Physical Geology

This is where you begin to “rock” your life. Further get to know our planet Earth, the relationship between human survive and the environment. Earth is unique and fragile; does it need our protection?


Physical Geology课程简介:前往报名学习

Physical Geology课程简介:

This is where you begin to “rock” your life. Further get to know our planet Earth, the relationship between human survive and the environment. Earth is unique and fragile; does it need our protection?


Physical Geology课程目录:

Chapter 1 Introduction

--1.1 Introduction

--1.2 The Science of Geology

--1.3 The Development of Geology

--1.4 Earth's Sphere (1)

--1.4 Earth’s Sphere (2)

--1.5 Earth’s Internal Structure

--1.6 Rocks and the Rock Cycle (1)

--1.6 Rocks and the Rock Cycle (2)

Chapter 2 Elements and Minerals

--2.1 Introduction

--2.2 Elements in the Crust

--2.3 Properties of Minerals: Optical Properties

--2.4 Properties of Minerals: Mechanical Properties

--2.5 Mineral Structures

--2.6 How Minerals Are Classified

--2.7 The Silicates

--2.8 Common Silicate Minerals

--2.9 Important Nonsilicate Minerals

--2.10 Rock-forming minerals

Chapter 3 Magmatism and Igneous Rocks

--3.1 Introduction

--3.2 Magmatism

--3.3 Magma

--3.4 Eruption and Extrusive Rocks

--3.5 The Types of Volcanoes

--3.6 Intrusion and Intrusive Rocks

--3.7 Igneous Rocks Textures

--3.8 Bowen's Reaction Series

Chapter 4 Weathering and Erosion

--4.1 What is Weathering and Erosion

--4.2 Physical Weathering

--4.3 Chemical Weathering and Biological Weathering

--4.4 Major Controlling Factors

--4.5 Weathering Products

--4.6 Controls of Soil Formation

--4.7 The Soil Profile

--4.8 Special Weathered Structures

Chapter 5 Exogenic Processes and Sedimentary Rocks

--5.1 Introduction to External Processes

--5.2 External Process

--5.3 Why Sedimentary Rocks Are Important

--5.4 Basic Characteristics

--5.5 The Texture of Sedimentary Rocks

--5.6 Sedimentary Structure

--5.7 Common Sedimentary Rocks

--5.8 Sedimentary Rocks Represent Past Environments

Chapter 6 Metamorphic Rocks

--6.1 Metamorphism

--6.2 The Controlling Factors in Metamorphism

--6.3 Texture and Structure of Metamorphic Rocks

--6.4 Major Types of Metamorphism

--6.5 Common Metamorphic Rocks

--6.6 Metamorphic Facies

--6.7 Rock Cycles

Chapter 7 Sea Floor Spreading and Plate Tectonics

--7.1 Continental Drift

--7.2 Evidence Used in Support of Hypothesis

--7.3 The Main Idea of Wegener's Theory About Continental Drift

--7.4 The Search for a Mechanism

--7.5 Plate Tectonics

--7.6 The Boundaries of Plates

--7.7 Wilson's Cycle

Chapter 8 Geologic Time and The Earth's Evolution

--8.1 Introduction to Geological Time

--8.2 Relative Time

--8.3 Unconformities

--8.4 Fossils: Evidence of Past Life

--8.5 The History of Dating the Earth

--8.6 Geological Time Scale

Chapter 9 Geological Structures

--9.1 What Causes Rock to Deform?

--9.2 How Do Rocks Deform?

--9.3 Fold

--9.4 Faults and Joints

--9.5 The Evidences of Faults in the Field

--9.6 Geologic Contact Relationships

Chapter 10 Earthquakes and the Earth's Spheres

--10.1 What is an Earthquake?

--10.2 General Concepts and Common Terms

--10.3 Seismic Waves

--10.4 Measuring the Size of an Earthquake

--10.5 Earthquake Distributions and Effects

--10.6 Earthquake and the Earth's Interior

Chapter 11 Mass Wasting

--11.1 The Importance of Mass Wasting

--11.2 Mass Wasting and Influencing Factors

--11.3 Rapid Forms of Mass Wasting

--11.4 Slow Movements

Chapter 12 Rivers and Their Geological Processes

--12.1 Concepts of Hydrologic Cycle and Rivers

--12.2 The Characteristics of Rivers

--12.3 Stretches and Dynamics of River

--12.4 The Erosion of Rivers

--12.5 The Transportation and Sedimentation of Rivers

--12.6 Types of Sedimentary Bodies in Rivers

--12.7 Longitudinal Profile and Base Level

Chapter 13 Groundwater and Its Geological Processes

--13.1 Importance of Groundwater

--13.2 Distribution of Groundwater

--13.3 The Water Table and the Movement of Ground Water

--13.4 Porosity and Permeability

--13.5 Changes in the Groundwater System

--13.6 The Geologic Work of Groundwater

Chapter 14 Wind and Desert

--14.1 Sediment Transportation by Wind

--14.2 Wind Erosion and Erosion Landforms

--14.3 Wind Deposition and Deposition Landforms

--14.4 Dust Storm and Loess Deposits

--14.5 Common Misunderstanding of Desert

--14.6 Desert Distribution Over the Globe

Chapter 15 Glaciers and Glaciation

--15.1 Glaciers and Glaciation

--15.2 Types of Glaciers

--15.3 Glacial Erosion and Related Landforms

--15.4 Glacial Deposition and Related Landforms

--15.5 Glaciation and Global Changes

Chapter 16 Human survival and the Planet Earth

Final Exam

Physical Geology授课教师:


刘长江,理学博士,中国石油大学(华东)副教授,澳大利亚昆士兰大学联合培养博士研究生,瑞典马拉达伦大学及英国爱丁堡大学访问学者。研究方向主要为:CO2地质埋藏、提高油气采收率以及油气地质与勘探等。主持国家自然科学基金等科研项目10余项,发表包括SCI一区及二区在内的文章约20余篇,入选国家留学基金委2017年“国际清洁能源拔尖创新人才培养项目”。Applied Energy, Fuel, Energy & Fuel等多个国际期刊审稿人。

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