Communication of Chinese Costume Art

This course will lead you to walk the long river of Chinese clothing and explore its source, flow direction, branch, convergence and spray. Choose this course, you will find the beauty of Chinese clothing, and then establish cultural self-confidence, improve aesthetic literacy. This is an aesthetic education promotion course, which can improve your artistic quality and humanistic spirit This is a professional popularization course. You can get a new interpretation when exploring the essence of clothing


Communication of Chinese Costume Art课程简介:前往报名学习

Communication of Chinese Costume Art课程简介:

This course will lead you to walk the long river of Chinese clothing and explore its source, flow direction, branch, convergence and spray. Choose this course, you will find the beauty of Chinese clothing, and then establish cultural self-confidence, improve aesthetic literacy. This is an aesthetic education promotion course, which can improve your artistic quality and humanistic spirit This is a professional popularization course. You can get a new interpretation when exploring the essence of clothing


Communication of Chinese Costume Art课程目录:

Unit 1 How to understand the origin of Chinese costume cultural river?

--Activity 1.1 Understand the origin of Chinese costume

--Activity 1.2 Archaeological discovery of costume in Xia and Shang Dynasties

--Activity 1.3 The rites system of the Western Zhou Dynasty

--Activity 1.4 Twelve chapters clothing pattern

--Activity 1.5 costume in spring and Autumn period and Warring States Period

--Summary of this lecture

--Unit test

Unit 2 How to understand the flow of Chinese costume cultural river?

--Activity 2.1 costume of Qin and Han Dynasties

--Activity 2.2 costume of Wei, Jin, southern and Northern Dynasties

--Activity 2.3 costume of Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties

--Activity 2.4 costume in Song Dynasty

--Activity 2.5 costume of Liao, Jin, Xixia and Yuan Dynasties

--Activity 2.6 costume of Ming Dynasty

--Activity 2.7 costume of Qing Dynasty

--Activity 2.8 costume of the Republic of China

--Activity 2.9 costume Modern fashion

--Summary of this lecture

--Unit test

Unit 3 How to understand the spray of Chinese costume cultural river?

--Activity 3.1 The Shenyi in the book of Rites

--Activity 3.2 The Quju robe on the silk painting of the Warring State

--Activity 3.3 The strong soldiers and sharp weapons of the first Emperor of Qin Dynasty

--Activity 3.4 Zaju and Chuishao of the Admonitions Scroll

--Activity 3.5 Men with scarf in Tang Dynasty

--Activity 3.6 Women’s Fashion of the Tang Dynasty

--Activity 3.7 The Beizi of Song Dynasty

--Activity 3.8 Braided-waist Coat and Robe in the History of Yuan Dynasty

--Activity 3.9 The Aoqun in the History of Ming Dynasty

--Activity 3.10 The Changyi of the Qing Dynasty

--Activity 3.11 The Cheongsam

--Activity 3.12 The Chinese Tunic Suit

--Summary of this lecture

--Unit test

Unit 4 How to understand the convergence of Chinese costume cultural river?

--Activity 4.1 Riding and Shooting in Hufu Promoted by King Wuling of Zhao

--Activity 4.2 The Transfer of Hu and Han Costume in Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties

--Activity 4.3 Kudie, Liangdang and Half-sleeve shirts

--Activity 4.4 Women Wear Hufu and Men’s Clothing in Tang Dynasty

--Activity 4.5 The Great Integration of Costume Culture in Yuan Dynasty: The Weaving Gold Fabric

--Activity 4.6 The Auspicious Patterns on Costume in Ming Dynasty

--Activity 4.7 The Reform of Manchurian Costume after Entering the Shanhai Pass

--Activity 4.8 Western Wind in Chinese Styles

--Summary of this lecture

--Unit test

Unit 5 How to understand the spread of Chinese costume cultural river?

--Activity 5.1 Silk with a History of Five Thousand Years

--Activity 5.2 The Spread of Silk, Wool Weaving and Batik in Qin and Han Dynasties

--Activity 5.3 The Spread of Silk Weaving Technology in China during the Six Dynasties

--Activity 5.4 The Spread of Weaving and Dyeing Technology in the Flourishing Tang Dynasty

--Activity 5.5 The Spread of Weaving and Dyeing Technology in the Song Dynasty

--Activity 5.6 The Spread of Dyeing and Weaving Clothing in Yuan and Ming Dynasties

--Activity 5.7 The Spread of Costume Art in Qing Dynasty

--Activity 5.8 The Spread of Costume in the First Half of the 20th Century

--Summary of this lecture

--Unit test

Unit 6 How to understand the modern innovation of Chinese fashion?

--Activity 6.1 The Stewardess Uniform of Hainan Airlines

--Activity 6.2 Chu He Chinese Colors, Reshape China’s Aesthetic Spirit

--Activity 6.3 Guo Pei and Xiong Ying: Luxury Chinese Style Blooming on Stage

--Activity 6.4 Li Nan: Let Chinoiserie Move into Every Family

--Summary of this lecture

--Unit test

Extension: appreciation of teachers' works

Examination unit

Communication of Chinese Costume Art授课教师:


李楠,教授,博士生导师 中国传媒大学教授、博士生导师。清华大学博士,首尔大学博士后,近年来主持多项国家级和省部级课题,发表学术论文百余篇,出版中文专著7部。曾获国际晚礼服婚纱设计大赛金奖,中国青年设计师服装设计大赛金奖,中国服装设计最高奖评选银奖。主要研究领域:服饰传播研究、中西方服饰文化比较、设计艺术历史与理论研究。

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