







Chapter 1 Numbers and Sets 数域与集合 (first part)

--Unit 1 Review of Real Numbers (回顾实数)

--Unit 2 Exponentiations, Logarithms and Sets (指数、对数与集合)

--Unit 3 Limit Points, Open and Closed Sets (聚点、开集与闭集)

Chapter 1 Numbers and Sets 数域与集合 (second part)

--Unit 4 Bounds and Completeness (有界性与完备性)

--Unit 5 Complex Number System, Algebraic and Transcendental Numbers (复数、代数数与超越数)


Chapter 2 Sequence 数列 (first part)

--Unit 1 Limit of a Sequence (数列的极限)

--Unit 2 Theorems on Limits of Sequences (数列极限定理)

--Unit 3 Infinity and Bounded Monotone Sequences (无穷大和单调有界数列)

Chapter 2 Sequence 数列 (second part)

--Unit 4 Limit Superior and Limit Inferior (上极限和下极限)

--Unit 5 Nested Intervals Theorem and Cauchy’s Convergence Criterion (区间套定理和柯西收敛准则)


Chapter 3 Functions, Limits and Continuity 函数,极限与连续性(first part)

--Unit 1 Functions and Graphs (函数与图像)

--Unit 2 Algebraic Function,Transcendental Functions and Inverse Trigonometric Functions (代数函数,超越函数与反三

--Unit 3 Hyperbolic Functions and Inverse Hyperbolic Functions (双曲函数与反双曲函数)

--Unit 4 Maximum and Minimum, Increasing and Decreasing (极大值与极小值,单调增与单调减)

Chapter 3 Functions, Limits and Continuity 函数,极限与连续性(second part)

--Unit 5 Limits of Functions (函数的极限)

--Unit 6 Infinity (无穷)

--Unit 7 Theorems on Limits and Special Limits (极限相关定理与特殊极限)

Chapter 3 Functions, Limits and Continuity 函数,极限与连续性 (last part)

--Unit 8 Continuities (连续性)

--Unit 9 Theorems on Continuity (关于连续性的定理)

--Unit 10 Piecewise Continuity, Uniform Continuity, and Discontinuities (分段连续性, 一致连续性与不连续性)

--Unit 11 Infinitesimals and Bounded Quantities (无穷小量与有界量)


Chapter 4 Derivatives 导数 (first part)

--Unit 1 Basics of Derivatives (导数基本定义)

--Unit 2 Differentiability on Intervals, Piecewise Differentiability and Differentials (区间上的可微性,逐段可微性与

--Unit 3 Basic Methods of Differentiation (基本求导方法)

Chapter 4 Derivatives 导数 (second part)

--Unit 4 Derivatives of Commonly Used Functions (常见函数求导)

--Unit 5 Higher Order Derivatives and Mean Value Theorem (高阶导数与中值定理)

--Unit 6 L'Hospital's Rules (洛必达法则)

Chapter 4 Derivatives 导数 (last part)

--Unit 7 The First and Second Derivative Tests (导数判别法)

--Unit 8 The Taylor Formula (泰勒公式)

--章节测验 4

Chapter 5 Integrals 积分(first part)

--Unit 1 Definite Integrals and Numerical Methods (定积分与数值方法)

--Unit 2 Properties of the Definite Integrals and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (定积分的性质与微积分基本定理)

--Unit 3 Integrals of Elementary Functions and Integration by Substitution (初等函数的积分,换元法)

--Unit 4 Integration by Parts and Special Techniques(分部积分法与特殊技巧)

Chapter 5 Integrals 积分(second part)

--Unit 5 Integrations of Rational Fractions and Trigonometrical Rational Functions(有理分式函数与三角有理函数的积分)

--Unit 6 Arc Length(弧长)

--Unit 7 Areas and Volumes(面积与体积)





陈酌,清华大学数学系副教授,主要研究数学物理和微分几何。曾在国内外多所高校任教,面向不同的学生讲授各类数学基础课。为适应当前高水平大学的教育理念和教学内容的要求,在教学方法和技巧方面不断学习和改进。对承担所有的教学任务和课程,都追求教学过程的精益求精,打造精品课程。近年来,为适应我校本科生教育教学国际化的发展与创新,参加了数学系和电子系等课程改革共建项目,多次讲授使用国外原版教材的双语课程 --- 微积分,复变函数与数理方程,为此付出很大努力。其教学成绩也得到学生和相关院系的认可。曾获得2010年清华大学青年教师教学基本功比赛一等奖,北京市青年教师教学基本功比赛二等奖,2012年廖凯原奖教金。



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