Wisdom of Life from Confucius

Based on The Analects and the results of literature and research findings, the course restores the true and rich charm of Confucius.


Wisdom of Life from Confucius课程简介:前往报名学习

Wisdom of Life from Confucius课程简介:

Based on The Analects and the results of literature and research findings, the course restores the true and rich charm of Confucius.


Wisdom of Life from Confucius课程目录:

Introduction to Wisdom of Life from Confucius

1. Confucius’ Looks and Temperament

--1.1 Stature and Visage

--1.2 Character and Temperament

--1.3 Spirit and Mind

2. Confucius’ Ancestors and Origin

--2.1 His Ancestors are of Song Origin

--2.2 The Heroic Deeds of Confucius’ Father

--2.3 The Tales About Confucius’ Parents

--2.4 A Bleak Life Lived by the Orphan and his Widow Mother

3. Confucius’ Learning Course

--3.1 Studying History and Culture from Tanzi

-- 3.2 Great Advances Are Made after Inquiring Rites from Lao Tzu

--3.3 Learning to Play Guqin with Shi Xiangzi

--3.4 Xiang Tuo—A Legendary Young Teacher of Confucius

4. The Growth of the “Sage”

--4.1 His Mother Cultivated His Learning Interest

--4.2 Far-reaching Impacted of His Study Visit to Luoyi

--4.3 Constantly Summing up Learning Theories and Methods

5. Confucius Stresses Clothing and Rituals

--5.1 Dressing Equals Etiquette

--5.2 Clothing Conveys Respect

--5.3 Clothing Reflects One’s Moral Quality

6. Confucius’ Way of Diet

--6.1 Showing Respect----Holding Memorial Ritual at Each Meal

--6.2 Stressing the Importance of Reasonable Diet

--6.3 Dining Etiquettes

--6.4 Drinking Without Drunk

--6.5 Confucius Shows Calmness When Trapped on the Road from Chen to Cai

7. Confucius’ Education Wisdom

--7.1 Lecturing Under the Ginkgo Tree

--7.2 Popularizing Education and Advocating Equality

--7.3 Conditions of His School Establishment

--7.4 Significance of His Founding the Private School

8. Growth and Success of Confucius’ Disciples

--8.1 Flexible Teaching Methods

--8.2 Competency-based Teaching Speeds up Disciples’ Growth

--8.3 Full Understanding is Conductive to Teaching

--8.4 Respect and Acknowledgement Promotes Cultivation

9. Confucius’ Ecological Ideas

--9.1 Be Acquainted With Living Things and Show Respect for Nature

--9.2 Disbelieve Ghosts and Acknowledge Nature

--9.3 Treat All with Kindness

10. Confucius’ View of Music

--10.1 Confucius’ Fascination with Music

--10.2 Etiquettes in Music

--10.3 Musical Diplomacy

Final Tests

Wisdom of Life from Confucius授课教师:


刘冬颖,博士,教授(二级),黑龙江大学中国古典文献学专业博士生导师、博士后合作导师,兼任中国历史文献学会常务理事、中国诗经学会理事、黑龙江省国学学会副会长。刘教授先后入选中国十大读书人物、教育部新世纪优秀人才、全国百名优秀社科普及专家,获得黑龙江省教学名师荣誉称号。 刘教授公开出版《诗经八堂课》、《孔子是怎样炼成的》等22部专著和1部译著,发表学术论文70余篇,主持国家社科基金2项以及多项国家级科研项目,获得黑龙江省社科成果一等奖2项及其他省部级科研奖励10余项。 刘教授在学堂在线、中国大学慕课网、优课联盟等多个线上教学平台,开设“《论语》人生课堂”、“中华诗词经典吟唱”两门反映中华优秀传统文化的课程。刘教授同时在中央人民广播电台主讲“冬颖老师讲诗经”、“冬颖老师讲《论语》”等课程,参与黑龙江卫视、安徽卫视等推广传统文化的电视节目,赴全国各地图书馆、高校、工厂、监狱等地做了200余场公益讲座。 刘冬颖教授倡导古诗词吟唱,主持的国家艺术基金项目“古典诗词吟唱的新媒体传播”,入选教育部“礼敬中华优秀传统文化”特色展示项目,项目成果“古诗词吟唱公开课”获全国阅读推广优秀项目; 刘教授的学术研究在国际上产生了一定的影响,著作被译为韩语、俄语,并出版中国香港、台湾繁体字版,主讲慕课“《论语》人生课堂”(韩国上线名称为:The Confucius’ Wisdom)以中英文双语的形式上线韩国最大慕课平台“K-MOOC”,以利于外国友人及海外华侨学习《论语》,并受邀在俄罗斯讲座,传播中国古典诗词之美。

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