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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-17 17:13:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A humanitarian agency warns that millions of people in West Africa are facing a food crisis. Oxfam is calling on donors to take immediate action. Oxfam's regional humanitarian coordinator, Nahuel Arenas, says there's no time to waste.
人道主义机构告诫说成百上千万的西非人民将要面临一场严重的粮食危机。 牛津饥荒救济委员会呼吁大家立即行动起来为西非人民捐款, 该委员会地区人道主义责任人纳乌艾.阿里纳表示我们已经没有时间犹豫了。
"We are talking about January/February. So this is why we need to respond now," he said.
他说道,“大概明年一月二月灾难就会发生, 所以我们现在就要做准备。”
People in Mauritania, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali and Chad are said to be particularly at risk. Arenas said the Sahel region often experiences cycles of drought and floods, causing food insecurity. And while that didn't happen this year, the region did face a combination of problems.
据报道,毛里塔尼亚,尼日尔,布基纳法索,马里,乍得这几个西非国家面临粮食危机的可能性更大。 阿里纳表示,萨赫勒常常是干旱洪灾轮番轰炸,粮食危机严重。 即使今年没有这些问题,这个地区也面临其他一系列问题。
"We had a very bad rain season, on which most of the rural population depends in the Sahel region. We had very few rains very badly spread over the territory. And at the same time we had an increase in prices in the markets. So what happens is that the local populations are facing the double challenge of low production and increasing prices. So less access to the markets," he said.
“我们这里雨季短暂,农村大部分地区都依赖撒赫勒地区供水。 整个地区降雨都很少。 但与此同时,市场价格却在上涨。 所以,当地人民就同时面临产量低和价格高两个问题。 也就减弱了市场经济。”他表示。
Oxfam reported cereal production fell this year and describes national food reserves as dangerously low. That's caused the jump in prices. Food is available at some markets, but people simply can't afford to buy it. Arenas said when that happens giving money is better than food aid.
牛津饥荒救济委员会报告称谷物产量今年有所降低,国际粮食储备也是非常少。 这导致粮食价格大幅上涨。 虽然市场上粮食供给充足,但是人们无力购买。 阿里纳表示如果这种情况发生了,派发现金远远好过粮食救济。
"So in these cases we promote the use of cash transfers. So on one side we help households to access their food requirements and at the same time we support markets and the local economy," he said.
“所以,在这种情况下,我们鼓励现金交易。 这样,我们一方面帮助家庭满足粮食需求, 另一方面,也支持当地经济。”他说。
Oxfam said regional governments have already recognized the problem. It's calling on them to provide cash transfers and feed for livestock, while preparing to distribute emergency food aid. But the agency's regional humanitarian coordinator said international donors need to act now, as well.
牛津饥荒救济委员会表示地区政府已经意识到这个问题。 他们已经呼吁当地政府提供现金支助,帮助喂养牲畜,同时提供粮食援助。 但是,该机构当地人道主义负责人表示现在我们需要开展国际捐助。
"Our message would be that the international community can still avoid the worst if we act together now. We know from past crises that acting too late costs far more in lost lives and livelihoods and it's more expensive," said Arenas.
“如果我们现在行动起来,我们仍然可以避免最糟糕的情况发生。 从之前的危机中,我们得知行动晚了会导致更多的性命丧失,更多的人不能保障基本生活, 到时候,拯救花费的代价也更大。”他说。
Oxfam is concentrating on food security, water and sanitation and advocacy to help deal with the situation.
牛津饥荒救济委员会现在正致力于保障粮食,水,卫生系统的供给, 并且呼吁大家帮助解决这个问题。

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