How to Give Babies a Healthy Start in Life

Do you want to have a healthy baby?Whether you are parents who are preparing for or already in pregnancyor those who will be parents or anyone who cares about the health of a long as you step into “How to Give Babies a Healthy Start in Life”.You can get scientific guidance and learn what you want to learn here.Here, you can witness the baby's growth through the ultrasonic examination.Here, you will get to know some common genetic diseases.


How to Give Babies a Healthy Start in Life课程简介:前往报名学习

How to Give Babies a Healthy Start in Life课程简介:

Do you want to have a healthy baby?Whether you are parents who are preparing for or already in pregnancyor those who will be parents or anyone who cares about the health of a long as you step into “How to Give Babies a Healthy Start in Life”.You can get scientific guidance and learn what you want to learn here.Here, you can witness the baby's growth through the ultrasonic examination.Here, you will get to know some common genetic diseases.


How to Give Babies a Healthy Start in Life课程目录:

Lecture 1 Introduction

--1.1 Introduction

--1.2 Classwork

Lecture 2 Preparations for Pregnancy——Being a Prepared Mother

--2.1 Premarital Health Care

--2.2.1 Healthy Lifestyle

--2.2.2 Nutrition During Peri-conception

--2.3.1 Conditions for Successful Pregnancy

--2.3.2 Pre-pregnancy Examination

--2.4 Classwork

Lecture 3 Ten-month Pregnancy——Witness the Miraculous Changes of the Fetus

--3.1 The Anatomy of the Female Reproductive System

--3.2 Birth of the Fetus

--3.3 Fetus' Growth

--3. 4 The Accidents in Life

--3.5 Fetal Guard

--3.6 Classwork

Lecture 4 Ten-month Pregnancy——Physiological Changes of Pregnant Women

--4.1 Pregnant Mother’s Body Shape Changes

--4.2 Reasonable Pregnancy Nutrition

--4.3 Regular Prenatal Examinations

--4.4 Harmonious Sexual Life during Pregnancy

--4.5.1 Careful Medication During Pregnancy(1)

--4.5.2 Careful Medication During Pregnancy(2)

--4.6 Scientific Fetal Education

--4.7 The Physical Reactions in Early Pregnancy

--4.8 Classwork

Lecture 5 Ten-month Pregnancy——Physiological Changes of Pregnant Women

--5.1 Psychological changes of mothers at various stages of pregnancy

--5.2 Recognize and Interpret Common Emotions

--5.3 Take Life as the Background to Understand Your Emotions

--5.4 How to communicate with others in the relationships

--5.5 Classwork

Lecture 6 Delivery——Sweet Pains

--6.1 Anatomical Structure of Female Pelvis

--6.2 Natural Delivery

--6.3 Cesarean Section

--6.4 Classwork

Lecture 7 For Your Safety During Pregnancy——Special Examinations During

--7.1 Screening Down Syndrome

--7.2 Noninvasive DNA Prenatal Examination

--7.3 Amniotic fluid examination

--7.4 Classwork

Lecture 8 Complications of Pregnancy——a Mixed Blessing

--8.1 Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

--8.2 Hypertension of pregnancy

--8.3 Premature Delivery and Post-term Pregnancy

--8.4 Classwork

Lecture 9 B-Ultrasound——First Intimate Contact with the Baby

--9.1 History and instruments of obstetric ultrasound

--9.2 Development History and Instruments of Obstetrics Ultrasound

--9.3 Grading of and Timing for Prenatal Ultrasonography

--9.4 Reflection on Popularization of Ultrasonography During Pregnancy

--9.5 Classwork

Lecture 10 Building on Strengths and Avoiding Weaknesses——Common Congenital Diseases

--10.1 Drug-Induced Ototoxicity

--10.2 Congenital Pyloric Obstruction

--10.3 Congenital Dislocation of Hip Joint

--10.4 Cleft Lip and Palate

--10.5.1 Hemoglobinopathy and Thalassemia(1)

--10.5.2 Hemoglobinopathy and Thalassemia(2)

--10.6 Polycystic Kidney Disease

--10.7 Classwork

Lecture 11 Expand Learning——the Continuation of Love

--11.1 Love Your Life

--11.2 Treatment of Common Symptoms During Pregnancy

--11.3 Preparation Before Delivery

--11.4 Painless Labor

--11.5 Postpartum Depression

Lecture 12 Final Exam

How to Give Babies a Healthy Start in Life授课教师:








张继虹,博士,教授,硕士生导师,云南省中青年学术和技术带头人后备人才,昆明市中青年学术和技术带头人后备人选。 1996年毕业于沈阳药科大学,2010年获英国诺丁汉大学药学博士学位。1996年至2004年工作于云南省第一人民医院药剂科,2004-2006年工作于英国诺丁汉大学药学院,2007至2010年工作于英国抗肿瘤药物研发公司(Pharminox Ltd)。2010年4月全职引进到昆明理工大学工作。 主持国家自然科学基金3项,参与NSFC-云南联合基金2项(负责药理学研究部分),主持昆明理工大学抗肿瘤药物学科方向团队的建设。 发表文章40余篇。 主编专著《实用药物学》,获权专利6件。负责本科生《药理学》和研究生《分子药理学》、《专业外语》的教学工作。













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