Programming In C

This course is guided by the improvement of students' computing thinking ability and aims to train students' programming ability. It guides students to understand the realization mechanism of computing and build their practice and innovation ability under the mode of computing thinking through multiple algorithms, program reconstruction and other methods, which has a certain supporting and promoting effect on the learning of learners' own professional knowledge.


Programming In C课程简介:前往报名学习

Programming In C课程简介:

This course is guided by the improvement of students' computing thinking ability and aims to train students' programming ability. It guides students to understand the realization mechanism of computing and build their practice and innovation ability under the mode of computing thinking through multiple algorithms, program reconstruction and other methods, which has a certain supporting and promoting effect on the learning of learners' own professional knowledge.


Programming In C课程目录:

Chapter 1 Understanding C

--1.1 History and Features of C

--1.2 Algorithms and Representations

--1.3 C Program Operation Process

--1.4 Basic Process of C Program

--1.5 Identifiers, Keywords, and Reserved Words

--1.6 Constants and Variables

--1.7 Data Types

--1.8 C Language Syntax and Programming Specifications

--Chapter 1 Unit Quiz

Chapter 2 Sequential Structure

--2.1 Statements and Expressions

--2.2 Arithmetic Operations

--2.3 Assignment Operations

--2.4 Bit Arithmetic

--2.5 Increment and Comma Operations

--2.6 Data Output

--2.7 Data Entry

--Chapter 2 Unit Quiz

Chapter 3 Selection Structure

--3.1 Selection and Conditional Expression

--3.2 The if Statement

--3.3 The switch Statement

--3.4 Nested Selection Structure

--3.5 Application of the switch statement

--3.6 Analysis of Pitfalls of Selection Structure

--Chapter 3 Unit Quiz

Chapter 4 Repetition Structure

--4.1 Inspiration from Repetition Structural Thinking

--4.2 Three Common Loop Statements

--4.3 Nested Loops

--4.4 Exception Exit Statements

--4.5 Interesting Programming of Loop

--4.6 Analysis of Pitfalls of Repetition Structure

--Chapter 4 Unit Quiz

Chapter 5 Arrays

--5.1 Definition and Reference of One-Dimensional Array

--5.2 Application of One-Dimensional Array—Bubble Sorting

--5.3 Selection Sorting

--5.4 Typical Applications of One-Dimensional Array—Searching

--5.5 Matrix

--5.6 Two-Dimensional Array Applications

--5.7 Character Arrays and Strings

--Chapter 5 Unit Quiz

Chapter 6 Functions

--6.1 Brief introduction of functions

--6.2 Function Parameter Passing

--6.3 Nested Functions

--6.4 Recursion

--6.5 Global and Local Variables

--6.6 Variable Storage Classes

--Chapter 6 Unit Quiz

Chapter 7 Pointers

--7.1 Understanding Pointers

--7.2 Pointer Arithmetic

--7.3 Pointers and Arrays

--7.4 Pointers and Strings

--7.5 Pointer Arrays

--Chapter 7 Unit Quiz

Chapter 8 Advanced Functions and Pointers

--8.1 Compile Preprocessing

--8.2 Command Line Arguments

--8.3 Arrays and Functions

--8.4 Pointers and Functions

--8.5 Dynamic Data Management

--Chapter 8 Unit Quiz

Chapter 9 Custom Data Types

--9.1 Declaring Structure and Defining Structure Variables

--9.2 Structure Variable Assignment and Reference

--9.3 Nested Structures and Structure Arrays

--9.4 Structure Pointers

--9.5 Structures and Functions

--9.6 Unions

--9.7 Enumerated Types

--Chapter 9 Unit Quiz

Chapter 10 Files

--10.1 Basic Concepts of Files

--10.2 Opening and Closing Files

--10.3 Functions for Reading and Writing File (1)

--10.4 Functions for Reading and Writing File (2)

--10.5 Position in A File

--10.6 File Errors Detection

--Chapter 10 Unit Quiz

Final exam

Programming In C授课教师:




潘晟旻,男,副教授,在读博士。主讲《C语言程序设计》、《C Programming Language》、《WEB数据库设计》、《网络信息安全》、《MySQL数据库设计》等多门课程。近年发表论文32篇,主持及参与自然科学项目10项,主持教改、教育技术项目4项。主编出版教材1部,副主编出版教材3部,参编出版教材14部。曾获昆明理工大学多媒体教学大赛特等奖、伍达观先进教师、红云园丁奖等教学奖励。











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