Learning Erhu From Scratch

This course is mainly about the theory and techniques in playing the Erhu, which is interesting and accessible to beginners. The teacher specifically demonstrates the key points at the starting level of Erhu. This course is a systematic introduction to Erhu performance, it is also a way for hobbyist to understand the Erhu.


Learning Erhu From Scratch课程简介:前往报名学习

Learning Erhu From Scratch课程简介:

This course is mainly about the theory and techniques in playing the Erhu, which is interesting and accessible to beginners. The teacher specifically demonstrates the key points at the starting level of Erhu. This course is a systematic introduction to Erhu performance, it is also a way for hobbyist to understand the Erhu.


Learning Erhu From Scratch课程目录:

Chapter Ⅰ Introduction of Erhu

Chapter Ⅱ Numbered Musical Notation

Chapter Ⅲ Posture and Bowing

Chapter IV Tuning, Mode, Stopping Strings and Playing in D major

Chapter ⅴ Long and short bowing and Rhythm variation

Chapter Ⅵ Legato

Chapter Ⅶ Techniques of the Little Finger

Chapter Ⅷ Interpretation of Music Pieces

Chapter IX Common Rhythms in Erhu Playing

Chapter X The first position in G major

Chapter XI Position Shift in D major

Chapter XII Position Shift in G major

Learning Erhu From Scratch授课教师:


张国亮,中央音乐学院文学硕士毕业,中国音乐家协会会员。现任四川音乐学院民乐系二胡教师,中国音协考级委员会考官,陈振铎二胡艺术研究会常务理事,曾任兰州大学艺术学院二胡教师,黑龙江省龙江剧院乐团首席(板胡),中央音乐学院出版社编辑,丹麦皇家音乐学院音乐孔子学院首任二胡教师。曾获爱沙尼亚国际青年音乐家比赛第一名、中日韩国际二胡比赛九大音乐学院组金奖等国际奖项。 各类音乐期刊、报纸登载其论文及专访等二十余篇,编写了《从零起步学二胡》、《二胡快速入门12课》、《二胡当代作品选》、《中国当代民族室内乐作品选》、《学二胡拉儿歌》、《经典儿歌选》、《二胡演奏独唱歌曲200首》、《中国二胡曲典》等多部图书。 担任两项国家艺术基金项目的负责人及主创人员。多次受邀担任国际国内音乐赛事评委。出访欧美及东南亚等二十多个国家和地区。在国家大剧院、北京保利剧院等著名音乐厅举办音乐会和讲座百余场,录制影视歌等配乐数十部。其艺术活动被印度、秘鲁、欧、美及国内等多家媒体报道。

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