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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-17 17:14:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
This orange tabby cuts a dashing figure, from his wide-brimmed hat to his rugged leather boots, with his deadly sword ever at the ready.
Since his first appearance in the 2004 hit "Shrek 2," audiences have wanted to know more about this "Puss in Boots." Where did he come from? How did he become such a great fighter? Does he have a girlfriend?"
由于它曾经在“怪物史瑞克Ⅱ”中的精彩表演,很多观众对“鞋猫剑客”都非常期待。 例如:这位鞋帽剑客是从哪里来的? 他是怎么样成为一位伟大战士的? 他有女朋友吗?
She is Kitty Softpaws, a sly feline every bit as daring as the hero. Salma Hayek is the voice of Kitty and Antonio Banderas once again creates Puss.
这只猫在片中的女朋友叫做Kitty Softpaws,她是一个既淘气又勇敢的英雄。 演员萨尔玛·海耶克为Kitty配音,而安东尼奥·班德拉斯再一次为虎皮猫配音,它在该片中叫做Puss。
"It is almost embarrassing to say this, but it's easy. It is just fun," Banderas says. "You don't feel that you are spending as much money as you do when you are working on a traditional movie with everybody rushing you because there are 200 people there. It's a lot of fun."
班德拉斯说:“在配音的时候感到有些尴尬,但是那些台词都很简单, 也很有趣。 整个片场多达两百人,他们都在你身边急急忙忙地催促着你,所以你根本没有时间去想你花了多少钱在这部传统电影上。” 很有趣。
Director Chris Miller has been part of the creative team behind the "Shrek" films from the beginning. He credits Banderas with making Puss worthy of his own movie.
导演Chris Miller曾经是“怪物史瑞克”电影创作部的一员。 他非常信任班德拉斯,所以请他来给自己这部电影里面的主角配音。
"We started with a great character: bold, dynamic, colorful, romantic, larger than life. Everything just sort of springs off from the character that Antonio created. The look of the film is a reflection of his character."
“我们这部片子塑造的角色特点是勇敢的,有活力的,华美的,浪漫的,有点脱离于实际生活的。 安东尼奥诠释的这个角色是很有张力的。 感觉这部影片中的形象就是他个人性格的真实写照。”
Comic actor Zach Galifianakis costars as the voice of the film's villain,
喜剧演员扎克·加利费安纳基斯为该片中的恶棍Humpty Dumpty配音,
Galifianakis is quick to defend the egg who sat on a wall and had a great fall.
"I think Humpty Dumpty is a little bit all over the place and he is a little emotional and greedy and a little vindictive," he says. "He is also trying to have a friendship, legitimate maybe, but his greed gets the best of him. I think down deep in his yolk, he's an okay guy."
他说:“我认为Humpty Dumpty是一个有点多管闲事的,情绪化的,而且贪婪,又有报复心的角色。 其实他也尝试着去结交朋友,真正的朋友,但是他的贪婪让他变得太自私了。 我想,他的本性还是善良的。”
Tweaking traditional fairy tale characters is part of the fun in the "Shrek" films. The original "Puss in Boots" came from French literature, but with Antonio Banderas and Salma Hayek as the lead voices, the heroes become Hispanic and Banderas believes that sends a good message to young audiences.
对传统的童话故事角色进行改编是“怪物史瑞克”系列电影中的亮点之一。 “鞋猫剑客”的原著出自法国文学家之手,但是由于安东尼奥·班德拉斯和萨尔玛·海耶克领衔为该片男女主角配音,使得这两位英雄成了讲西班牙语的人。 班德拉斯指出,这部影片对年轻的观众们来说,将具有良好的教育意义。
"When I first came to America to do "The Mambo Kings" 21 years ago, somebody on the set said to me 'If you stay here, basically you are going to play the bad guy in movies.' In these 21 years, everything changed very much," Banderas says. "In a way, it is a reflection of what is happening in society, so we are actually very proud that our characters are Latinos and I think it is good for diversity and cultural interaction. This movie is going to be seen by kids, and they are going to watch the movie and see that the heroes have strong accents and this is good."
班德拉斯说:“21年前我第一次来到美国拍摄电影‘曼波歌王’,当时在拍摄现场有人对我说:‘如果你留在美国发展,基本上你将扮演的都是反派人物。’ 但是在这21年里,变化太大了。 从某种程度上说,这部电影是对社会现象的一种反映,所以,能将该片的角色塑造成拉丁美洲人,我们感到非常自豪。 而且,我认为这有益于文化交流和多样性发展。 该影片针对的观众主要是小孩子,当孩子们在看这部电影的时候,他们会觉得英雄们说话的口音很重很有趣,这很好。”
Mexican filmmaker Guillermo del Toro, known for horror and suspense thrillers, is an executive producer on "Puss in Boots," giving the film an edge as well as that Latin flavor.
“鞋猫剑客”的监制人是擅长拍摄恐怖和悬疑惊悚片的墨西哥导演吉尔莫·德尔·托罗, 他巧妙地给本片增添了很多拉丁风味。

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