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VOA 11月20日常速新闻简讯(2)

 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-17 15:20:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
At the butcher shop where Omar Faraj worked as a cashier, the till is unmanned. In late October, Kenyan police killed Faraj, accusing him of planning a terrorist attack.
在奥马尔•法拉吉担任收银员工作的肉店,钱箱已经没有人负责。 在10月下旬,肯尼亚警察杀死了法拉吉,指控他策划恐怖袭击。
Butcher Joseph Kawemba, who worked with Faraj since 2008, "Many customers have not come back… the customers who do come are very upset. They come here and they cry."
屠夫约瑟夫•卡韦巴自2008年以来与法拉吉一起工作, “许多客户已经不会回来…而回来的顾客们会非常沮丧。 他们来到这里就开始大哭。”
Early on a Sunday morning, anti-terror police surrounded Faraj's apartment, firing at the building and lobbing canisters of tear gas inside. After the raid, neighbors found Faraj's dead body on top of his wife Rahma, who had passed out. Police said they recovered grenades and ammunition from the apartment.
早在一个星期天的早上,反恐警察们包围了法拉吉的公寓,对着建筑物射击并朝里面投掷催泪瓦斯罐。 在突袭后,邻居发现法拉吉的尸体在已经去世的妻子蓝巴身体上。 警方称在公寓里查获了手榴弹和弹药。
At the Memon Villa mosque where Faraj often led prayers, a friend who declined to be on camera, believes the police made a mistake. "They claimed he was found with grenades, and yet we know he doesn't even own a knife to slaughter a chicken. He wouldn't even know where to buy a grenade. These things, they surprise us. Even now," said the friend.
而在法拉吉常常祷告的麦尔孟维拉清真寺,一位朋友拒绝在镜头前出现,他相信警察犯了一个错误。 “他们宣称他被发现持有手榴弹,但我们了解他自己甚至连宰鸡用的小刀都没有。 他甚至不知道去哪里买一枚手榴弹。 即使是现在这些东西仍然让我们感到惊讶。”朋友说道。
Kenya receives U.S. funding and intelligence support for its anti-terror efforts. In October, it passed new anti-terrorism legislation, giving authorities more leeway to root out suspected terror cells.
肯尼亚在其反恐打击上收到美国资金和情报支持。 10月份,这个国家通过了新的反恐立法,给予当局根除可疑的恐怖细胞更多的回旋余地。
Aggrey Adoli, the Coast province police chief: "Whenever we come across anybody who may be associating with al-Shabab or any other militia groups like al-Qaida or other terrorist groups, then we are able to deal with this particular person quite rightly to distort their operations and disorientate them completely so that they do not create any kind of crimes within the region."
海岸省警察局长阿格里•阿朵里说道: “每当我们遇到可能与青年党或像基地组织及其他恐怖组织这样的任何其他民兵组织有联系的人时, 然后我们能够处理这个特定的人,相当正确地扰乱他们的行动并使完全迷惑他们以便他们在区域内不带来任何类型的犯罪。”
In August, rioters set fire to cars after Muslim cleric Aboud Rogo, with alleged ties to al-Shabab, was shot dead. Though the police deny responsibility, human rights groups believe Rogo's was one of several extrajudicial killings and abductions carried out by Kenyan security forces.
8月份,在穆斯林神职人员阿卜杜•罗格涉嫌与青年党有染被射杀后暴徒们放火燃烧汽车。 尽管警察否认责任,但人权组织认为, 罗格是肯尼亚安全部队所实施法外处决和绑架事件的其中一人。
Mombasa-based Muslims for Human Rights, or MUHURI, is now investigating Faraj's death. MUHURI's director, Khelef Khalifa: "The responsibility to investigate, it is the police, it is not a human rights organization or anyone else. They are mandated by law. Going to a place at 2 o'clock and terrorizing the whole neighborhood, it is not fair, really."
蒙巴萨的穆斯林人权组织,或者简称MUHURI,现在正在就法拉吉的死亡进行调查。 MUHURI负责人柯乐夫•哈利法说道: “调查的责任,是警察,而不是一个人权组织或其他任何人。 他们是由法律规定。 在2点钟去一个地方并恐吓整个街区,这是不公平的,真的。”
Khalifa claims the passing of the anti-terror bill has allowed the police, whom he says have a long history of committing extrajudicial killings, to act with impunity. "Now we ask ourselves, why did they go and shoot somebody if that person was not hiding? They could have easily gone to his place of work and arrested him," he said.
哈利法塔称反恐法案的通过允许警察,他称有一个悠久的历史承诺可以采取法外处决,而不受惩罚。 “现在我们扪心自问, 如果那个人没有隐藏为什么他们会向某人开枪? 他们可以轻易地去他工作的地方并将他逮捕归案,”他说道。
In this city, many now live in fear of the police.

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