
什么是光?What is Light?




什么是光?What is Light?



Chapter 1 General Property of Wave(波的一般性质)

--1.0 History of Optics 光学的历史发展

--1.1 Why Classical Wave Theory is Correct 经典理论为何正确

--1.2 Wave and Wave Equation 波和波动方程

--1.3 Harmonic Wave 简谐波

--1.4 Phase Velocity and Phase Difference 相速度与相位差

--1.5 Superposition Principle 叠加原理

--1.6 Example of Superposition and Reciprocal Relation 叠加例子与反比关系

--1.7 Euler Formula and Phasor 波的复数表达和旋转矢量表示

--1.8 Doppler Effect 多普勒效应

--1.9 Doppler Broadening 多普勒展宽

--1.10 Plane Wave and Spherical Wave 平面波与球面波


Chapter 2 Electro-Magnetic Wave(电磁波)

--2.1 Maxwell Equations(Maxwell 方程组)

--2.2 Wave Equation for E-M Field(电磁场的波动方程)

--2.3.1 Index of Refraction(折射率)

--2.3.2 Understanding n from Dipoles(用偶极模型理解折射率)

--2.4 E-M Wave is Transverse(电磁波是横波)

--2.5 Energy Flow of E-M Wave(电磁波的能流)

--2.6 Momentum and photo-Pressure(动量和光压)

--2.7.1 Dipole Oscillator 1(偶极振子1)

--2.7.2 Dipole Oscillator 2(偶极振子2)

--2.8 Radiation by Dipole Oscillator(偶极振子的辐射)


Chapter 3 Light Propagation through Homogeneous and Isotropic Media

--3.1 Reflection and Refraction (反射与折射)

--3.2 Huygens Principle(惠更斯原理)

--3.3.1 Fermat Principle part1: Optical Path Length (费马原理第一部分:光程)

--3.3.2 Fermat Principle part2: an Explanation (费马原理第二部分:一种解释)

--3.4.1 Scattering Point of View 1 (散射图像1)

--3.4.2 Scattering Point of View 2 (散射图像2)

--3.5 Reflection and Refraction Rules Derived from Boundary Conditions of Maxwell Equations(利用Maxwell方

--3.6.1 The Basic problem and Setup of Coordinates (基本问题和坐标系的建立)

--3.6.2 The Reflection and Transmission Coefficients (发射与透射系数)

--3.6.3 Discussion on Amplitude of the Coefficients (对系数大小的讨论)

--3.6.4 Discussion on Phase of the Coefficients (对系数位相的讨论)

--3.7 Stokes Relation and Half Wavelength Difference (Stokes关系式和半波损)


Chapter 4 Geometric optics(几何光学)

--4.1 Introduction(几何光学介绍)

--4.2 Important Jargons(重要的术语)

--4.3.1 Image formation by Spherical Surface and Paraxial Approxiamation(球面成像和傍轴近似)

--4.3.2 Image Formation Formula(成像公式)

--4.3.3 Example and Transverse Magnification(例题和横向放大率)

--4.4 Thin Lens(薄透镜)

--4.5 Thick Lens(厚透镜)

--4.6.1 Matrix Treatment 1: Matrix for Propagation and Refraction(矩阵处理1:表示传播与折射的矩阵)

--4.6.2 Matrix Treatment 2: Lens Matrix(矩阵处理2:透镜矩阵)

--4.6.3 Matrix Treatment 3: Relations between Matrix Elements and Cardinal Points(矩阵处理3:矩阵元与主点的联系)


Chapter 5 Interference and Coherence(Part 1)

--5.0 What is Interference(什么是干涉)

--5.1.1 Superposition of Waves: General Case(波叠加的通式)

--5.1.2 Adding Wave with Same Frequency and Direction(同频同向波的叠加)

-- Standing Wave 1 (驻波(上))

-- Standing Wave 2 (驻波(下))

-- Adding Waves with Different Frequencies 1: Beat and Group Velocity(不同频率波的叠加(上):拍和群速度)

-- Adding Waves with Different Frequencies 2: Continuous Frequency Spectrum(不同频率波的叠加(中):连续的频谱)

-- Adding Waves with Different Frequencies 3: property of Wave Packet and Reciprocal Relation(不

--5.2.1 Interference of Two Point Sources and Coherent Condition(两个点源的干涉和相干条件)

--5.2.2 Young's Double-Slits Experiment(杨氏双缝干涉实验)

--5.2.3 Another Treatment of Young's Interference, Paraxial and Far-field Condition(杨氏干涉的另一种处理,傍轴和远场条


--5.3.0 Interference by Thin Film(薄膜干涉)

--5.3.1 Equal Thickness Fringe(等厚干涉条纹)

--5.3.2 Equal Inclination Fringe(等倾干涉条纹)

--5.3.3 Michelson Interferometer(Michelson干涉仪)

--5.4.0 Multibeam Interference(多光束干涉)

