Personality and Mental Disorders—Be a Therapist of Your Own

Explore the personality behind mental disorders, get to know the principles of diagnosis and treatment.


Personality and Mental Disorders—Be a Therapist of Your Own 课程简介:前往报名学习

Personality and Mental Disorders—Be a Therapist of Your Own 课程简介:

Explore the personality behind mental disorders, get to know the principles of diagnosis and treatment.


Personality and Mental Disorders—Be a Therapist of Your Own 课程目录:

Chapter 1 Understanding Personality

--1.1 Character = Temperament = Personality? NO!

--1.2 Characteristics of Personality

--1.3 Is Personality Measurable?

Chapter 2 Personality Disorder

--2.1 Personality Traits and Personality Disorders

--2.2 Types of Personality Disorders

--2.3 Can Personality Disorders are Treated?

Chapter 3 The Prelude of Mental Disorders

--3.1 Characteristics and Diagnostic Criteria of Mental Disorders

--3.2 Symptomatology of Mental Disorders

--3.3 Treatment Options for Patients with Mental Disorders

Chapter 4 Are Hyperactivity and Twitch Diseases in Children? -- Developmental Disorders in Children

--4.1 Mental Retardation

--4.2 Autism

--4.3 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

--4.4 Twitch Disorder

Chapter 5 I Have a Black Dog -- Depression

--5.1 Concept and Causes of Depression

--5.2 Clinical Manifestations and Diagnostic Evaluation of Depression

--5.3 Treatment of Depression

--5.4 Women and Depression

Chapter 6 Emotion is Like Riding a Roller Coaster -- Bipolar Disorder

--6.1 Concept and Pathogenesis of Bipolar Disorder

--6.2 Clinical Manifestations and Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder

--6.3 comorbidity and Differential Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder

--6.4 treatment of Bipolar Disorder

Chapter 7 The Invisible World -- Schizophrenia

--7.1 What is Schizophrenia?

--7.2 Clinical Manifestations and Symptoms of Schizophrenia

--7.3 Assessments of Diagnosis and Prognosis of Schizophrenia

--7.4 Treatment and Rehabilitation of Schizophrenia

Chapter 8 The Department of Psychiatry "Cancer" -- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

--8.1 Uncover Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

--8.2 Diagnosis and Differentiation of OCD

--8.3 Treatment of OCD

Chapter 9 Panics, Chest Tightness, Are There Something Wrong with the Heart? -- Anxiety Disorde

--9.1 What is Anxiety Disorder?

--9.2 Diagnosis and Comorbidity of Anxiety Disorders

--9.3 Treatment of Anxiety Disorder

Chapter10 Are Cowards Born? -- Phobia

--10.1 Classification and Causes of Phobias

--10.2 Diagnosis and Differentiation of Panic Attacks

--10.3 Treatments of Panic Attacks

Chapter 11 The Struggle of the Skinny and the Fat -- Eating Disorders

--11.1 Concepts and Clinical Manifestations of Eating Disorders

--11.2 Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Eating Disorders

--11.3 Treatments of Eating Disorders

Chapter 12 Bring Your Own Smoky Eyes Every Day -- Sleep-Related Disorders

--12.1 Insomnia Disorder

--12.2 Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome

--12.3 Other Sleep-Wake Disorders

Chapter 13 The Survivor's Misfortune -- Stress Disorder

--13.1 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

--13.2 Stress Disorder

--13.3 Treatments of Trauma and Stress-Related Disorders

Chapter 14 Is Bad Memory a Disease? -- Alzheimer’s Disease

--14.1 Etiology and Clinical Manifestations of Alzheimer’s Disease

--14.2 Diagnoses and Differential Diagnosis of Senile Dementia

--14.3 Prevention and Treatment of Senile Dementia

Chapter 15 Summary and Discussion

Final Exam

Personality and Mental Disorders—Be a Therapist of Your Own 授课教师:


贾艳滨教授是暨南大学临床心理学硕导,精神医学科博导,博士后合作导师。 2002-2005年在美国宾夕法尼亚大学医学院进行博士后研究,师从认知心理治疗之父Beck教授。曾出版专著《强迫症心理认知评估与治疗》,译著《自我催眠术-激活你的大脑》。2016年度“羊城好医生”;2019年度“岭南名医”。中国大学MOOC《人格与精神障碍—学做自己的心理医生》主讲人。2019年教育部研究生教材《精神病学》《医患沟通》编委及副主编。擅长各类心境障碍的临床治疗与认知行为心理治疗。

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