Fundamentals of Inorganic Materials Science

“Fundamentals of inorganic materials science”is a professional basic course for materials science,and it is also an important compulsory course. This course incorporates principal theories of Physical Chemistry, Structural Chemistry and Crystal Chemistry,which is the connection between the foundation courses and the professional courses of materials.


Fundamentals of Inorganic Materials Science课程简介:前往报名学习

Fundamentals of Inorganic Materials Science课程简介:

“Fundamentals of inorganic materials science”is a professional basic course for materials science,and it is also an important compulsory course. This course incorporates principal theories of Physical Chemistry, Structural Chemistry and Crystal Chemistry,which is the connection between the foundation courses and the professional courses of materials.


Fundamentals of Inorganic Materials Science课程目录:

1 Introduction

2 Crystal Imperfection

--2.1 Type of defect

--2.2.1 The expression methods of point defects

--2.2.2 The rules for writing of defect reaction equation

--2.3 Calculation of thermal defect concentration

--2.4 Non-stoichiometric compounds

3 Solid solution

--3.1 The classification of solid solutions

--3.2 Substitutional solid solution

--3.3 Interstitial solid solution

--3.4 The research method of solid solutions

--3.5 Questions for crystal imperfection and solid solution

4 Melt and glass

--4.1 Melt structure

--4.2 The properties of the melt

--4.3 The characteristics of glass

--4.4 The formation of glass

--4.5 The structure of glass

--4.6 The typical glass

--4.7 Questions for melt and glass

5 Phase equilibrium

--5.1 Phase equilibrium in silicate systems

--5.2 One-component system phase diagram

--5.3 Applications of one-component diagrams

--5.4 Binary diagrams

--5.5 Applications of binary phase diagrams

--5.6 Ternary diagrams

--5.7 Applications of ternary phase diagrams

--5.8 Research methods of phase equilibrium

--5.9 Questions for phase equilibria

6 Diffusion

--6.1 Overview of diffusion

--6.2 The kinetic equations of diffusion

--6.3 The thermodynamic equation of diffusion

--6.4 Diffusion mechanisms and diffusion coefficient

--6.5 Diffusion in solid

--6.6 Factors affecting diffusion

--6.7 Questions for diffusion

7 Solid state reactions

--7.1 Overview of solid state reactions

--7.2 Kinetic equation of solid state reaction

--7.3 Factors affecting the solid state reaction

8 Phase transformation

--8.1 The categories of phase transformation

--8.2 Crystallization

--8.3 Phase Separation of glass

--8.4 Questions for phase transformation

9 Sintering

--9.1 Overview of sintering

--9.2 The driving forces and models of sintering

--9.3 Solid state sintering

--9.4 Liquid phase sintering

--9.5 Grain growth and secondary recrystallization

--9.6 Factors affecting sintering

--9.7 Questions for sintering

Fundamentals of Inorganic Materials Science授课教师:


林营,女,博士(后),教授,硕士研究生导师,陕西科技大学学术骨干。国家自然科学基金同行评议专家,Journal of MaterialsChemistry A》等多种权威期刊审稿人。 近年来在《ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces》、《Chemical Engineering Journal》、《ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering》等国内外学术期刊上发表SCI收录论文100余篇,其中ESI热点论文1篇、ESI高被引论文2篇、期刊封面论文4篇。已授权国家发明专利40余项,专利技术转让4项。先后承担国家自然科学基金项目2项、陕西省自然科学基金2项、教育厅专项基金项目3项、中国博士后基金1项、故宫博物院等横向科研项目4项。中国轻工业“十三五”规划教材主编、陕西省高校创新创业教育课程负责人,主持省级教改重点攻关项目1项。获中国轻工联合总会科学技术发明一等奖、上海市科学技术一等奖、轻工联合总会科学技术发明二等奖、陕西省科学技术二等奖和咸阳市科学技术一等奖各1项。获2018年陕西科技大学教学质量奖、2013年和2016年陕西科技大学青年教师讲课比赛二等奖、2015年第一届全国高校无机非金属材料专业青年教师讲课比赛二等奖各1项。培养多名研究生获得国家奖学金和陕西科技大学优秀硕士学位论文。 研究方向:纳米能源材料、电子信息功能材料、古陶瓷及传统陶瓷。





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