-- Derivation 1(理论推导(上))

-- Derivation 2(理论推导(下))

-- Discussion(结论与讨论)

-- Application: F-P Interferometer(应用:F-P 干涉仪)

--5.5.0 Coherence Theory(相干理论)

--5.5.1 Spatial Coherence(空间相干性)

-- Temporal Coherence(时间相干性)

-- Coherent Time and Length(相干时间和相干长度)

-- Definition of Correlation Function(关联函数定义)

-- Correlation Function and Coherence(关联函数与相干)


Chapter 6(1)

--6.1 basic problem in diffraction(衍射的基本问题)

--6.2.1 Huygens-Fresnel Principle and Kirchhoff Euation(惠更斯-菲涅耳原理和基尔霍夫方程)

--6.2.2 Fresnel and Fraunhoffer Diffraction(菲涅耳与夫琅和费衍射)

--6.3.1 Fresnel Diffraction 1: Half Wavelength Plate(菲涅耳衍射1:半波带法)

--6.3.2 Fresnel Diffraction 2: Phasor Method(菲涅耳衍射2:旋转矢量法)

--6.3.3 Fresnel Diffraction 3: Opaque Disk and Babinet Principle(菲涅耳衍射3:圆屏衍射和Babinet原理)

--6.3.4 Fresnel Diffraction 4: Fresnel Zone Plate(an application)(菲涅耳衍射4:菲涅耳波带片(一个应用))

--6.4.0 Fraunhoffer Diffraction: General Expression(夫琅和费衍射1:普遍表达形式)

-- Single Slit Fraunhoffer Diffraction(单缝夫琅和费衍射)

-- Characteristic of Single Slit Case(单缝衍射的特点)

--6.4.2 Fraunhoffer Diffraction for Rectangular Window(矩形窗口的夫琅和费衍射)

-- Fraunhoffer Diffraction for Circular Aperture(圆孔的夫琅和费衍射)

-- Diffraction Limit on Resolution(分辨率的衍射极限)


Chapter 6(2)

--6.5.1 Fraunhoffer Diffraction for 2-slits Case(双缝夫琅和费衍射)

-- Multi-slits Dffraction 1: Intensity distribution(多缝衍射1:光强分布)

-- Multi-slits Diffraction 2: Interference between Slits and Principal maxima(多缝衍射2:缝间干涉和主极大)

-- Multi-slits Diffraction 3: Missing Order and Examples(多缝衍射3:缺级与例题)

-- Grating Spectrometer(光栅光谱仪)

-- Dispersion Relation of Grating Spectrometer(光栅光谱仪的色散关系)

-- Dispersion Power and Resolution(色散能力和分辨率)

-- Free Spectral Range(自由光谱程)


Chapter 7

--7.0 introducing Fourier expansion and transform(介绍傅里叶展开与变换)

--7.1.1 Fourier transform for periodic functions(周期函数的傅里叶展开)

--7.1.2 examples on Fourier expansion(傅里叶展开的例子)

--7.2.1 Fourier transform for general functions(一般函数的傅里叶变换)

--7.2.2 Fourier transforms of some typical functions and relation on width distribution(一些典型函数的傅里叶变换和分

--7.3.1 Dirac delta function(狄拉克delta函数)

--7.3.2 Fourier transform of the delta function(delta函数的傅里叶变换)

--7.4.1 properties of Fourier transform(傅里叶变换的性质)

--7.4.2 Fourier transform of derivatives(函数导数的傅里叶变换)

--7.4.3 what is convolution between functions(函数的卷积是什么)

--7.4.4 Fourier transform of convolution(卷积的傅里叶变换)

--7.5 relation between fourier transform and Fraunhoffer equation(傅里叶变换与夫琅禾费衍射之间的关系)

--7.6 Abbe image formation(阿贝成像原理)


Chapter 8(上)

--8.1 what is polarization(什么是偏振)

--8.2.1 how to express polarization state(如何表达偏振态)

--8.2.2 unpolarized and partial polarized light(非偏振态和部分偏振态)

--8.3 linear polarizer(线偏振片)

-- Jones vector(Jones 矢量)

-- Transformation of Jones Vector(Jones 矢量的变换)

--8.4.2 Jones matrix(Jones 矩阵)


Chapter 8(下)

--8.5.1 Birefringence and a simple illustration

--8.5.2 Ordinary and Extraordinary light

--8.5.3 Typical Examples

--8.6.1 application 1-linear polarizer

-- application 2-quarter wave plate

-- application 2-change polarization state by quarter wave-plate

-- application2-change direction of polarization by half-plate













蒋硕, 副教授, 美国芝加哥大学化学系博士,美国宾州州立大学物理系博士后。 在清华大学物理系主讲基础物理原理与实验一 (力学与狭义相对论);基础物理原理与实验三(光学与量子初步)。 基原三也是教育部双语教学示范课程。 上述课程主要教学对象为物理系本科学生。

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