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jQuery in Action, 2nd Edition

2013-6-28 20:10| 发布者: admin| 查看: 548| 评论: 0|原作者: Bear Bibeault Yehuda Katz|来自: [db:来源]

出版时间:June, 2010

A really good web development framework anticipates your needs.
jQuery does more-it practically reads your mind. Developers fall in
love with this JavaScript library the moment they see 20 lines of code
reduced to three. jQuery is concise and readable.

jQuery in Action, Second Edition is a fast-paced
introduction and guide. It shows you how to traverse HTML documents,
handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax to your web pages. The
book’s unique “lab pages” anchor the explanation of each new concept in
a practical example. You’ll learn how jQuery interacts with other
tools and frameworks and how to build jQuery plugins.

This revised and expanded second edition includes even more lab
pages than before, along with numerous examples that show the latest
best practices developed by the jQuery community. It provides full
coverage of jQuery 1.4, along with a deeper look at the ever-expanding
world of jQuery plug-ins.

This book requires some knowledge of JavaScript and Ajax but no
previous experience with jQuery.

About the Author
Bear Bibeault has been working in the area of web applications since
the mid-nineties, getting started with beta versions of JSP and
Servlets. He is a senior moderator at the popular JavaRanch site, and
has contributed articles to the JavaRanch Journal as well as Dr
Dobb’s Journal
online. He is a co-author of the Manning books Ajax
in Practice
and Prototype and Scriptaculous in Action.
He works and resides in Austin, Texas.

Yehuda Katz is a developer with Engine Yard. He contributes actively
to jQuery,heading up the plug-in development team. He also runs Visual
jQuery, a dynam-ic, browsable version of the jQuery API, used heavily
by new users of the libraryand core developers alike.






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