Inorganic Chemistry

“Inorganic Chemistry” provides an essential foundation for undergraduate students in the major areas of physical inorganic principles, chemical equilibrium calculation, an overview structural chemistry, descriptive chemistry of the elements and applications, including catalysis, industrial processes and inorganic materials. These topics form the basis for competency in inorganic chemistry, which are taught over the course of one semester. Over the years, the responsible professor has achieved the excellent.


Inorganic Chemistry课程简介:前往报名学习

Inorganic Chemistry课程简介:

“Inorganic Chemistry” provides an essential foundation for undergraduate students in the major areas of physical inorganic principles, chemical equilibrium calculation, an overview structural chemistry, descriptive chemistry of the elements and applications, including catalysis, industrial processes and inorganic materials. These topics form the basis for competency in inorganic chemistry, which are taught over the course of one semester. Over the years, the responsible professor has achieved the excellent.


Inorganic Chemistry课程目录:

chapter 1 Gases

chapter 2 Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics

chapter 3 Chemical Equilibrium Constant and its Application

chapter 4 Acid-Base Equilibrium

chapter 5 Precipitation - Dissolution Equilibrium

chapter 6 Basic Concepts of Redox Reaction (Electrochemistry)

chapter 7 Atomic Structure and Periodic Law of Elements

chapter 8 Molecular Structure

chapter 9 Solid Structure

chapter 10 The Structure of Coordination Compounds

chapter 11 s-Block Elements

chapter 12 Elements of p-Block (1)

chapter 13 Elements of p-Block(2)

chapter 14 Elements of d-block

Examination Unit

Inorganic Chemistry授课教师:


孙继红(Sun Jihong):男,1966年3月生于山西,博士,北京工业大学教授,博士生导师。1987年7月毕业于太原理工大学(原太原工业大学)应用化学系工业分析专业,并获工学学士学位。1987年7月至1996年8月,在太原理工大学精细化工研究所工作,主要从事分子筛合成及表征等教学科研工作。期间1989年9月至1992年9月攻读硕士研究生(在职),并获工学硕士学位。1996年9月在中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所攻读博士学位,1999年8月毕业并获理学博士学位。1999年8月至2003年10月在荷兰Delft工业大学化工系作博士后研究工作。2003年11月至今在北京工业大学环境与能源工程学院工作。先后为本科生和研究生主讲 “无机化学“,”精细有机化学合成原理及工艺”,“固体表面化学,“材料化学”,“纳米技术与纳米催化”,“精细有机化学品”,“催化基础化学”,“化学化工文献检索”等课程,发表教学论文20余篇,无机化学获2006年北京工业大学精品课程,2016年获北京工业大学教学名师称号。科研兴趣主要从事纳米多孔功能材料的制备,多相催化以及精细化学品合成等研发工作。主持国家自然科学基金6项,省部级课题5项,发表科研论文200余篇,授权中国发明专利10项。

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