Academic English and Literacy

Welcome to Academic English and Literacy! The word “academic English” may sound a little bit daunting to you, especially when it comes to specific tasks. Listening to a long academic lecture, participating in seminars, giving a presentation on an academic topic in front of a roomful of people, reading to write a literature review, writing a research proposal as part of your application for a degree at your dream university, all of these tasks are challenging, and yet extremely important to anyone who wishes


Academic English and Literacy课程简介:前往报名学习

Academic English and Literacy课程简介:

Welcome to Academic English and Literacy! The word “academic English” may sound a little bit daunting to you, especially when it comes to specific tasks. Listening to a long academic lecture, participating in seminars, giving a presentation on an academic topic in front of a roomful of people, reading to write a literature review, writing a research proposal as part of your application for a degree at your dream university, all of these tasks are challenging, and yet extremely important to anyone who wishes


Academic English and Literacy课程目录:

1. Language for Academic Thinking

--1-1 Language for Academic Thinking

--1-2 Defining Academic Language

--1-3 Contextualizing Academic English

2. Academic Speaking

--2-1 Academic Spoken Language - Contexts & Features

--2-2 Academic Oral Presentation - Structure & Preparation

--2-3 Delivering an Academic Oral Presentation - Opening,Ending & Other Tips

--2-4 Communicating Non-verbally in Oral Presentations

--2-5 Grading Criteria for Academic Oral Presentations

3. Academic Listening

--3-1 An Overview of Academic Listening

--3-2 Skimming and Scanning

--3-3 Three Listening Modes

--3-4 Note-taking Skills

4. Critical Listening

--4-1 An overview of Critical Listening

--4-2 SIER Model

--4-3 Ethos, Pathos and Logos

5. Features of Academic Written Language

--5-1 Formality, Objectivity and Complexity

--5-2 Conciseness, Accuracy and Explicitness

--5-3 Hedging and Responsibility

6. Structure of Research Articles

--6-1 Structure of Research Articles

--6-2 Rhetorical Moves in Introduction & Methods

--6-3 Rhetorical Moves in Sections after Methods

7. Multi-textual Reading

--7-1 Searching for and Questioning Similarities and Differences

--7-2 Reading to Evaluate

--7-3 Reading to Synthesize

8. Paraphrasing Skills

--8-1 An Overview of Citation Strategies

--8-2 Paraphrasing Principles

--8-3 Paraphrasing Steps

9. Summarizing Skills

--9-1 Summarizing Skills for Academic Writing: A Brief Introduction

--9-2 The One-sentence Summary for Academic Writing

--9-3 The One-paragraph Summary for Academic Writing

--9-4 Summarizing Longer Passages: Steps and Skills

--9-5 Summarizing the Introduction and Methods Sections of a Research Article

--9-6 Summarizing the Results Section of a Research Article

--9-7 Summarizing the Discussion Section of a Research Article

10. Literature Review

--10-1 Literature Search, Analysis & Evaluation

--10-2 Organizing Reading Notes

--10-3 Scaffolding Literature Review

--10-4 Developing Academic Paragraphs

--10-5 Voicing Yourself - Citation Strategies

--10-6 Voicing Yourself - Description, Interpretation & Critique

--10-7 Writing an Abstract for Literature Review

11. Research Proposal

--11-1 Contexts and General Structure

--11-2 Key Points for Writing Each Section

12. Research Poster

--12-1 Structure and Content of a Research Poster

--12-2 How to Create a Research Poster

--12-3 How to Deliver a Poster Presentation

Academic English and Literacy授课教师:


本科毕业于广州外国语学院,硕士毕业于英国利兹大学,博士毕业于香港中文大学。英语教授,汕头大学医学院外语教研室副主任,中国学术英语教学研究会理事,高校学术英语课程教学指导委员会委员。长期担任知名国际学术期刊System, Asian-Pacific Education Research和Linguistic and Education的审稿专家。研究方向为第二语言写作、专门用途英语课程设计、学术英语与学术素养培养。


本科毕业于广东财经大学商务英语专业,教育学硕士学位由澳大利亚悉尼大学颁发。 研究方向为应用语言学、专门用途英语。









Shuqiong Gong-讲师-汕头大学-医学院


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