Western and Chinese Art: Masters and Classics

From da Vinci to Zhang Xu, explore immortal works of Western and Chinese art and gain an appreciation of culture, history and civilization.


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Western and Chinese Art: Masters and Classics课程简介:

From da Vinci to Zhang Xu, explore immortal works of Western and Chinese art and gain an appreciation of culture, history and civilization.


Western and Chinese Art: Masters and Classics课程目录:

1.A Survey of Art: Subjects and Methodology

--1.1Factual impairment between image and message

--1.2Relationship between Fact and Truth

--1.3The image revelry in the information age

--1.4 Nature, animal and human body art

--1.5 Art: from concrete bodies to metaphorical constructions

--1.6 On defining art

--1.7 Globalization and Consumerism

--1.8 Art and Anti-art

--1.9The value classics hold to the modern time

2. The Dawn of Icon: Masterpieces by Unknown Artists

--2.1 The occurrence of prehistoric art

--2.2 Mysterious cave mural paintings

--2.3 Symbolism of rock engravings

--2.4 Expressive functions about prehistoric painting

--2.5 Aesthetic characters of prehistoric art

--2.6 The tribal art of bodily operation

--2.7 The construction to reach the heaven

--2.8 Immortal art in ancient Egyptian

3.Mythological creation of beauty: From Homer to Phidias

--3.1 The relationship between mythology and Greek culture

--3.2 The marks of the epics written by Homer

--3.3 Three greatest tragedy drammatists in Greece

--3.4 The aesthetics woven into ancient Greek architecture

--3.5 The ancient Greek sculpture

--3.6 The Greek sculpture of the classic age

--3.7 Works of Phidias

--3.8 The essence and verve of ancient Greek classical art

4.Majesty and Divinity: From Bronze Ware to Han Stone Rrelief

--4.1The beginning of Chinese painting and Calligraphy

--4.2 Majesty and divinity from bronze ware

--4.3 The Duke Mao Tripod and eternal characters

--4.4The Philosophy of Chuang Tzu

--4.5Qin Shi Huang’s Terracotta Warriors

--4.6The painting in the Han Dynasty

--4.7 The sculpture in the Han Dynasty

5.Grief and Transcendence: Wang Xizhi and Gu Kaizhi

--5.1Master Chuang Tzu's impact on the Wei and Jin Dynasties

--5.2Talking about Ji Kang

--5.3 The general spirit of the Wei and Jin Dynasties

--5.4 Wang Xizhi and his unrivalled attainment in calligraphy

--5.5 A Preface to the Orchid Pavilion

--5.6 The penmanship of two famous calligraphers surnamed Wang

--5.7Gu Kaizhi and his painting

--5.8 Great poet Tao Yuanming

6.Unrestrained-ness and unconventional-ness: Zhang Xu and Wu Daozi

--6.1The Chan School in the Tang dynasty

--6.2“Cursive King”: Zhang Xu

--6.3《Four Calligraphy Works of Ancient Poems》

--6.4Zhang Xu and Huai Su

--6.5Wu Daozi and his paintings

--6.6Wang Wei and Chinese landscape painting

--6.7The relation of painting and poetry

7. Earthliness and Holiness: Giotto and Jan Van Eyck

--7.1 The beginning of Renaissance: Giotto

--7.2 Giotto’s naturalism

--7.3 The frescoes in the Arenal Chapel

--7.4 The Renaissance artist in north Europe: Robert Campin

--7.5 The Ghent Altarpiece

--7.6 Jan Van Eyck’s secular paintings

8. The Blossoming of Holiness: From Da Vinci to Titian

--8.1 The beauty of dawn during Renaissance

--8.2 The reproducer of nature: Da Vinci

--8.3 The immortal work Mona Lisa

--8.4 The classicism of Raphael

--8.5 The Sistine Chapel ceiling

--8.6 The mythology and sculpture of Moses

--8.7 Michelangelo's struggle between life and death

--8.8 The perceptual Titian and Venice

9.Nature and Human Nature: Rubens, Poussin and Rembrandt

--9.1Rubens and the Baroque Art

--9.2Poussin and his classical spirit

--9.3Rembrandt and his aptitude of wielding light and shadow

--9.4 Rembrandt in his self-portrait

--9.5 Vermeer and his painting

10.Verve and Character: From Wang Wei to Ni Zan

--10.1Landscape painting from the Five Dynasties period to the Northern Song Dynasty

--10.2 Creating painting out of poetry by Emperor Huizong of Song

--10.3 Viewing the small through the large

--10.4 Combining the tangible with the intangible

--10.5 The atmosphere of freedom, detachedness and ease of landscape painting

--10.6 Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains

--10.7 Friendliness in Ni Zan’s painting

--10.8 A pristine and boundless world in Ni Zan’s painting

11.Personality and Love for Ridicule: Xu Wei the Lunatic

--11.1The origin and expression of the madman culture

--11.2 The madman Li Zhi

--11.3 Xu Wei: from gifted scholar to mad man

--11.4 The aesthetic ideology of Xu Wei

--11.5 Xu Wei’s notions and theories on painting practise

--11.6 Miscellaneous Plants and Flowers

--11.7 Drunkenness in Xu Wei's art

12.The Transition of Classicism: From David to Courbet

--12.1 Winckelmann

--12.2 Neoclassical master: David

--12.3 The Death of Marat

--12.4 The Intervention of the Sabine Women

--12.5 The aestheticism works by Ingres

--12.6 The contrast between photography and paintings

--12.7 Courbet and realism

13.The Philosophy and Painting of Romanticism

--13.1 Rousseau and emotionalism

--13.2 Kant's view about the beautiful and the sublime

--13.3 Goethe, from Werther to Faust

--13.4 Byron, romantic hero

--13.5 The painting laws of Romanticism

--13.6 John Constable

--13.7 The world of Turner

14.Experience and Contemplation: Van Gogh and Cézanne

--14.1 Western modernism and Rodin

--14.2 The Gates of Hell

--14.3 Painting conception of Manet

--14.4 Impressionism of Monet

--14.5 Cezanne:the Father of the art of modernism

--14.6 Van Gogh:painting and life

--14.7 The art value of Van Gogh

15.Boundless Art: From Marcel Duchamp to Andy Warhol

--15.1 art modernism

--15.2 porcelain urinal of Marcel Duchamp

--15.3 This is not a pipe

--15.4 The great innovation artist: Picasso

--15.5 the infinity of art

--15.6 the art after Andy Warhol

Final exam

Western and Chinese Art: Masters and Classics授课教师:


肖鹰,1962年生,四川威远人。毕业于北京大学,哲学博士。现任清华大学哲学系教授,博士生导师;北京大学美学与美育研究中心研究员,北京大学文化产业研究院研究员。已出版论著:《说与不说――肖鹰文学批评集》( 2014 ),《中国美学史•明代卷》,(2014),《天地一指――文化批评文集》(2012),《中西艺术导论》(2005),《美学与艺术欣赏》(2004),《真实与无限》(2002),《形象与生存》(1996)


孙晶,哲学博士,毕业于荷兰莱顿大学,清华大学 哲学系讲师。主要研究方向为西方艺术史和艺术理论,中西艺术交流。已出版研究著作The Illusion of Verisimilitude: Johan Nieuhof’s Images of China

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