Basic Principles of Steel Structures

'Basic Principles of Steel Structures' is a basic professional course in civil engineering. The steel structure is one of the basic structural forms of modern civil engineering and widely uses in building construction, bridges, tower masts, offshore platforms, gas tanks, and oil tanks. It focuses on establishing the basic concepts and explaining the basic principles of steel structures. The new version of GB50017 is used to build the bridge from mechanics principles to engineering design.


Basic Principles of Steel Structures课程简介:前往报名学习

Basic Principles of Steel Structures课程简介:

'Basic Principles of Steel Structures' is a basic professional course in civil engineering. The steel structure is one of the basic structural forms of modern civil engineering and widely uses in building construction, bridges, tower masts, offshore platforms, gas tanks, and oil tanks. It focuses on establishing the basic concepts and explaining the basic principles of steel structures. The new version of GB50017 is used to build the bridge from mechanics principles to engineering design.


Basic Principles of Steel Structures课程目录:

Chapter 1 Introduction

--1.1Characteristics and Development History of Steel Structures

--1.2 Applications of Steel Structures and Classification of Steel Structural Members

Chapter 2 Structural steels

--2.1 Properties of Steel

--2.2 Main Factors Affecting the Performance of Structural Steel

--2.3 Types of Structural Steel in China

--2.4 Structural Steel Products in China

Chapter 3 Beams

--3.1 Strength and Stiffness of Beams

--3.2 Lateral Torsional Buckling of Beams

--3.3 Local Buckling of Beams

--3.4 Design Method of Steel Beams in China

Chapter 4 Axially loaded members

--4.1 Strength and Stiffness Design of Axially Loaded Members

--4.2 Concept and Influence Factors of Global Buckling of Axially Loaded Columns

--4.3 Calculations of Global Buckling of Axially Loaded Columns

--4.4 Local Buckling of Axially Loaded Columns

--4.5 Design of Solid-Web Axially Loaded Columns in China

--4.6 Design of Built-up Axially Loaded Columns in China

Chapter 5 Members under Combined Axial Forces and Moments

--5.1 Strength and Stiffness of Members under Combined Axial Forces and Moments

--5.2 Global Buckling and Local Buckling of Solid-Web Beam-Columns

--5.3 Global Buckling of Build-up Beam-Columns

--5.4 Design method of Beam-Columns in China

Chapter 6 Connections of steel structures

--6.1 Methods and Forms of Welded Connections

--6.2 Shortages and Symbols of Welds

--6.3 Constitution of Butt Welds

--6.4 Design method of Butt Welds in China

--6.5 Constitution and Characteristics of Fillet Welds

--6.6 Design method of Fillet Welds in China

--6.7 Forms and Characteristics of Bolted Connections

--6.8 Arrangement and Constitution of Bolted Connections

--6.9 Design method of Ordinate Bolt Connections in China

--6.10 Design method of High-strength Bolt Connections in China

Basic Principles of Steel Structures授课教师:


工学博士,教授,国际学生博士生导师,硕士生导师,新西兰奥克兰大学访问学者,塔吉克斯坦共和国飞天公司访问学者,长安大学冷弯型钢结构研究中心副主任,九三学社长安大学委员会副主委,九三学社陕西省教育文化委员会副主任,中国建筑金属结构协会检测鉴定加固改造分会常务委员,中国建筑金属结构协会铝结构分会常务理事,陕西省土木建筑学会成立建筑工程钢结构分会理事,陕西省旅游名镇指导专家委员会专家。一直从事结构工程学科钢结构和钢--混凝土组合结构方向的教学与科研工作。主持完成国家自然科学基金等科研项目30余项,作为主要研究人员参加完成包括国家自然科学基金、国家科技部国际合作重点项目在内的各类科研项目10余项,曾获国家科技进步二等奖一项,获得国家发明专利4项,实用新型专利9项,在国内外公开发表论文100余篇,论文入选F5000,参编著作、教材四部。现为“Steel and Composite Structures”、“Engineering Strucures ”、“Journal of Construction Steel Research”等国际期刊和《建筑结构学报》等国内期刊审稿人。








长安大学与谢菲尔德大学(The University of Sheffield)联合培养博士,现为长安大学建筑工程学院讲师。近年来,主要致力于金属材料力学性能、断裂力学理论开发及钢结构工程应用方面的研究。目前发表学术论文十余篇,其中SCI检索6篇(一作3篇)。

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