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Pro Python System Administration

2013-7-31 20:10| 发布者: admin| 查看: 658| 评论: 0|原作者: Rytis Sileika|来自: [db:来源]

出版时间:July, 2010

Book Description
As time goes on, system administrators are
presented with increasingly complicated challenges. In the early days, a team of
engineers might have had to look after one or two systems. These days, one
engineer can administer hundreds or thousands of systems.

System administrators are gradually replacing their tools with more advanced
and flexible ones. One of the choices is Python. Structurally, Python is a
modern, high-level language with a very clean syntax. Python comes with many
built-in libraries that can make automation tasks easier. It also has extensive
set of third-party libraries and a very active development community. This
flexibility makes Python a good choice for a wide variety of tasks, from
prototyping science applications to system maintenance and administration

  • This book explains and shows how to apply Python scripting in practice.
    Unlike the majority of the Python books, it will show you how to approach and
    resolve real-world issues that most system administrators will come across in
    their careers.
  • In this book, you will find several projects in the categories of network
    administration, web server administration, and monitoring and database
    management. In each project, we will define the problem, design the solution,
    and go through the more interesting implementation steps.
  • Each project is accompanied with the source code of a fully working
    prototype, which you’ll be able to use immediately or adapt to your requirements
    and environment.

What you’ll learn

  • Solve real-world system administration problems using Python.
  • Manage devices with SNMP and SOAP.
  • Build a distributed monitoring system.
  • Manage web applications and parse complex log files.
  • Automatically monitor and manage MySQL databases.

Who is this book for?
This book is primarily aimed at
experienced system administrators whose day-to-day tasks involve looking after
and managing small-to-medium-sized server estates. It will also be beneficial
for system administrators who want to learn more about automation and want to
apply their Python knowledge to solve various system administration

Python developers will also benefit from reading this book, especially if
they are involved in developing automation and management tools.

This book assumes that readers already use Python and are comfortable with
the language. Most of the Linux distributions come with Python and various
libraries (such as Django, PIL and SciPy) packaged and readily available, but
basic knowledge of installing packages in a Linux/Unix environment is

About the Author
Rytis Sileika has over ten years
experience in system administration and system design. Previously, he worked as
a system integration engineer and platform designer for enterprises, designing
and building telecom platforms. Currently, Rytis administers systems in one of
the largest online betting exchanges.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 416 pages
  • Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (July, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1430226056
  • ISBN-13: 978-1430226055






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