐部(4ZZZ),采访导演和评论电影。

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