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UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook, 4th Edition

2013-7-30 20:10| 发布者: admin| 查看: 587| 评论: 0|原作者: Evi Nemeth|来自: [db:来源]

出版时间:July, 2010
关键字:Linux, UNIX

The twentieth anniversary edition of the world’s best-selling UNIX
system administration book has been made even better by adding coverage
of the leading Linux distributions: Ubuntu, openSUSE, and RHEL.

This book approaches system administration in a practical way and is
an invaluable reference for both new administrators and experienced
professionals. It details best practices for every facet of system
administration, including storage management, network design and
administration, email, web hosting, scripting, software configuration
management, performance analysis, Windows interoperability,
virtualization, DNS, security, management of IT service organizations,
and much more. UNIX® and Linux® System Administration Handbook, Fourth
Edition, reflects the current versions of these operating systems:

  • Ubuntu® Linux
  • openSUSE® Linux
  • Red Hat® Enterprise Linux®
  • Oracle America® Solaris™ (formerly Sun Solaris)
  • HP HP-UX®
  • IBM AIX®

From the Back Cover
The twentieth anniversary edition of the world’s best-selling UNIX
system administration book has been made even more invaluable by adding
coverage of the leading Linux distributions: Ubuntu, RHEL, and openSUSE.
System administrators looking to efficiently solve technical problems
and maximize reliability and performance in production environments can
now turn to UNIX® and Linux® System Administration Handbook, Fourth
Edition, which has been systematically updated to reflect today’s most
important enterprise Linux and UNIX distributions and most valuable
administrative tools.

Drawing on decades of experience, the authors share clear,
well-founded advice on constructing robust, production-grade systems and
networks that can be easily maintained, monitored, and controlled.
You’ll find detailed, up-to-date best practices advice and important new
coverage of virtualization, cloud computing, security management, web
load balancing and scalability, LDAP/Active Directory integration,
modern web scripting languages, Spacewalk, DTrace, eco-friendly IT
management, and much more. It reflects the latest versions of all these

  • Red Hat® Enterprise Linux®
  • Ubuntu® Linux
  • openSUSE
  • Oracle Solaris
  • OpenSolaris
  • AIX
  • HP-UX

Sharing war stories and hard-won insights, the authors capture the
behavior of UNIX and Linux systems in the real world, not just in ideal
environments. They explain complex tasks in detail, with illustrations
from actual production environments, and provide brand-new “Top 20
lists” of system administration rules, power-saving tips, and more.

About the Author
Evi Nemeth has retired from the Computer Science faculty at the
University of Colorado. She is currently exploring the Pacific on her
40-foot sailboat named Wonderland. Garth Snyder has worked at NeXT and
Sun and holds a BS in Engineering from Swarthmore College and an MD and
an MBA from the University of Rochester. Trent R. Hein is the co-founder
of Applied Trust, a company that provides IT infrastructure consulting
services. Trent holds a BS in Computer Science from the University of
Colorado. Ben Whaley is the Director of Enterprise Architecture at
Applied Trust. Ben earned a BS in Computer Science from the University
of Colorado. He is an expert in storage management, virtualization, and
web infrastructure.






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