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Attractiveness discrimination: Hiring hotties

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-3 10:34:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
MARYLOU’S COFFEE, a chain in New England, is renowned less for its coffee than for its staff. In tight pink T-shirts and short shorts, they tend to be young, pretty and female. But is that illegal? In May the press reported that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission was investigating Marylou’s for hiring discrimination. (The EEOC cannot confirm any investigation at this point.) Worse, the papers said the investigation comes without anyone having complained about being turned down for a job. Op-ed writers pounced. A writer at the Boston Herald proclaimed: “Yes, Marylou’s ‘discriminates’. Every employer ‘discriminates’. If they didn’t, I’d be working as a Chippendales dancer.”
The federal government has no law forbidding “attractiveness discrimination”. Only a few places do: Washington, DC, and Santa Cruz and San Francisco in California. Instead, lawsuits proceed on the fact that it is usually illegal to discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, disability or national origin. Customer preference for a certain “look” cannot be the only basis for such discrimination, or else stores in racist areas could refuse to hire black employees. In 2004 the EEOC sued Abercrombie & Fitch, a clothing retailer. The company said that its staff’s looks were part of its marketing approach. But in the words of Justine Lisser, an EEOC lawyer, “That look was that you had to be white, young and physically fit. If you were young, physically fit and African-American you’d be in the stockroom.” Abercrombie & Fitch paid $50m to settle the case.
联邦政府并没有任何法律限制“相貌歧视”,只有少数地方政府有,如华盛顿特区、加州的旧金山和圣克鲁兹等。通常,有关雇佣的法律纠纷都是由于性别、种族、宗教信仰、残疾和民族方面的非法歧视而引起。顾客对某种“外貌”的偏好不能成为相貌歧视的唯一理由,不然的话,在种族歧视严重地区的店家可能会拒绝雇佣黑人雇员。2004年时,平等就业机会委员会曾对一家名为Abercrombie &Fitch的服装商店发起诉讼。这家商店说,他们的雇员的外貌是营销策略的组成部分。但是,平等就业机会委员会的律师杰斯丁.利斯尔说:“他们所说的外貌就是,你必须是白人、年轻、体格好。假如你是一个年轻、体格好的黑人,你只能在仓库工作。”这家店最后以五千万美元了断了这件官司。
As for hiring a single sex, the key is whether that sex is a “bona fide occupational qualification”. Southwest Airlines used to flaunt its hostesses in its marketing (“Spreading love all over Texas”). But in 1981 a court found that, unlike the Playboy Club, Southwest’s business was not “forthrightly to titillate and entice male customers”, but to ferry them from Dallas to Houston. Southwest was ordered to hire men as well.
Chippendales can go on refusing to hire pasty journalists. But one day Marylou’s may have to choose between claiming its business is “forthrightly to titillate male customers”, or change its hiring practices. Perhaps a few men, or ladies of a certain age?

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