The Psychology of Criminal Justice

Learn how behavioural science can improve our criminal justice system.


The Psychology of Criminal Justice课程简介:前往报名学习

The Psychology of Criminal Justice课程简介:

Learn how behavioural science can improve our criminal justice system.


The Psychology of Criminal Justice课程目录:

Welcome to CRIME101x


--Pre-course quiz

Episode 1 - Investigating the Crime Scene

--The crime

--Introduction to criminal profiling

--Criminal profiling methods

--Are professional profilers better?

--Can you profile the offender?

--Investigative psychology

--Geographical profiling

--What do you think?

--Next episode...

--Want to learn more about criminal profiling?

Episode 2 - Interviewing the Witnesses

--The crime

--Eyewitness memory: How reliable is it?

--Eyewitness evidence

--What do you remember about the crime?

--Eyewitness memory: The encoding stage

--Eyewitness memory: storage and retrieval

--Is your memory of the crime accurate?

--Improving eyewitness memory: forensic hypnosis

--Improving eyewitness memory: the cognitive interview

--How would you interview the witness?

--What do you think?

--Next episode...

--Want to learn more about interviewing witnesses?

Episode 3 - Identifying the Suspect

--The crime

--Face recognition


--Can you identify these famous faces?

--The line-up: Reducing bias

--Who did you pick from the line-up?

--The line-up: Simultaneous or sequential?

--The line-up: Choosing the foils

--Who would you choose for the line-up?

--Confidence and accuracy: Describing relationships

--Confidence and accuracy: How well do they correlate?

--Confidence and accuracy: A new type of line-up?

--What do you think?

--Next episode...

--Want to learn more about eyewitness identification?

Episode 4 - Questioning the Suspect

--The crime

--False confessions

--Is the confession reliable?


--How do you evaluate the interrogation?

--Can you identify a liar?

--Detecting deception

--The polygraph

--What do you think?

--Next episode...

--Want to learn more about questioning suspects?

Episode 5 - Getting Ready for Trial

--The crime

--Deciders of fact: Judges and jurors

--Jury selection

--Who do you want on the jury?

--Does jury selection work?

--Should this article be published?

--Media exposure

--What do you think?

--Next episode...

--Want to learn more about trial preparation?

Episode 6 - The Trial (part 1)

--The crime

--Jury decision-making

--What do you think of the defendant?

--Extra-legal factors

--How will you use the expert evidence?

--Expert evidence

--What do you think?

--Next episode...

--Want to learn more about trials and evidence?

Episode 7 - The Trial (part 2)

--The crime

--Judicial instructions and comprehension

--Do you understand the instructions?

--How important are instructions?

--How do juries deliberate?

--Should the jury be the decider of fact?

--Are groups better than individuals?

--How would you lead the jury?

--What do you think?

--Next episode...

--Want to learn more about how the jury deliberates?

Episode 8 - Epilogue

--Your verdict

--The crime

--The verdict

--Hindsight bias

--Public confidence and sentencing

--The end of Crime101x

--Additional resources for this week

--#JusticeforJanine? #

--Want to learn more about the psychology of criminal justice?


The Psychology of Criminal Justice授课教师:

Mark Horswill-教授-昆士兰大学-心理学院

Mark ,昆士兰大学心理学院教授。他已发表超过100篇测试报告关于我们如何运用科学的心理学来解决现实世界的问题例如道路交通事故,医疗事故,和目击者证词的不可靠性。他的团队开发了用于昆士兰驾驶执照的危险感知测试和观察病人的图表,被推荐用于所有昆士兰的医院并在全国试行。他在2009年被投票选举为昆士兰大学最佳讲师奖前三名。

Barbara Masser-教授-昆士兰大学-心理学学院




Blake McKimmie-副教授-昆士兰大学-心理学学院


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