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推出不同口味啤酒 只为增加节日气氛

 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-17 17:13:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
It's weird beer time in America.
Beer and ale are already available, any time of year, in familiar varieties: lager, pilsner, stout, India pale ale. But perhaps inspired by candymakers and coffee bars, U.S. brewers by the hundreds produce flavored "seasonal" varieties for the winter holidays.
各种熟悉品牌的啤酒,比如德国的Lager淡味啤酒,森啤酒,烈啤酒及印度淡啤酒在每年的任何时候都可以买到。 但也许是受糖果小店和咖啡酒吧的影响,美国啤酒生产商在冬季假日为爱好者们带来了成百上千口味的“季节”性啤酒。
Brews flavored with chocolate, pumpkin, cinnamon, clove - even oatmeal and gingerbread - are said to spice up holiday parties, so to speak.
据说有巧克力味、南瓜味、肉桂味、丁香味——甚至还有燕麦味和姜饼味供您选择 ——相信这些啤酒会增添节日聚会的气氛。
The large Samuel Adams craft brand, for instance, ships out something called "Cranberry Lambic" beer this time of year, not to mention holiday porters, black lagers, and a brew called "Old Fezziwig Ale." One reviewer, sounding very much like a snooty wine critic, described Old Fezziwig as possessing "a nose full of roasted malt."
举Lager的三姆·亚当斯这一大品牌为例,今年推出“小红莓啤酒”, 更不用提及啤酒爱好者们耳熟能详的holiday porters,黑啤酒及被称为“老费泽威格麦酒”的啤酒。 一位声音听起来非常傲慢的酒评论家甚至在描述老费泽威格麦酒时表示“鼻子里充满烤麦芽的香气”。
So-called "winter brews" are usually darker, heavier on the hops, and a tad more alcoholic than the usual fare. They include brands such as "Winter Solstice," "Old Jubilation," "Winter Warmer," "Snow Cap," "Hibernation Ale," and "Santa's Private Reserve."
那些“冬季酿造”的啤酒颜色通常较为暗淡,啤酒花则更重一些,而酒精含量却比正常的高。 一些品牌通常包含这种啤酒,比如“冬至”、“老喜庆”、“冬季温暖”、“雪帽”、“冬眠麦酒”及“圣诞老人的私人保护区。”
Or not so private, since Oregon's Rogue Brewing Company sells it to anyone who wants to buy it.
Some drinkers detest flavored beers and thick, dark, bitter winter ales. But they must be selling well, since at least 100 American brewers fill store shelves with these wintertime-only varieties.
一些饮酒者厌恶有味道的啤酒,称这些冬季啤酒品味厚重、颜色乌黑及口感苦涩。 但是这些啤酒须销路很好,至少100家美国酿酒商填补这些只有在冬季才有的品种啤酒的货架。
So when ordinary pale lagers aren't catching holiday shoppers' eyes, perhaps a "Nutcracker Ale," a "Snowball's Chance Winter Ale," a "Frambozen," brews named "Igloo" and "Jack Frost" and "Slowblind Winter Warmer," a Texas "dunkelweizen" that one aficionado calls "a drinkable fruitcake," or something called "Tannen Bomb" which has nothing to do with a Christmas tree, will do the trick.
所以,当普通的淡浓啤酒已经无法再使假日购物者充满购买欲望, 或者“胡桃夹子麦酒”,“雪球的机会冬季啤酒”,“Frambozen”,“冰屋”,“杰克霜”,“ Slowblind Winter Warmer”,得克萨斯的“dunkelweizen”,还有一种被称为“饮用的水果蛋糕”, 或“Tannen Bomb”的这些老牌劲旅没有增添您的节日氛围,那独特的冬季啤酒就会登场。

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